... DRU U Y-LANE THEA TRE. After a forced exile of some few years Miss VANDEvNIcFF has returned to the London stage. She has not been, hoes ever, during the interval, stholly estranged firom the metre. politan public, having been engaged, together Nsith he father, to aid in the dramatic reading of A etiyi-ew li, given last season, with AMENDBLsSOnN'S music, at Exeter Hall. The impression made by ...


... Ti HE TRAGEDYI OF GALILEO GALILar. By Samuel Brown. Ediuburgh: James Hogg. Irn the graceful dedication prefixed to this poem, the author states that he began it for amusement, prosecuted it for the purposes of exercise and self-culture, and finished it just for the sake of finishing what bad been begun. Hle also says- Not a day has been expended on the writing of this drama which could by ...


... Since the night of its opening the pantomime at this the- tre has continued on each succeding evening to draw an over- flowing honee. The auditory on last evening was crowded to the ceiling, not even standing room could be had at any price either in boxes, pit, or galleries. The pantomime here, both in the introdicetory extrava- ganza, and in the comic scenes and trausformations alter- wards, ...


... , POET RY. ON A DEAD INFANT, Yes, this is Death, but in its fairest form, And stripp'd of all its terrors, That clos'd eye Tellsuothiung of the cold anid 1iungry worm- That holds his revel feast on frail mortality. Yes,- this is Death-but like a cherrb's sleep, So beantiful, 80 placid. Who of earth (And tasting earthly cares) would wish to weep O'er one wsho has escap'd the woes of mortal ...


... I ,~l .- Biachwood.-4' notice of this magazine will be found in our Agricultuiritl columns. : lodge's Poskirdits of lluisiriou' Personaaes, Vol. 1. H. G. Bohn, York-street, Covent-Garden, London. A truly pbpular editton of a 'very wvell known work. We quote the .follo'ipg 'frm an Oceount of one who is very celebrated irs'the annals of English ?? Arne Bullen. Anne's short-lived grandeur ...

Fashion and Varieties

... gatijin antb Yarictiem. THE COURT. IIen Majesty and the Prince, with the junior branclhs of the Royal family, continue to take their acciustomcd exercise in the slopes and park at Windior. Prince George of Cam- bridge aud the Duchess of Kcnt are at the Castle. The Duchess of Saxe Weimar, %swith the Princesses Anne and Arnelie, and Prince Gustavus of Saxe Weitnar, left Marl- bornugh House on ...


... ITIONR RRORIVRm-The Rnatoh of PfUDLICATIONR RECEIVED.-The English Woman's a! ft- Magezme; the Ragged School Union Magazine; is a Fraser's Magazine; Bentley's Miecellany; Church oft he England Agszine; Bullion on the Management of a a its Country Barik; Life and Epiatlea of St. Paul; the g at Ladies' Companion. h U11- 11 of THE ALARM OF HIGH Tines IN FRANcE.-The 01 ?? alarmist, have not been ...


... LITERA TURE. DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. (M'Glashan, Dublin.) The University Alygazine commences the new year with l undiminished vigour and ability. The January number pre- r sents us with an agreeable and instructive melange of fact and r fiction-history, poetry, criticism, and romance-and we do a not hesitate to affirm, that whether as regards the variety or L excellence of its contents, ...


... LITERA TURE. The Cradle of thoe Twin. Giansts, Science and History. By i' HsUiNR CHRISTASc~, M.A., Librarian of Sion College SI 2 vol. Bentley. t, la noticing this book, 'we must perforce begin with J the very beginning. Its title is needlessly quaintsand aflcctel, and forms a striking exception to the tact a' and plausibility which generally characterise the no- mienclature of Mr. Bentley's ...


... -(Concinuail). ?? Besides the article on Labour and the Poor, which we transferred a few days ago to our columns, F rater's ilsyer. zine contains this month many excellent papers. The Miemac's Bride is the first of a series promising to recouint the adventures of an emigrant faemily ill the wilderniss of Acadia. At the termination of the American contest is 1784, many loyalist families in ...

Selected Poetry

... -ScArctrb J?,Ortrp. r I S D f3Sl. WTIERE dwells true Wisdom ?-wihere upon the carth Is her abode? Offspring of heavenly birth I lives she on Grecian or on Roman soil? Lands of the pocts' dreams and sculptors' toil! Is she a tenant of the ocean tide ? Are the wild winds her chariot? Does she rido ,id Winter's storms-or in the desert lide ? Deep in the brenst of him wh1o fears the Lord, Yields ...


... THE LIFE OF MRS. ,SHERMIAN.* We have before us a contribution to religious biography, which there cannot be a doubt will prove highly acceptable to that section of the Evan- gelical community of which Mrs. Sherman was so earnest and worthy a member. Surrey Chapel, in St. George's-fields, owed its foundation, in 1782, to the zeal and exertions of the Rev. Rowland Hill; and it continued under ...