... POFTRY. THE ROSE AND THE DAISY. (coN?TaEs.) A crinmsm rose of odour rare In jl ly's bower bloomed; A 1'i~v h-, t o endI TF, !iv? 'I'getl recee . oi was er innedI , r-e, o fade on ldyv's breast, &-as torn from ;rolli~sel bower The modest daisy 'neath the hedge Enjoyed its tranquil hour. NIGHT. Mysterious night! when our first Darent knew Thee, from report Divine, taid heard thy nsme. Did he ...


... THE LEGEND OF MONTE PILATF. SU*ORSTUD BY A SWISS TRADI5TION GIVEN IN THE 'DERBY a 3ERCUREy OF MlAY THE 8TH, 1850. S 'Tis said 'neath Pilate's rocky heights, Where gloomy storm-clouds keep Their shadowv watch, a spirit walks, r O'er waves that never sleep. a Darkly the mirror'd waters shine, v And rending tempests sigh, Where round the deep blue mountain lake a Dread portents meet the eye. i ...


... y Iu/gazncl. D OOrs yoa Rxvntw.Bok.Msc oyEgavin;-, y &C., intended for review. left at thle establishment of Mr. hi C. MITCHELL, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, London, 10 addressed -to the Editor of thle Derby Mereury, vs ill be forwarded and receive attentl on. 7The Poetical Works of Alexriadel' Pope. Edite by RoaazRTg CA9917THERS. la four volumes. London : IxNGANai, r, COOKE, and Co. ki The ...


... Lords met, and fouud the man of their choice, just the chap for Friar-gate. The electors met, and found the man of the Lords not strong enough for the place, so, chose another Cock. 1 am. Sir, your obedient servant, Derby, November 3rd, 185 J. Bob Short. FRIAR-GATE WARD ELECTION. to the editor or the derby mercury. Sir—The contest for this ward terminated, many expected, in the ...


... Ol CillllA liEiUilb lIIV> DERBY AND DERBYSHIRE CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The morning meeting In behalf of the Sierra Leone bishopric was held at the Athenaeum, on Wednesday, Oct. 29th. and was both influentially and numerously attended. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lichfif.ld, took the chair. was supported by Sir Matthew Blakiston, Bart., the Venerable Archdeacon Hill, F. Wright, Esq. ...

Mr. Ram6Hay's Case.— After several adjournments, and protracted pleadings both sides, the case for and against ..

... Earl Carlisle, was completed on Saturday eveuing.— The Earl of Carlisle said that he was anxious to annouuee his decision with little delay as was consistent with its importance. He thanked the authorities for their attention, and, having no power of himself to enforce order, for the admirable order that had been preserved. It would be superfluous in him refer the consummate diligence aud ...


... it Hloe.-The annual fair and statutes for hiring were held I- last week, at which there %wats a fair attendance of young y, men, thle majority of whom were engaged by farmers. There n was only a slender muster of young women for cervice, wha r. astled for high wages. Thre day bring fine, tile fair *as cx- vy ceedingly well attended both by dealers and country people. of The show of horned ...


... __ 1' A ..I Thnro q n c n_ w n Am USES OrEXCUas o T As.-There was one man who puzzled us. He seemed so thoroughly well up in all con- nected with the train; he was very learned in all the mys. teries of railway signals, branch lines, sidings, switches, points, and all the rest of it. He kept a sharp lools-out the whole way down, telling us, as we passed each signal-post, whether it said All ...


... POET RY. THE TENT-MAKER'S STORY. By R0o3fY IL DROVOUGi (Co~ntctdedfromt our klst.) IV. t We dlvolt together for two sweet years, And that whispering voice was no longer heard. Her ?? face bad calmed my fears; So well bad she striven to keep her word of ?? mo love for the love I gave- She fiad twitted her fetters with wroaths, poor slave ! And sonng In her prison as sings a bird, (sdeless of ...


... FAHIS. NOIVIH WALES CATTL e -Tlle fairs just closed in |he. North Wales show a matred increase in the value of horned |gros cattle varying from His. to 40s. per head. The show of cat- the tie has been good, and the demandsogreat thatfewblavebeen wer left unsold. Cows in calf were as high as 161. Barrens of quality realised high rates and were in great request. Fat sv sheep realised full ...

A Wizard Killed by the Bursting a Gun. —Charles Henry Rignold was in the early part of July last, exhibiting

... at Ballarat the Great Wizard of the North, South, Eaat, and West. In the coarse of hit performance be commenced the gun trick, bat the piece would not off. Deceased then put another charge of powder in the gun, laid it aside, and then played one or two more tricks, and again took the gnn and put a third charge into it, and cocked the gun, put it to hi* shoulder, fired, and the barrel burst, ...


... EXTRAORDINARY PROCEEDINGS CATHOLICS AT SHEFFIELD. ALLEGED PROSELYTISM OF CHILDREN. An investigation of considerable local interest took place the meeting of the Sheffield Guardians on Wednesday evening. It appeared that during the last twelve or fourteen months about twenty orphan or deserted children, from five years of age and upwards, had been allowed to leave the workhouse on the pretence ...