Advertisements & Notices

... ,CYED TEETH AND TOOTHACHE. f1tjIZED BY HER MAAJESTY THE QUEEN, i'A t1 R(lAL HIGIINESS PRINCE AL3ERT_ 1a RIOYAL HIGbHsEss TrHE DUCIuESS or KENT. A p. l1OWARD'S WHITE SUCCEDA- t 1'NEUMi, for filling Decayed Teeth, however Lmtin cvity. It is placed in the tooth iln a soft state, P arget@ strc~ or vtidn. anid iln a short time HARvDENS A W\ill \5rHITEENAMEL.2a11t is sn-lcrier tot aythinlg ?? V wed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 49)ib ic Notireo. REGULAR THADER. F iOR DUNKIRK, the fine A I, V new, fast-sailing Schooner ELIZA- BETH, Captain WILLIAM HAMILTON, to It about the 10th ?? Freight and Par- ticulars, apply to WILLIAM PRIEST & SON. This vessel will be succeeded by otherregular traders. 5, Wellington-Street,Hull, Feb. 3rd, 1853. FTrHEATRE ROYAL, HULL. On Friday (THIS EVENING), February 4th, the Perfornmance will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREEEN.dGNGER WINE. TOHN STIVENS & CO. have received S e . iterttonials from numerous infldeilial partieI respecting the beneficial effects pro- duced by the use of their Original Green-Ginger Wines It is a wholesome and nutritious, as well as an agree- able and salutary, beverage. Ob3erve the name, John Stivens j Co. over the neck of each ?? be had, wholesale, at the Manufactory, Bristol; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jf.ilgeEtaneOu~. Special local agents for the sale of this valuablo Cough Medichie are named below; but sholdd any difficulty arise in procuring it, the Is. 13d. boxes are senlt free by post oln the receipt of sixteen staolps, and the 9s. 9d. boxes (which, contain tiree times the quantity) on receipt of forty stamps, addressed Woolley, Chemist, htaidstoue. PATRONIZED BY THE FACULTY. OOLLEY'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION FIRE LAND LIFE OFF'ICE--Es-tablishied A.D, 17200 Agent at Hull-RICHARD CATTLEY, 202;, High. street. E UROPEAN LIFE INSURANCE, AND- jet ANNUITY COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED JANUARY, 18 19.) iustporeer.od by Special Act of PariamentE, 7 and S 'Viet., cap. x&viii. NO. 10, CSArTHIAR-PLAc, BLACKFRIARS, London. COURT 0or nREicroRS. Capt. C. R. D. Bethune, iLK ., C.EB., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EASTRI1V(NGTO, GILBERDIKE, SANDHOL-31, HIVE, AND BENNETLAND. 71¶ 0 B E S O L D B Y P U B L I C A U C T I ON L by Mr. THos. DAWIELS, at the CBOSS KEYS INN, in Gilberdike, on THURSDAY, the 4th day of October next at One ?? in the Afternoon precisely (subject to such Conditions as will be then produced), A valuable ESTATE, situate in the Townships of Eastrington, Gilberdike, Sandholm, Hive, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tBATED X ^ AA ?? \ S-1O A P S, TAR ?? '?Ss'r ?? o Rlngworme, &C' TURPENTINE SOAP. . forgSwellings- IODINE SOAP ?? for Sdrofola'. SULPHUR SOAP. fO4lmpurit'ie3 In the.Blopd1 , COD LIVER OIL SOAP ?? . . for General weakness: IRION SOAP ?? ,for Strengthening after Exhaustion.1 CAMPHOR SOAP ?? for Ulcers- Cramps, &e. ROSEMARY SOAP GALL SOAP (with Ox bile) ?? f or the Head. BENZOE SOAP HforToilet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INVALIDS USE PORTABLE EL-ECTRICITY, r AS EVOLVED FROM FEINIG'S GALVANIC ELECTRO- XE7YER A TOR FOR PERSONAL USE. L ITS efficacy in NERVOU#, RHEUMATIC, AND; si FUNCTIONAL Disease- is traly rmarvellous ! ! C Thef irst year's Report (gratis, or 4d jy Post) oritains 42 PrAGES Oe LUTTERS FROM MORE THAN 600 PER a, WITH PULL NAMES AND. P ADDREsSSES, eured SOely by this little Portabldo Apparatiti, 'T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORAIISBY AND HAMBURG LINE OF STEAM-SHIPS. FOF HAMBURG, the Powerful and I Swift Sorew-Steamer IMPERIAL, Captain GIBSWO, is intended to be dispatched to the above port from ,rinsby on FRIDAY, th e 5ith instant; and will be succeeded regularly by other first-class Steamers. Fo reight or Passage apply to Forz. C. PEARSON, COLEMAN, & CO., Hull, Grimeby, and London. ELBEHUMBER STEAM NAVIGATION CO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? S AXON - I~IRE AND GENERAL ASSURANCE - F SOCIETY, 25, Old Jewry, London. £Pptl 125,000, in 500,000 shaores of 55, each, fully Caia, paid up on allotment. The business of this Society embraces irilre assurance in all its branches. Assurances against accidental death and personal in ury. l'axne and railway assurances. Assurances against accidental death or personal injury Aq to travellers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a *\ EAST OF ENGLAND SCREW. GSS P) U COASTIN G COMPANY (Limited). ?? ' ULJ-HULL ANI) LONDON STEAMERS, . 9tZsAto and from Custom-House Quay, Lon- don, at REI)UCIbD FARES. City DepV t and Recciving-house-61, King William- 3treet, at which boxes, parcels, &c., are received. The VELOCITY and VIGILANT will ply as under From HULL, As ecoon after Ten ?? as the tide permits, EVERY WVEDNESDAY AND ...