Law Intelligence

... 1,aW 3:11tcHignia'. INSOLVE1NT COURT.-Du3LIN, WwoDNESeD.xi. [Before the Full Court.] In 's0 H1am ilton. The insolvent in this case was the captain of a merchiant vesscl, of which Mr. Blarnett, of Belfast, was the owner, mul the grounds of opposition by tile owner to the insolveoit's dischalrg was, that lie hail hbypotliecated the ship, aid also raised lnt the crodit of the cargo £350, a ...


... GENERAL QUALTER SESSIONS. DENBI0I(JiSTIHRE. ?? John H-eat n, Esq. (lmir~ninn 1F. It. We, i, EThq. III P., Reu'. lF. Theiwall. iThw. ud.Fs.'fe lDhwiiwnrd. ?? Col. Yk](, Rev E ?? U 1 Oit'll, 1.311 IIl. WVyin, Tc. 1 Fouilkes, Gi.fabiiel itubeti~s, Ilt Esq., end( RIto. R. W1iilian-s, .ltstivvs. .Iiie The chairoio eot. t ii dih I; MA In n thet Strito of thle ealelitiifr, w~in i i- t li.'ht ill ...


... CENTRALt CRIMIV~lCNALGU.OTV ArtAL~tiNO CRxucuMs'rxcwN COuRT , The proceedingepf thD above courtwere resumed ymeetord*y morning before the Right Honi the Lord Mayor, the Ue4 corder, Mr. Alderman Gibbs, Mr. Alder Sidney, snd Mr. Aldermen 4C;rden; -Xposs& Lawrence and Nicoll, sheriffs; Under-Sheriffe Wire and Mallard, &c. I The calendar contains the names of 95 pritonen for-triai I at the present ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT.-SATURDAY. [Before V. S. TRAcEY, Esq.] FUnIoUs DRIVING.-John Lappan, and John Skillen, l1illsborougli, were charged by one of the police with furious driving, anul showing horses in lligh-street on the previous (lay. Mr. Tracey imposed a small penalty, and cautiosed de. fenldants against similar conduct in future. Informations were taken against John KTing, Caddell's- ...


... GEBIERAL COURT OF WARDMOTE. Yesterday a general Court of Wardmsote was held at the Guildhall, for the purpose of receiving the returns of the Ward Inquests. The Lord Mayor tookthc chair at twelve o'clock. There were but few aldermen present, but it is proper to state that l Plough Monday is the day on which the mere routine busi- ness of receiving presentments and swearing in officers is ...


... Z. 11'N STICES-Tifis DAY. BANKRIPTCY COURT, BAsieon ?? T -(Before Mr. CPN)rrrs- sioner llrc- l.)-hic of AWigneces Lewlvo JoieI, Littic Argyll- street, jewellIr, ;t twelle. ?? Examinations: Adolphils V ool- frey, loukle, RCtionieel, at ?? ?? H. Gould, Strand, at twelve. Di; deid : Wn. ?? nds, at onec. (Bceore Mr. Com- mitssioner Fonlllanlque.)--Aist Examnination: Charles Haylock, hlou of Ely, ...

Law Intelligence

... TLaw ?? NOTICES.-THisIS Ar. 6_m BA2EKtUPTCY COURT, BASINGUALI,.STREEtT. t, Brrais ZtiiM C ~iassso-r, HOoAOYis.-Lewls Joel, Little Argyll- W kerr- t, jersoaer, clieice assigo., 12; Robert H. Gould, Strand, mer.- t chant, ast exam., 12; Adolphus WVoolfrey, Poole, auctioneer, east 0 ecam. I; %t i~iarn. Edmonds, div . t U ];5'otRE Ms. Comi-tasus~k FUys..4oaasre.UFIreelerickTabb, div., 11; I D)iet ...


... I EDINBURGH COURT OF SESSION,-MONDAY. als R. AND G. GRAY AND OTHERS V. JAMES SUTHERLAND te -Tina ?? wma tried by the Lord President and a juty. te The defender. who is a shipraoster in Aberdeen had 0oo entered into Glunno 8peculations in the year 1844 On lit, the 14 Ih July, 1844, being then at Ichaboe, on the coaitI ws of Africa, he addressed a letter to Imrie and TomnlinEon -in shipbrokero, ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-MONDAY. MARLBoRoUGH-STREET.-LOUi Joel, bill discounter and jevreller, Little Argyll-street, was brought up for final ex- amination ol two charges of forgery and fraud. The forgery, which consisted of an alleged forging of the name of John Marcus Clements to a bill of 1,0001., has already been dis- posed of and the depositions signed. The case of fraud, which rested on the ...


... The Detroit Ardvertiser gives the following particu. of lars of the Mysterious denth of Mrs, Ailler daughter di o of the 1-n John Norvell, ?? States senator of Dearoit, and the wife of Mdajor Miller, of the army, now in Florida. T'is l11(1)1 reached the Eagle lIotcl, SL at Niagara, from \Winclhester, Va, on the 2l3h ult., with her two little boys, four ainl bsix veers old. She 1 disappeared ...


... I I .. . . On Tih.unday la t, a chilt3, clevl n moni Ni old, nomed Johl Fruthey, wnr ri ?? inl B:vfgtoon bush, urider tl-e following n^nlV circnnstnces :--It appeared irrot t!:c ?? C. p-oduc. d at he irqeat, tha: the nother of the cht d wa s csrryir-e her Pcrofs the rtr-eet in her arm,,, vhen a epritr cart was c mri'ig down Li tekiln- hlte it a iprijti nice. The poor wonman vnli ...


... 1-. LLf PErTY SESSItONS.-WE EDAY.- .eI. Pw- US Before he RelReds. . P. Jones Parry, John qiven and Jhn W illianms3lisClerk, Justices. ASTAnDY.-Ell2.abeth ?? v. WVi. Roberts. The defendant did not appear, and the case was heard esparte. (Complainant produced s afficient crroboia- tive evidence~to shew that the defendadutt wes the fathqe of her child, and the usual or4er was granted. ' ...