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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

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... OOKS PUBLISHED AND SOLD. ±1. by J. WATSON, 3, queon's Hle`Ad-passage, Paternloster-r.O. Just pnblished, 2nd- Edition for -the Million, in i2mo., 313 pages. loely pntd, Pir ce 2s., bound in cloth: AMERIC CO PR WITH ENG.; LAND.. The rpctesoil'ieets of the~ Amerionnl,aud. Enc l.ysesot oenetand Legislation, an4 oracy. ByR; W. Rusekaa4, of ininnitUie! aecounollo laws This work ?? and ...

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... UNDEIR BOYAL PArTRONAOE. PERFECT FREEDOM from COUGHSin Ten . . Misstes after Use. Instant ReZief and Rapid Cure of Asthssas, Consump- tion, C'oughs, Colde, and all .Diorders of the Areath and Lisaig, are insurediby ThR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. D. The extraordinary powers of this inyaluable Medicine are now proved by a mass of evidence and testimonials, P which must convince tle most ...

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... iUNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE., , PEB/ TkR ?? COUGHS irn Yen . ; . ., -j~i5U45 cttsaer Use., . Instant Reief ancid ka;cd Care ofj AsthmnsS, Consisuop- . tion, Coughe, cldi, and all Dieorders of the Breath as un Lungs, are izsssred by ,flR. -LOpO O3;K? S PULMONIC WAERS. D R The extraordinary powers of this invaluable Medicine are now proved by a mass of evidence andrtestimonials, pi which must ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNDER ROYAL PATnONAGE, PERFECT FREEDOMI from COUGHSs in Ten finutes after Use. Instant Relief and Rapid Cnre of Astilsmas, Conasstep- tione, Coieghs, Colds and all Disorders of tle Breath and Lungs, are insured by fR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. lJ The extraordinary powers of this invaluable Medicine are now proved by a mass of evidence and testimonials, ps which must convince the most sceptical ...

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... OOKS PUBLISHEDADSOD .13 by J.. WAT.SON 3, Queeiis ed-pitssage0 r, Pateroliter-row. Just published, 12ud Edition for the Million, in Pi 12mo., 318 paes. coel d i rice 2s., bonid' in cloth: A ELC IT1iIENG- LA ND. Th epcie oots of the.c4 American ?? any J;. Legislation Pn WV. RussELL ?? ntd tts onjl law. C This work explains the Institutions and ?? of the nited tates-sows th actua condition of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'B OOKS PUBLISHED AN~DSOD JJby J. WAT.O,8 ueasHsdpsaO FatterOster-row. Just publishod,;2id' -Edito frthe MillioD nt~:i 12mo., 813 pages, -closely pt d~p~ bb~~'d 1n 'cloth i. AMERIICA C 'LAND. The respectiesoig fth Amefican and English sytm o oeinnti n Legislation, and t a Missio fD m ~ y1 W.suusIs=I, of Cinoinati tsl~ tts enilr law. : II . 1 This work explains OldO ItaftU0111n01124he a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 408 A friend in need, is a friend indeed ! Frie mHEl5B COMPOUND INDIAN EXTRACT Odfi Ijf is a safe and speedy remedy for malignant Goner- Fret drhtea, gleet, syphilis or venereal disease, whites, Irritation 88s of the blidder-econdary symptoms, nodes on shin bones, and Lo swelled testicle, &e., and forthe renovation and strength- 24s, Le ening ofthe system from the 'Unhappy effects of soiltarj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ir MAceenee are liable to one disease more than another, or if there are anny particularaffections of the humanl body we require to havo a knowledge of over the rest, It is cer. tainly that class of disorders treated of in the new and im. proved edition of the Silent Friend. The authore, in thus sending forth to the world another edition of thebr nmedicsl work, cannot refrain from expressing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A friend in need, is a friend indeed I ! THE COMIPOUND INDIAN EXTRACT . Lis a safe and epeedy remedy for malignant Gonor- rhoaa, glcet, syphilis or venereal disease, whites, irritation of the bladder-seeondary symptoms, nodes on shin bones, swelled testicle, 4c6., and for the renovation and strength- ening of theqsystem from the unhappy effects of solitary and sedentary habits,. indiscriminate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A friend in need, is a frieniiieedI 26s to TELE COMPOUND INDIAN EXTRACT Ship,2f is a safeeand'speedy remedy for malignant Gonore- FO1 rhtea, gleet, sypbilis or venereal disease;, whites, irritation Marks, of the bladder-seso5odary symptoms, nodes on shin bones, 40s to swelled testicle, dic.,. and for the renovation and strengthI Friesla ening of the system frem the unhappy elffects of solitary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH -COLLEGE OF0 ATI Gekra-c Rilpor'ifor15. Focllow'Countrymen',-It is again our Pleasing task to in- tlb form yoi, tliat theltgetiln System Of.Medlltlfe, introduced in 1821, by James 1,orisonl the Hygeisit, is rapidly trt- munphin ~oiver every obstacle,' During thle last year, on the- approace of tho Cholera thie inetbtrs 6it the' e'ltlsh Coi, laegsof Health felt it their duty to publish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF MAiMID are lable to one diaease more than another, or if there are any particular affections of the human body we require to have a knowledge of over the rest, it is cer. taiiily that class of disorders treated of in the new and im. proved edition of' the Silent Friend. The authors, i1 thus sending forth to the world another; edition of thei: medical work, cannot refraififroznexpressiig ...