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... NORTHUMBERLAND DURHAM DISTRICT BANK MEETINGoPSHAREHIOLDERS A special general meeting of the shareholders in this bankwaee held on Tuesday afternoon, at one o'clock, for the purpose, ,as stated in the advertisement, of ' receiving and considering a statement of the effdire of tche asia cornsany; and of adopting such resolutions with respect thereto as may be deemed expedient; and, gentrsally, ...


... MONDAY.—Before the Mayor (E. Grace, Esq.), Capt. West, E.iV., and Aid. Hodgson. Receiving Stolen Property. - Elizabeth Stephensor was charged with having received quantity drapery goods, knowing them to tho proceeds of robbery from the shot of Mr F. Clark, draper, Bridge-street, Gateshead. It appeared that, from information received Sergeant Leech, of Gatesbead, tbe prisoner was apprehended ...


... NORTHUMBER-LA'N:D WINTER ASSIZES. I TUESDAY, DECEMBEI 22. These saaiies were onened at en o'clock on Tuesday roorning, at the Moot uall. The following gentlemen were sworn as the grand jury for the county of North- umberland:- Rl'te- Hon. Charles Bennet Lord Opsuls'on, ?? Cbillirgbtm Casile, foreman; Sir; Chasles M. L. jgorckb Bart., BAleay Castle; Sir Edward Blaokett, Mart., MWarfen; Sir ...

THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW. Nature now robeth her saddest pomp, And, with a sorrowing, nervous restlessness, ..

... a change. Ou her soft lap, With many wistful, upturned lock, behold The HOAET Year reclines his heavy head, Awaiting dissolution. Aye ! 'tis plain He needs will have to pass full soon away— Away, to where the shadows of bis Sires Stalk grimly the Chambers of tho Past. He hath had warnings! Vestineuts, that erewhile Adorned his noblo frame seemly-wise, Of late hung loosely on him : pinched and ...


... THE 4ARZESMAAM.POISQNVJXG qw!S* : G: LASGOW. WNTIB CIRCUIT..i_,; Tb. trial of 0th4cam dwas reasumed 6 afor ?? J;tico *lerk., The Cor a 'c arowded, aad tthe, pxisnqii tu, asn, ths previous 44iO-antolned a etylid bat earuest counts. nanca, and occasiorally conversedd briefir ?? oiunsvL ; Mr. HAqot ptopoied sigain to, the youmgl. Janet Watson, and'iadiced instasess on record wherein the ...


... At South Shields, la East Catherine Street, the 13th inst., the wife of M r Geo. Ann.strong, shipowner, son. At Nonsuch, Wilts, the 20th hist., the wife the Rev. Meredith Brown, of a son. MARRIED. Smth Church, the inst.. Mr RoK-rt Mun- dell to Miss Sarali Waggitt. is>tli of Bishop Auckland. At Bishop Auckl.-uid, at St. Ann’s Chapel, «*n the 20th inst., Mr «taim*s Thompson, of Muggleswick, Miss ...


... Guardian Office, Saturday, p.m. THIS MORNING'S EXPRESS. Pabis, Friday.—The Spanish Government, after some hesitation, has accepted the offer of mediation m the Mexican question, made by Lord Howden and the Marquis de Turgot, in the name of their respective Governments. Italy —Twenty-oue persons have been arrested at Leghorn, and sent to Lucca be tried by the Cour Roye. -eizures of arms and ...


... .NEWCASTLE, JA-4uA1Y 16. 'The Chinese rupture has assumed a somewhat mew aspect, according to the intelligence which Las arrived within the last few days. It is no longer a war between China and England alone, but a war between China and America also tle United States having become a belligerent, in consequence of the governor of Canton's con- duct in ordering the decapitation of some of the ...


... The Government, it is stated, have received four days' later news from India, to the effect that Delhi had been assaulted, but the troops were repulsed. They were waiting for ...


... MARCH 14, 1857. article on Working Men's Benefit Societies, is reserved lo next week. Reviews of New Books and Periodicals, are also deferred. have no recollection of the paragraph Howden AmaUr Saxhorn Band it must have been mislaid. ...

BIRTH. At Buriton Rectory, Hants, on the in*t., tho wife of the Kev. John Mauuior Sumner, daughter. MARRIED. ..

... at St. Oswald’s, the 19th iust., bv the Rev. i*. M. Holden, M.A., the Ucv. Henry Holden, D.D., Heml Master hurliani School, to only child >'f the lute Byron Aldhara, Esq., .Nortn Hill, Plymouth. ♦ At St. Oswald’s, the 20lh mat., Mr liohert lark Miss Catherine Ku ...