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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... A USTRALIA.-MIUNT ALEX2ANDER LINE of PACKETS SIIIP.-Notice to Passengers per Pa OdtsE8, or pORT PllLLLIP and SYDNET.-In ?? othe request of mney to the paisengers gcincdby tbli vessel, she eill Dot piave the Eset India Dcoabi utl after te ray of the fneral o the Duke ot Wcaingtond All baygage ?? be reouledb to be et the decks on or before the 17thinst.-WIy. HUTCHISON and Co., 1, lchee.rourtc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eorntilu, -WATCHES.-T. COX SAVORY and Co., 47. Cornhill, London, submit for selection a most complete STOCK of first-class PATENT DETACHED LEVElt WATCHES which. being made by themselves, can be strongly recommended for accuracy and durablity. A written Warranty i, given with each. PRICES YMiOUNTED IN SILVER CASES. Patent Lever Watch, In double-backed, engine-turned case, the movement with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ADELAIDE Steamer will be entered out TI THIS hlORNilNG. l Dec. 2, 1S52. C. W. T. 7 APID STEAM COMMUNICATION with k J At'STRIALIA.-The large and powerfal new screw steam-ship A ADELAIDE, 1,850 toss end 4S5 horse power, G. W. JACKSON, i commander, will leave London on Thursday, the SRh December, and I Plymouth on 'aucsday, the 14tb, and is confidently expected to 4 arrive at Adelaiile in not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIMRAL ExTORTION AVOIDED - By F Exeoutors and bereaved Relatives of deased noblemen, gentle men, tradesmen, end others, sending In the fet balsance to L LIBEERIIS ESTABLISHMENT. CITY-RtOAD, near Plnebnry-sqnare, Istead ofemplaoylig their npholsterer, or the nearest undertaker lwhoa notlpowe agthe needful requirements, resort to the fineral furnihlere to hire them, and consequently inflt two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 29I'.It i t oc G ENNERAL SCt K' '1 00' III ?? cot iNN Noticei h 1 -trby (Iv Is .!IC 31All0 ftrt SLPteIItt'rtoe b- , t6 ?? d o A 01Ihthis Coaiol,., II' ?? 1101 ' Io, Ct t 1!NiIY B. BEtNSttN, :!!TII on 11li tl14th September, touchin~g ?? to ' III ' at the Cotnpany'C offlces, I, Itt Vt ?? os:htL to the Btroilers, Moosrs. I ~l 1 0 . : tO I Es, t, St, .'arva.tiO Lodo, and ?? Voil Otks ho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR~'1 (C1ALfC1TTA Direct, to follow the Robert i Morr;-, andsu[iit e1 'to I.Qe1iher, the well-known frigate.. i rn . ?? A I11 yeare, 5912 t0113 register, J1. WILLIS, ~ icu-aoe , Idwg i:t the London Doeks.-Apply to JOUIN ?? SON, Ehi'.: N'dii-chauttxrs; or to W. 0. YOUNG, Sain- 1 n, 't u1 1 '71, POR'T IHILLIP (Melbourne), to sail1 mi 'er, the 5plentEld new Btritish clipper-ship TLO-'. CIY >341 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Z~Yl NI' 1)ireot (to follow01 the M)aid ?? :otrncldiateiY) the 'otedtiid new Clipper Yacht J I1 kt 49cl's taions reci'ter, RtOBERtT :Bt fttntcolottliog it tito' London Docks. This a u i N p Iir to en-sure sp~cd', requires only to be I ?? ?? ihipper6 and p2oosengers. Apply to I I otlON, 1-a-t Indta Chamb'ens; or to W. 0. N'Y] 'I EY D ire et, the Spl end(id frig-ate-built t '11th, I so-v yearo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UItosl y HALL, IBISHOPSGAI1E.STREET. Ti.\letO , Noveber 16, lit ?? eight, P.M.,a LEIB W 't ia h) csif'1 deii tsof LIFE AsSSCRANLIE, by G. J. ?? IItAN'Cv, E'q_ ?? Actuary LottieCityof Lomnd-Life 1' H k, V. - f-ANrm11L tic; kindly connented to talbe the Ci Ar. lMr. A krldei,1 Mteen, trikIlel' . Charlesi Mackenzie, anti eithr g'nlt~ecl.iili har' i noilsed to atteoh', 'ieket, F! nits s ho obtained ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ublT~Icaf~n%,.. .. A NNOUNCEMENT.-A NeT Fairy Tae.i with numerous Illustralioni bv RseDQILU, entitled '.The XQNLG of the GOLDEFN RIV lwilll be publios in a few, dohby Buith. Elder, and Co., 6S, CorUhil. MX11 B B B N T L B Y'SS LIST OF NEW LITERARY PRE l NI- FOR CORMISMAR. ImS SINCLaARS WORD ind LADY HARCOURT; or, 'CounATy pltalifice. Post Sve. 10.. .(Now rady.)-: THE INGOLDUBY LEiGENDS; or, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PDORTUGUESE DIVIDENDS. - The DIVI I DEN DS for tje FIlBST liALF.YEAt 1850w of tho Five per Cent. Stock, 841, and FWariper cent. Sock 184, W thahlf of eaid dividend ot the Old Uneonerted Bonds, and likewise Ike 12 months' interest then duc 0n the LebeLtures ef rho June bnd July CoUpons, WILL BE PAID at the PortaguesaTinastell Aglgncy, on MONDAY, the 2ndFeb'uiary, 1852, andevery suceeding Monday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L ANGUAGES-HAMILTONI AN SYSTEM.- ' This system Is ace 01 the anost useful arid Imnortant d?15eovc. ?? of the age. A pupil can acquire more in live or six weelca on ibis syhtena than in tw? years on the ?? RevIew. ii. 1I.JI LOSISNIHAL, as jeted by English and foreign prolessora, continues LU to glee i.ESSONS In the IOItENCI{, German, Italian, Spanish Latin the Oreek, Usbre.w &e , LANGUAGES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... llOLMFIRrEH CALAMITY.' At 5) MEETING of the Subscribers to the Metropolitan Fund held at the Londen Tavern, Decemrber 1, 1852, 'AMUEL GURtNEY, jun., Esq., in the Chair, On the motion of H1. S. TiMsRNerois, Eeq.; seconded by CuanArs a JA~Cistn, Esq., it was umnairesusly resolved -That the sum of eight shillings in the pound be paid to all sub. scribers applying for the same oR or before the ...