... REV IEWS. . . .1 - Trhe Daltors: or, Tree BR,)ct¢s in Life. By Charles Lever. Illustrated by Phiz. London: Chap- man and all, 1m3, Piccadilly (late 186, Strand); J. Menzies, Edinburgh ; J. M-Glashan, Dublin. The number for June of this romance transfers the scene to Anstrian aristocratic life, and, by involving the fate of the heroine in the intrigues of statesmen and of priests, gives to it a ...


... Speak gently to tho young, for they Will have enough to bear, Pass through this life as best they may, 'Ti full of anxious care. Never cast a shadow O'ex the stul of youth; Leave it In its trusting faith, Its unsullied truth; Leave it with its buoyant hopes, Its longings wild and deep; Let no mournful prophet-voice O'er its thrilling pulses sweep. Teach it not the lesson Of falaehood and of ...


... The Scottish Review.m anc We invite the attention of our readers to a of I triumphant refutation, in the pages of the Scot- mot tish Review, of Blackwood's late attack upon Tha temperance and teetotal societies. ords Beltley's Miscellany. As The Bentley of July is replete with interesting a .ST information both in its literary and political de- 185' partments. A paper, entitled Turkey, ...


... ?? -, DtJL- % tiit (Freom Le FoUee.) lnet This being holiday period with the courts ofjustice and we all public offices, family fetes and pleasure excursions nst have caused great demand for ball and evening dresses. n- They are generally simple, but the recherche i's not pro- oa ,lit hibited: they are composed of crepe lisse-blue, pink, bri ,ise white, light green, or yellow; of white ...


... F 0 R G I V E. ',Forgive thy brother! oh, forgive, ?? bejatdone thee wrong - Let It not rankle In thine heart, With passion wild and strong; Remermbers him that with mankind In mercy long hath striven Hath said that we must first forgive, If we would be forgiven. Forgive! oh, yes, forgive, and let Thy soul no malice bear; Search thlue own heart, and put avway What enmity is there. Oh, do not ...


... A dea The Book of Familiar Quotations: lelngq a C'ollec- ((A tion of Popular Extracts and Aphorisms, se- Amer] lected from the Works of the best Authors. witht London: Whittaker and Co. carjiv The finest thoughts of our poets constitute in the desire litray wrl akind of current coin which every lookes writer and speaker may use at discretion, and he di,, which are generally used without ...


... 15l ?? The folloiwin~g report of the free library and museum h1 i~t committee to the town council of the bor-ough of Liver- i ~e pool has juost been issued ?? The libirary ad mutum committeeonfsiderit desirable U A-at the close of the municipal year that the council should obe preseted with a suumimry of the proceedings anda toprogress of the institution to the present time. Twelve IV wnmonths ...


... VowiCfron the Crowd, and other Poems. By Chas. Mackay, LL.D. Fourth and Revised edition. ti 1 vol. l2mo. London: Gilpin. 1851. P A work of exoellent doctrine and enlightened views in politics, conveyed in familiar and pleasingi verses. - gi 0kd~ it7t'8 G(raomnar of Geoqraphy. Revised, a, corrected, and greatly enlarged, by Edward w Hughes, ?? &c., Head Master of the t, Royal Naval Lower School ...


... AN APPP.A1L. (FOR CHRISTMAS TIME.) Oh, ye whose lot in life is cast WVhere plenty sitows her hand; Who live amongst the noble And the ravour'd of the land- Whose pillow's soft and downy, And whose cares are few and light; Whose path through life is glowing With the beautiful and bright- Forget not, Oh, forget not, You have brothers here below ?? lives are deeply shadow'd With the Heaviness of ...


... The miser, he dwvells in his dismal cot, here the light of the holy day comes not; The walls are mouldy, the windows dmr, f Aud hung with cobweb tapestry grim-*a R. le hears the bells from a hundred toe rs of Hears caros ha of Christ 'e and th o'terLn, ha. And Itafsthes ot, hut withdraw hi res handv, pe Hor thearosptlell fhims ar dulandre coldr tht Coonaarea with the chink of his hoarded gold. ...


... Tie, NVrth-zvest Passage, and the Plans for thtea ?? for Sir Johne Franklin. By John Brown, dc F.R.S.N.A.-London: Stanford, G, ChaIrin.-~ross- be of a north-westb passago, which for years tn ed.oi the attention of masay of omr most ?? e.ari the enryand skill of some of our y brg:'n-lolcr-tha probldem Which England enl ~ 01 loilyhron h y her enterprising and I` ~nvraliiit n er firm and fearless ...


... I FASII[OfS FOR JULY. (Frorn tha iies' Treasury.) It is in the trimmings. of drrses3 that the greatest changes are exhibited this season. There is a pre. vailing taste for introducing black with almoat every colour ie triinmin~g, whether for dresses or bonnets. This fashion, which obtained last year, has been revived; and revivals of much oller fashions than this are now observable- for ...