... POETRY, rTnE 'OTS GREYS AND NINETY-SECOND HIGHLANDERS AT WATERLOO. (Vrms De Renzy's Poetical Illustratioms of the Achiecemeots qf the Duke off lellington.) High praise and lastingl honour To the feoarlss end the true, And cireling round their banner Be the fihnie of Waterloo: With tho plaudits to the name That so led them on to fime, Shalll the echoes of the praisc Be repeated nll around, ...


... I THE GENTLENESS OF DEATH. Who that can foel the gentleness of Death, Sees not the loveliness of Life? and who, Breathing content his natural joyous breath, Could ftil to feel that Death is Nature, too? Anu, not the alien foe bis fears dictated, A viewless terror, heard but to he hatecl. One died that was beloved of all around And, dyin g, grasped a flower of early spring, To hold beside her ...


... theit Letters of John Calvin. Compiled from the original manu- exise scripts, and Edited, with Historical Notes, by Dr JULES thre BONNET. Vol I. Translated from the Latin and French was languages, by DAVeD CONeSTABLE. Edinhuigh : Themeas that m~oo Constable & Co. sine' THrs is the first bf a series of four volumes, which are to rans contain at least six hundred letters of Calvin, the greater ...


... I i I i II I 31 II i c i t s I 0 1 i Ct II I I i i I I I I I i i I i i I i I i I. Btcskrwooe's iAlafagine. Edinburgh and London: William Blaekwood & Sons. MAGA presents herself this month with as much vigour and grace as ever she did on the first day of any month of any year in her existence, She wears on her dusky brows a perennial youthood, and mingles mirth with her wisdom, and wisdom with ...


... LIT E R AT U RE. Classic and Hfistoric Portraits. BY JAMES BRUCE, Int 2 vols. i London: Hurst anti lac'kstt. , BroInArnIY is in Many respects More instructive than history; Ci and indecd, we bolieve, it is seldom that history affords so corn- Ott pitto at picture of the r~mannrs and customs of a time as is to PS he found in the lives of the men of various ranks who hav '. Iaoor. taken part in ...


... LITER AT RE, I The Modern, HousetWif, or Menagere: comprising nearly One Thousanad Receipts for the ?? aind Judicious Prepara- tion of every oeoal of the Day, and thase for the Nursery and the Sick Room; with Huintte Directionsfor Pamily Manage- meaC fin att itd Branichteg Illutrhatedl wyith Engravings, includ- fty the Modern Houseie'Jos Unique Kitchen, and Maygic Stove. By ALEXIS SOYER, ...


... -0 I C, 2'ise Afoney Bag. No. 2. London: D. F. Oakey. hL 'THE Money Bag, as its name may perhaps serve to indi- ti cate, devotes a chief share of attention to matters Of .A finance, the object being both to argue monetary theories, Cft and also (and more particularly) to enoourage fair trading, fi Rild to discountenance and expose its opposite. Literature 0 and polatics are also, however, ...


... LI T E R.A T U R E. JViced ap; Body : A Discourse on the Physiology of the Diirenical Action of the Cerebrum. By ROBERT JAMIE- I SON, M.D., President of the Medico-Chirurgical Society r of Abeedeen, Medical Superintendent of the R oyal Luna- o tic Asylun, &o. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co. v THIs is a short essay, read before the Aberdeen Philosophi- 11 cal Society, and published at their request. ...


... and a ON Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, a Grand Horticul- C was tural Exchibition was held, in a tastefully-decorated mar- S Atber qseo adjoining the Cattle Show-yard, near the foot of Con- ]u have stitution Street. The IExhibition was visited by about two E pro- thousand persons. wihgie h iea rz fee yi ,a- In the collection wihgie h iea rz fee yi J. Brebrier, Esq., there were excellent ...


... M AR Y. Thou art bright as May morning, Maary, Thou art rich as the western brecze, And lovely aud pure as the cowslips Dihat welcome the labouriig bees. Thy voice is sweet mclody, Mary, Thy smile is the play of the sun That brightens the flowers of the meadolws When birds have their wooing begun. Our land has been vcalthy in Marys, Who lighted oar poets to fame; But I am so blest in thy ...


... History of Enoglandfor Junioair Classes: toith Questionsfor E'xa- mTIinatioss at the end of eaCh Chapter. Edited by HENRY - WHITE, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge, Author of History Af Great Britain and Ireland, &c., Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. THis ian attractively written and admirablygot up Sehool-book, on a subject of deep interest and great importance, with which it is most desirable ...


... POETRYC-,cs ALL adown the tangled wildwood . . Wheu the sultry day wa past, Roamed a gallant youth and maiden .'Mlid the shadows gathering fast. . evlre the flow'ring sweet-briar bushes Fluttered in the evening breeze, Sat an aged Gipsy woman . 'Neath two old and tvisted trees.. Cross my bland with silver, lady, 2 . .Supolo the Gipsy 'noath the troe, And ulPl tell thy fortune truly, Truly ...