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... HERB M(AJESTY, *D. WiNDson, JAN. 29.-The Queen walked this morning in the Slopes and Windsor Park. The royal family took walking and pony exercise. His loydl Highness P'riuce Albert went out shooting this morning, attended by Lord Camoys, Lord Charles Fitzroy, and Colonel F. 11. Seymour. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge visited the Duchess of Gloucester, on Monday, at Gloucester ...


... I FASHIOYABLH INTELLIGENCE. : , ?? ?? TOPE PRIVY COUNCEL. WINDSOR, JAN;. 30.-Her i'dejesty held a Privy Council a't two ocock. 'twars attended by his Royal Highness Irince Albe'rt, the iiinrquis of Lansdowne, Lord President; the Eari of iItit, Lord Pjfrivy Seal; Lord' John Russell, First Lord of'the TreisVry; Sli Geoige Grey, SSecretary of State for the Horns Departmelit'; Vi~count Palmerston ...


... :ASHIONABLE INTELLIGECE BER MAJFSTY, &C. WINDSOr, TnuiSDAY.-Her Iajesty and hig Royal l1ighne8s Prince Albert walked tiis morlitng in the Slopes and Wiridvor k'ark. The royal family took their usual walking aad pony exeroise. VzCERnBGAL COlTRT.-Wednesday evening their d Excellencies tie Lord Lieutenant and the Countets of ClarendO, tU attended by the Private Seoretaries, and Lord Asukellin and ...


... FASHIONAEBLTELiIGINc I . I . _ HE iR MAJESTY, &c. WINDSOR, FiEB. 1 -'The Qtleen walked the EHome-park this morning Ut ill Prince Albert went out shooting this hreoieho highnes ewas aecompanied by the Marqui~sof ?? m 0ro quis of Douglas, ad Earl Spencer, rnd was aten , th 11 Camoya. Colonel the HOn. Charles B. Psippo, indt LieutdcOdI rt F. H1. Seymoflr.- .lDe The Prince of Wales. Prinee.Alfted, ...


... | iROTUNDO-THE ROOMEEPERS' BALL . - . . . . . . ..n Time flies quickly indeed. It seems as if but yeeterday A that we presented to cur readers our usual brief notice of the tI great annual festivity which gives our citizens the opportu- nity of ministering to their own pleasure, and also of relicv- C ing the destitute poor, by enjoyiog the happy abandon of the roomnieepers' ball. oi We were ...


... ROTUNDO ItOOMS--MR. LOVER. ?? ~ IU ?? ?? Iof trek - l~ t- sCOSCT O'Moit 9's PORT'Fr'OLIOI OF TRiAVE EL-S. u Sam-we cannot for the life of us call him by the servo- prosy name of Samael-Lover, our amiable and highly-gifted tw countryman, has come, we are delighted to perceive, to spend a Rif few, a very few happy days amongst a numerois and fashionable th circle of admiring fr iends, and, ...


... ANTILENT CONCERTS. ?? It_ }1 The last rehearsal, antecedient to public presentation this I evening, of Mendelsohn's music of Adhalie, was.;held yes- 4 terday. W e have bbrely space or time to say a very fetw woeds of this magntitieut w9rk, now to be presented in its perfectitude for the first thie in our city. The College' Choral Society had the credit of first giving an idea of this glorious ...


... ANTIENT:,UCovERTS. pi, it r | | ..TShez ?? bf. tliiweociety have given another brilliant prS Q~f^?e^.erfentabilitS of; natpnal ~musical geniur, and have added eiotllertriusmph to the many' they have already achieved in the Otiltiation of high musical art, by the pio- dut lion Mi is. 'tOevfinmg of another of tli Mendelssohn im- . ;* initaities--t'b Athralie'. Not} p6Vhhps, since the- fist ...


... L[TERA TURE. le I_ is T~lTE DUBLIN UNIVERi(6TY MAGAZINE. It is,, after all, but a weak tost of progress in estimating v the worth and tendency of a literary periodical, to compare it is r with itsulf in its former numbers and previous phases of s literary existeare. We always find some feature ot redeom- ing genlius-some beautiful or interesting contribution-rary of Irish intellect arid ...


... ,, , ; I ., I . x , , . . ,HER MAJESTT,. &c.. WrNOsbi3FEB. 7.-. The Queen and Prince Albert vfalked thisiorining in the Slopei mud Windsor-Parkc. - Their Excellenoies Xsusand;Madame Van de Weyer, the Oar- quis of Lansdowune, thelllarquia and Marohioness of Westpnin- iser and. I 3dy.Optavia.*Xroavenor, Vlacount and XVieountpsa 3Mahon, and Lord .and Lady Ashley are expeeted to arrive at the ...


... TREATE R OYAL-4fi ~ACRADy'S PAt; h 1 . ~ ., E-$EFIT. I ; On §aturday pight_ thequrtain of our theatre fenrt, 'last timesarnidst the, xsgretful hut yet enthusiastic a ie plaudits of a crowded house, on the performnen ofa actor, the' last remaititlg representatie of a school matism.:which, with all ita3'dleged fault.¶, and fewsretl was yet long and justly' deemed the pride of oustag, rt the ...


... I Some forty years ago a great Irishman. after the wasting energies of half a century in the service of ( his country, carried his bones to England to seek 1 repose, and to renew his acquaintance with conge- v nial spirits who reverenced his genius, wit, and elo- t quence. This toil-worn pilgrim was John Philpot Curran, with the tongue of fire and the soul of c steel, whose renown filled the ...