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... M ?? C. The Practica? Sin qing Tvto,. Twenty-four progressive Studies from the Commencement, for Soprano or Tenor. BV HENRI PANOFRA. Notwithstanding thn number of elementary works extaut i every branch of musical tuition, yet the field is not so fully occupied as to leave no room for useful additions In regard to singing, many of the best and most celebrated books of instruction, studies, and ...


... GREAT EXHJBITIO.N OF TBlE WORKS I OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NA TIONS. MONTHLY REPORT OF PROGRESS. [FROM THE JOURNAL OF DESIGN AND SiANITFACTURES.] Manufacturers and all who are disposed to promote the Exhibition have now the assurance unmistakeably before them that some exhibition will take place; and it remains with them, and them only, to determine whether it shall be large or small, worthy of the ...


... LITERA TUBE. Sismondi's History of the French. Trans'lted by W. e BELLINOHAM, 01 Lincoln'a-ioii. Lordeo, Black. 1r49. t A formidable but a useful underlaking, is that of t giving an English version of Sismondi's History of A Franee. This has been the task of Mr. Bellingham, the goodly volume before us containing the three first volumes of the French edition, prefaced by a very fairly compiled ...


... C Y The papers in Blackwood this month arc few in number d but somewhat lengthy. The first is a review of tile chaili. Y tion of home and European politics during the year just closed, as compared with the posture of affairs in lelO cc. ?? garding the two as a year of reaction succeeding a sear of revolution. The writer seeks to prove that the reaction e must of necessity have occurred, as it ...


... L,12ERA TUBE. The listo,' of Peter the Cr(el, King of Castile and Leon. Fram the trench ot PiaosPRTtMposrpi;E-. 2 vole. Bentley. Surpassed in energy and productiveness by some of his contemporaries, M. Merimre must nevertheless be reckoned among the most accomplished writers of X his t me. Few of his countrymen have their powersf SD ?? under control, or are so qualified to depict vividly, yet ...


... *. muSiC. IA - - . . it LONDON WEDNESDAY CONCERTS. t. The concert of last night was the beat and most successful of the Eeason. Exeter-hell was literally full in every 'part; for, besides the at'ractions of D Ernst, Thalberg, Miss Dolby, Miss Lucombe, Miss r. Poole, and .14., A. Newton, Sims Reeves made his r first appeaasnce this season, after a long absence ii t the provinces. Our deservedly ...


... LITEA TUBE. .yew 'Edition of the Enscyndited MetropoWitana-The PhilosophJy of Language. BY Sir JOHN STODDABT, Rat., LL,D. Part 1., Universal Grammar. Grilffin and Co. There aie ,kw li~rary #robleas more difficult, or we -:gb± eayjimpossible, to Iealie thau th9 construotion of a work of $ener91 and e ernefreucefwhioftbe_ component pt shall' po-aea that unity, conseetive- ness, and completbness ...


... DRU U Y-LANE THEA TRE. After a forced exile of some few years Miss VANDEvNIcFF has returned to the London stage. She has not been, hoes ever, during the interval, stholly estranged firom the metre. politan public, having been engaged, together Nsith he father, to aid in the dramatic reading of A etiyi-ew li, given last season, with AMENDBLsSOnN'S music, at Exeter Hall. The impression made by ...


... LITERA TURE. The Cradle of thoe Twin. Giansts, Science and History. By i' HsUiNR CHRISTASc~, M.A., Librarian of Sion College SI 2 vol. Bentley. t, la noticing this book, 'we must perforce begin with J the very beginning. Its title is needlessly quaintsand aflcctel, and forms a striking exception to the tact a' and plausibility which generally characterise the no- mienclature of Mr. Bentley's ...


... -(Concinuail). ?? Besides the article on Labour and the Poor, which we transferred a few days ago to our columns, F rater's ilsyer. zine contains this month many excellent papers. The Miemac's Bride is the first of a series promising to recouint the adventures of an emigrant faemily ill the wilderniss of Acadia. At the termination of the American contest is 1784, many loyalist families in ...


... THE LIFE OF MRS. ,SHERMIAN.* We have before us a contribution to religious biography, which there cannot be a doubt will prove highly acceptable to that section of the Evan- gelical community of which Mrs. Sherman was so earnest and worthy a member. Surrey Chapel, in St. George's-fields, owed its foundation, in 1782, to the zeal and exertions of the Rev. Rowland Hill; and it continued under ...


... THE ADIMINISTRA[IVE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. cO II'. i-(oFFICIAL AXTTQUITIES. Alhe)ugh thc machiinery and then omeliclatureofthe up )Ztal gcv~ enir ents of ?? w. re altoge ther euper- . Se m Sxon En;Iand,yet the ?? of teat wond'r- f1i race has left a deep impression upon our system of I ol~cy and is still to be discovered both in the legal and the official institutions of the country. The arr ...