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BLACKWALL LINE of PACKETS. REDUCTION in PASSAGE MONEY.- For MELBOURNE Ifwl Phillip*) Direct, to sail from East ..

... January, ■••0, and call at i'lvmouth, Messrs. Green's splendid Clipper Ship £OVER CASTLE, _iK>2toi_s register, JOHN ADAMS, Commander ; Tbis tine ship, having a full poop and lofty 'tween decks, and offers v ery superior accommodation f r chief cabin, second, intermediate, *ndstecrage passengers, at reduced v:itcs, and carries an experienced Hr»eon.— For freight or passage apply to PHILLIPPS, ...

Published: Friday 23 December 1859
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22577 | Page: Page 1, 4, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

RONALDSON and LEEMAN will DISPATCH the ?? first-class VESSELS ai their respective dates:— ?? I Date of Ship. ..

... Loading. Eirene (J. Simson ?? Port Natal it. Eat., Fides ?? T. R. Aspland . Adelaide. Otto Skogberg ?? whfj i For freight or passage apply at i!_- Office, No. 6, A.. Chambers, It), Lombard-street, K.C. . npiiE VANDERBILT EUROPEAN LINE of JL STFAM SHIPS, carrying the United States Mails, will SAIL trom SOUTHAMPTON for NEW YORK, asunder:— VANDEIIHILT, Taptain LFFEVRE, Wednesday, p. ...

Published: Wednesday 30 November 1859
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18841 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO the SHAREHOLDERS of the SHREWS- BURY and BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY.-We begto call your particular attention to the ..

... subjects to be discussed at fie MEETINGto be held at the Lien Hotel, SHREWSBURY, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 2lst inst., at Twelve o'c'ock. 1. That Meeting has been called to determine whether or not Tour Company is to be charged with the entire costs of the late Chancery proceedings instituted by Messrs. Scott, Geach, Webster, and others, including, amongst other items, very neavy fees paid by the ...

*- ] MR. ALBERT SMITH'S MONT BLANC, including the BERNESE OBERLAND and the SjMPLON, TO-NIGHT (Monday), and ..

... *-'«ht o'clock (except Saturday) ; and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, at Two. Stalls 35., which can be taken at ?? Box Office every day from Eleven to Four. Area, 25. ; cilery, is.— EGYPTIAN HALL, Piccadilly. EGYPTIAN HALL.— CONSTANTINOPLE is OPEN TO-NIGHT at Eight, and every Day at half- Past Two o'clock, and at Eight The Lecture is delivered by * lr - Charles Kenny, and ha. been ...

EVENING LECTURES at KING'S COLLEGE, London.-On and arter MONDAY. Oct 29, King's CollegewillbeOPENonFlVE ..

... tho Holy Scriptures, Latin, French, German, BnglLsh Language and Composition, Modern History and aeography, Mathematics, Arithmetic and Bookkeeping, Land- scape, Figure, and Model Drawing, the Elemeuts of Chemistry, »nd in the Principles and Practice of Commerce. A prospectus will be forwarded on application to J. W. Cun- ningham. Esq , King's College, London ; and full information may be ...

J{ A N X OF LONDON, j\T Threadneedie street, and Charing cross. VB AinMA\— Sir JOHN VILLIERS SHELLEY. Bart., M.P

... r Vice Chairman.- JOHN GRIFFITH FRITH, Esq. v^urrent Accounts are received, and interest allowed on Glances. lr * 6 Per cent. Interest is at present allowed on Deposits, with * a »ys' notice of withdrawal , en sums of 10.. and upwards. By order, MATTHEW MARSHALL, Jun., Manager. T . BENJAMIN SCOTT, Secretary, March _0, 18j6. SOU T HWARK BRIDG E.— NOTICE is &, HEREBY GIVEN, that the ANNUAL ...

. EAST INDIA HOUSE, the 10th December, 185«- -* THE COURT of DILIKCTORS ofthe EAST 11 •* INDIA COMPANY do

... HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, f ./hat a Proprietor of East India Stock (J. Jones, Enq.) has 1 Pen notice of his intention, at the Quarterly General ' {'oart f the said Compiny appointed t> be held at their 5 f'-'Ose, in L* adenhall-strf et. on Wednesday, the 17th inst., ?? sul-mit a Motion relative to the O nstitution of the Home 1 T^ernnivnt of India, with special reference to the Board -j w Control. ...

Freieht by the Mail Steamers to Halifax, Boaton, or New York, £9 per ton. and b per cent, primaff- T

... _. v . T BRITISH and NORTH AMERICAN Rf>YAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, appointed by the Admiraityio Sail between LIVERPOOL and NEW YORK direct. Md between LIVERPOOL and BOSTON, the Boston ships only calling at Halifax to land and receive p » eI «?™ Majesty's Mails.-The following, or other vessels, are appointed to sail from Liverpool :— _ . . _X oa AMERICA.for BOSTON. Saturday. Feh 28. AFRICA, for NEW ...

Freight by the Mail Steamers to Halifax, Boston, or New York, £3 per ton. and 6 per cent, primage BRITISH

... and NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, appointed by the^drniraltj -to calling at Halifax : to land and receive Passengers and her Maft\\fls -The following, or other vessels, are appointed Saturday. Feb. 21. AMERICA for BOSTON. Saturday, Feb. 28. AFRICA for NEVV YORK, Saturday, March 7. Parage money, including steward's fee and provisions but Without wines or liquors, -which can be ...


... Share less Income Tax on the Shires of this Company, will be PAY- ABLE at thia Office, on FRIDAY, the 26th of June, aud every •ucceeding day (Saturdays excepted), between the houra ot len Forms'for claiming the Dividend may be obtained at the Company's Office, on and after the 22d inst., and must be .eft, ■with the Coupons, three clear days, for examination, p.evious to payment. JOHN HOCKIN, ...