... 1 1'IL D - J.::ll LVI U JIAIn . it CORONER'S VERDICT IN THE CASE O7. V DRt. PARKMALN2. n (From ilic Boston Post of December 14.) P At six o'clock, yesterday afternoon, the jury of inquest oti the remains of the body foundi in the Medical College, mnade up their verdict, and.the members of the press, who were ii waiting in an adjoining room, were called into 'tbe jury room,te :to hear the ...


... DEATH FROM) ALLEGED NEGLECT.: _ On Friday last, Mr. E. Hlerfora, borough coroner, hield au 1910 'inqiuest on the body of a wornau, named Alary .11nter, 3a 2290 years of sge, vwho had( died at No. .8,Lnlgaic t ,'wjioet 80 receiving proper med ?? attendance. The following evideice 1440 wuas ?? U'Donough, of No.5, Ludgate-street: 110 I o ou selling herrings, andkeep lodgers; h have onl; two rooms ...


... CORE SESSIONS-FR1I~)AY DEC. 28. (Before Walter Berwick, Esq.) THE INNISOARRA RIOT. Denis, John, Jeremiah, and Micheal Callaghan, JohnD;I- lea, Denis Leahy, Jeremiah Murphy, and about eight or ten more were indicted for a riot and malicious assault on John Curry, arising out of the rescue of the Widow Callaghan's corn, seized for rent due to Sir George Colthurst. The trial lasted for more than ...


... VILLE3O1S, THE SMUGGLER. I ~ ~ -- - I All the world is acquainted with the history of Peter I., that Emperor who was a sailor,soldiertuwuer, meclianic'an, 0 and toe perseverhig civulizer of a savage people, exhibitigr - in the execution of his plans of reform, the ferocity of the O lion and the eye of the eage, holding in one hand the lig-lt 0 which dazzled, by blinding. his stupid subjects,, ...


... ,SURREYQ QUARTER EShSIONS-TUESDAY. The general qnarter sessions of the peace for the county ? of Surrey conmtneceed tias forenoon ait the Court-holise, ?? nauseway. The court stat during the day trans- 1 acting the county business, and the following miagistiates were present onl the ben:ch :-The Right Hon. the Earl of a Lovelace, lord-lielitenalnt of the county ; 'honaws fi'icle, I Esq., ...


... SECONDARIES CO UR T-WEDNESDAY. [Before Mr. Secondary Potter and a Special Jury.] BELL AND OTHERS, ASSIGNEES V. CORY-BREACH OF EN- GAGEMENT. This was an inquiry to assess damages in a special action of amsumpsit, to recover compensation for the non-performiance by the London and County Joint Stock Banking Company, of which the defendant was the registered pubic officer, of a certain promise ...


... COURT OF SESSMON JURY TIIALS. MOENDAY, DEC. i] i. & G. GRAY it. Jtarts SUTHEttLAND. This cause was tried by the Lord President and a jury on Mon day last. Tie defender, who is a sitipmassler in Aberdeen, had en. tered into guano spieculations in oha a-ear I S44. On the 1t Jtrla 18-14, bacing then at Jeitch1 ' on iteC coast of Africa, he addrressedI a loiter to Imlrie &, Tomlinsun, shipbrokers ...


... , - . . - I - ?? These Sessions commenced on Monday last, at the- Guildhall, before F. N. RoaEBs, Esq., Recorder; E. A. Sanders, Esq., Mayor; J. Harris. Esq., Deputy Mayor; S. Maunder, P. Miller, H. Hooper, S. Kingdon, Esqrs.;, Justices; W. D. Moore, Esq., High Sheriff; and E..W. Paul, Esq., Under Sheriff. The following gentlemen were swomrnof the Graud Jury after considerable delay, ;Mr. t. ...

Law Intelligence

... I lutt-atyuct -+ I ?? , -7, j , , I I LO + BN1UPqT$STBA TR ' f BAINiRUPYCIy (OURT, .BXS OGALL,1t~ 1-B-Fm` si -C9MmprINoz;E~v,1s- Etns~ and Byi; S trand, navySog;ts, dlv. 2 James 'Bickerton, 'Chi4pidet hatmaker, F' ertif, t; 1,rt Welbbban and Co., auditI 12. ! -INFOT NMDEPEFOB'. CORTPORTAOa r. I A , .-Bsiwot Mx-i1C(oaKnnpp LAW.-Folr diseharge Henry Els or Audjourned heartngs :. Samuel NasI4, ...


... I MYSTERIOUS SUICIDE AT NTAGARA. -- The Detroit Advertiser gives the following particuareu the mysterious..death of Mrs. b1JIer, daughter of the Hon. John Norvell,. ,ie United Staiessenhabor of Detroit, and the wife of lajor MilleM ;of the'army, now in Florida,. This lady reached thie Eagte Hotel, at NWagtsr, froth Winchaestis,. Va., on the 26th Nov., with her two little ?? ai4 six vehrs old. ...


... .1gOa QQ rat I U4 .~Paer, wh6 stated hfinself to bejaniaktist ad eake of like xwaqes by the nejsj.rocess,1 was suprnomd o= hvig mate ?? lanf uagetowar~ WU rolcI Fiusllnriura medicsl Wtedent. aIr~E ~ shnd~ i'ag sga entleman, who wds ~aboir t$ o, u Llint~k b t rlrdratepd ythecoioents ot' ahtnddl,'wh1~ prombse to i~oclrrdskt~iae'- fa~ly ?? ornehugeht en ethce wise. of, '4 ~e~dfen~ntIn i ...


... JURY COURT, ED1NBURGH-DECEImnB 26. Gerrard or Kay v. Wilson. CURonUs CASE.-This was an action of damages for s-I duction, in which Mrs. Mary Ann Gerrard or Kay, and Joseph Kay, her husband, residing in Edinburgh, were pur- suers, and the trustees of the late William Ralph Wilson, sometime residing in Edinburgh, and afterwards in Glasgow, were defenders. The facts of the case, as stated for the ...