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Advertisements & Notices

... HE MORNING CHRONICLE LABOUR AND THE POOR The demands ronstantly nade to obtain the early NuRbers o! THE MORNING CHRONICLE ~owtalining the Letters es, LABOUR AND THE POOR,' in the MITROPOLITn AaRICUL- 2nRAL, and MANUFACTURBO DlSTLICT, have indu ' thhe Lon- ductors of that Jgurnal to direct the RitnIDIACAT19N of those Let- ters in SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twenty-four Columns eachx), to he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T7~ R CLCUTA, o hae imediate despatch,! J the fsh e, lrstRIDass,6f6gatenbuietishpePERSLA, 669tERMregiLter WILA ?? ommander; loading in the London Dc. hs hp a frt ocshs iphsistrate hop acomneodlatione ?? ndseag passengers. 5For freight or passage apply toJ.F. CAmPBLLander~, ?? 11 n OR ofBY evrymothlaet calln at Portsot NMatal. Garto leuv Gibbe Dgents th neary), The trrngementcls, forigate- ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? PUBLICATIONS. s, 1HE QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. CLXXI., g was Published YESTERDAY. f John Murray, Albemarle-atreet. d HUNGARY AND TRANSYLYANIA. ti Now ready, a new Edition, with Map and Illustration. 2 vols. Svo. .i AGET'S COMPLETE ACCOUNT ac _[ of HUNGARY and TRANSYLVANIA. d John Murray, Albemarle-street. u V1 THE CONCLUDING VOLUME OF PASCAL. By GEORGE NJ PEARCE, EsQ. P Just published, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iN the MATTER of LETTERS PATENT J. granted to JOHN ERICSSON, formerly of Brook-,treet, ?cie.road, It tue county of Middlesex, civil engineer, for'? An jiseslion of an Itoproved Propeller applicable to Steam Naviga- ?NoticO is herchy gveti that snider and by Virtue and in ?iceor an act made and passed in thc session of Parliament },iinlbcfifllt and sixth ye of the reign of his late Majesty ,? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CROSBY HALL, Bishopsgate.-Under the immo- diatc ;patronage of Sir JAIIES DUKE, Baret., M.P., and ether I disdnjoaslid parties.-On, MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 14, M~r. ?? wit ivaSEE~lO olthe SONGS of S 500 TL~NI), being his fie~t appearuaooin l.onion, esi ted by theIF deerickSmith,. Toucorntsoncc at So'cloco, and tsersinata about 10.T' Tickets,2,I. each. Rttoerved seat-% 3s. Tickets to be bud of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ri' HE MORNING} CHRONICLEi LABOUR AND THE POOR. The demlandc constesitly muade to obtalin the early Numbers of 'IHE MORNING CHBONICL' containing the Letters on LAiiOUp AN;D TIIE P0011, iu thle M}:ThOiOLiTAN, AORiC tON~l,, andl MlANOFACTOHIN DISTRLcTS, have induced the co- ductors of that Journal to direct the RirtrusibcAriON of those Lt tersin SUPPLEYENTS . .k (containing Tiwenty-four ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to . -olbu, aged30 ?? ADIS'COMPANION AT HOME ANND hea . ARlONDI REdited by Mrs. Loutoy,. N.11 rc ri ad - pod h 4. vrili =p D rJ l ri m Xd or rilsapd4. ilbe Publiahat on Saturday, January, 12. {r At area t Oct oia r 8tera S: irbe AD Work BKi witha Illustration. ke A119*1ina's a ted!m By fedR 1in UloIiod. ra Ltter n Physic~al Geogrphy. By Prolessor Musted. d, The ite ?? ichlier. Ry MrA.Percy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE to SHIPPERS for CALCU ITA.- ilg~,~ntended for theleADY 1TUTE, Capt. MACEIINLAY, must tbe at tideide in the West Inlls Dock, and cleared, by 4 o'clock freight or passage apply to A. and D. FORBES, 12, Fenchureh-street. N OTIC'E to SHIPPERS for CA]CTA.,I ' goods intci ded for the SOD AIIADABl, Captain S. Ca UMFREL 'tILLE, must be down and cleawed at the 'West India Dock on or itefor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IGHT, CHEAP, and DURABLE ROOFING.- .EJ CR00 OON'S Patent Asgphalte ROOFING FELT and Ins- .odorous Felt for damp walls, sold in rolls 32 inches w ide, price 3d. per square foot; also dry hair felt for preventing the radiation of .heat and deadonhig sound, and sheathing for ships' tottomss, on which the copper lies esnlootli-Saniples, directions, anid testi- i snlonials sent by ?? and Co., 2, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... abbatiotmento. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE. Lessee and Manager, M r James Anderson. The most successful Pantomime! fNN Monday nill be presented (by express LI desire), THE LADY OF LYONS. Claude Melnotte, Mir James Anderson; Beauceant, Mir William Montague; Glavis, Mr J. Parry; Colonel, afterwards General Damas, Mr Basil Baker; Monsieur Desehappelles, Mr W. Davidge; Pauline Desehappelles, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to INDIA and CHINA ? EGYPT.- MONTHLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for ? rid hght gOOdS to CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTIA, ?111getS SINGAFOZtE, and HONG KONG. - The Penriseirlar stesm Navigation Company book paxiesigers and re- ? ?eds aed parcels fur the above ports by their steamers, start- ?oi SoothktIPton err the 20th of every inosath, and frees Suez ?? ?? the lltir of the month. ?i it 4ypassengers for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ''OR CALCUTAY, wto heave imto d IaT-Id t -Nh, F ~the l~ev ttr tclus, fr5tgate-builtship fieSA, 669 t-oes, fregater, ~VlLnlaudM, loading T ?? ?? ending sin thas Londo Iateaccommhi hpha is-rt op coodatiuos for cbninemdaead trg6passengers -For freighlt or passage apply toithe CommBLLander Con, bl Corubto O' R BOMBAY, iret leveto Sail pant Plyon Ntal F )ia Ferave th ek 5t au), the fine nwfiaebiti, ...