... ANOTHER ATTEMPTED DOUBLE MURDERI IN LONDON. ml A MAN AND HIS WIFE SHOT.-ATTEUPTED SUICIDE ro- ~ OF THE ASSASSIN. V he Another horrible tragedy, very similar in its results to IV 'as the one of which the manl Barthelmney, now under sentence b ln- of death, was the author, was enacted in London on Lun 'W of dlay morning. The victirms in the present case are a man Al ts, and his wife, named ...


... THE CHARGE AGAINST MR11. MOSS, AND COM- MITTAL OF THE ACCUSED. At the Public office en Saturday, Mr. Thomas Moss, who, it will be recollected, was apprelseuded after the committal of Calvocoir- resi o asimla chrg, ws rouhtup on a remand from Thurdayfor urter eamiatio. M. Mtteraus, instructed by Mr. altr, t te istace f M. 0 H.Collis, Turkislh Consul, a~ai apparedto ?? Hrdig atende onbehalf of ...


... AVWRCESTER INSOLVENCY COURT. 'lice teo.ucthci silko; of tlis Court Wses itelel yesterday, before ]les Hlen sr Bl. 'artdlZcc, lsi(e There were seve cases for disposel, as 1t ,. . a11,5 54 C tei HojEgsy Hall?, Hair?, 1W!, Devkti Yslirs, pt&' .y/25 Sie'.Sp',z-shreti, Or'B'/ lye, in tler ipar-s /i 'i I :e, 'S ?? ?? ?? arect slt r, a ei bio ch ece/e c b?''ric' tat ?? crise ws'as di iuries(t from ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girmiltflaill volict court. YESTERDAY. Before T. C. S. IR(innersley'and S. Buckley, Esqrs. TInE EXTENSIVE SILVEt RomBERIEs.s-In yesterday's Post were given flil details of the charges against these notorious cha- racters. To-day John, Grs-hs, N whenl placed in the dock, was, on the application of Superintendent Glossop, remanded to Kidder- minster, In eon nection with some robberies of plate ...


... BIRM INGHAM POLICE COURT. YESTERDAY. Rtfote Mcssrs. T. C. S. Kbijsjeriey, 2, 1i'hiiips, and IF. Gougbh. ASSAULTING TlrE PoLicE.-A young man, of respectable appearance, named Joseph Waltcrs, cf Bloomsbury, coal dealer, was charged as above. From the evidence of Police-censtable Dipple, it appeared that at two o'clock on the preceding morning, ibeing on duty In Newtown Rovw, he saw a cab driven ...


... YESTERDAY. BEFOREINMa. BARON CiskxeNLLo. THE PARISH ENiBE ZZLEMENqTS.-SENTENCES OF THE PRISON{ERS. Immediately on his Lordship coining into Court Gibbs and Griffin were placed at tile bar, It was considered not improbable after tice verdict the Jury had returned against the latter, that the but a consultation having takeniplace onl the point it was intimated to his Lordship that no farther ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... I Nalli'myttg liolut. YESTERDAY. BxrOnE 7515, REGISTRARt WsLSoNc. lI ye William W~atlkins, of Clorch Stoke, Soaop, ?? was 3 an adjourned meeting for choice of assignees. Mr. Knight said he had no assignee provided, and an adjournment sine die must take place' The balance sheet, prepared by Mr. It. Free, showed that there was due to creditors £300. 18s. 3d. ; assets in good debts, £164.s. 10Od. ...


... HEARTLESS DESERTION OF A CHILD BY ITS I MOTHER. An inquest has been opened at the Erdington Workhouse, before W. S. Poole, Esq., of Keniiworth, the Divisional Coroner, on the body of a child who died there, The Jury met, having been twice previously adjourned, on Tuesday last, and again the enquiry stands adjourned until Saturday evening. The evidence given has been very lengthy, but the ...

Birmingham Police Court

... lirmildam volia. (Olutal , SATURDAY. Before Messrs. T. 0. S. KY1nerslelJ eund aWlints. STEALIcrO BOOTs.-John Holder, a butcher's lad, .living at Vaughton's Hole, -was charged with stealing a pair of boots, the property of Thomas Fletcher, boot maker, udley Street. The prisoner pleaded guilty to the charge, and he was remanded till Monday, io order that his parents might appear. ROBBING k ...

Law Intelligence

... Sat_ _ttl_ . COURT OF EXCHEQUEB.-FRmrAx. WOLVRERHAMPTON WATERWORKS COMPANY V. HAWESFORD. ACTION FOR CALLS. Mr. Serjeant Shee said this was an action to recover a sun due on six calls upon 100 shares in the plaintiffs' com- pany, and at the trial a verdict was entered for the plain. tiffs for 2340. The present motion was for a rule to enter a verdict for the defendant, or to reduce the damages. ...


... CHARGE OF FURIOUS DRIVING, AND USE OF BAD LANGUAGE BY AN OAINIBUS DRIVER. [From Pinchl.] An elderly man, who gave the siamne of John William Temple, but who is more commonly known by the soubir- quet of Old Pain, late driver of the Administration Om- nibus, was brought before Mr. Pssch charged with reckless driving, which had resulted in the upset of his vehicle, to the serious injury of ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... A-04alhOmily (foart. YESTERDAY. BEFORE MR. R(IISTRARL WATERFIELD. ltsre George Smith, Airin inVhalia, ?? banlriupt came e5p to pas s his last exallmialtion. His tialaace-sheet, as prepared by Mr. Palmer, showed that there was due to creditors £1,50)0., and that the assets were, good debts, £C10. ; property £202.; leaving i denfciency of .1,337. Alr. Rodgson, /of the irnm of Hodgson and Allen, ...