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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... rI1HE STAUNTON CHESSMEN and BOARDS. T. -W, LEUCHARS begs to informn the nebility, gentry, and public that he haas now completedl a very elegant board tor the above novel anti much-admired chessmlnen. It ia ornamented Is a .tyle corresponding in design ald material witl the unique box belonging to them, Nwhich hoac already obtained suech universal ad- luiration, tle tout eascuible forming the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH1E1 MORNING CHRONICLE LALOU R AND THE POOR. The deniande constantly enade to obtain the carly N umibeC rs of T liE MORNING CHRON CLE ?? the Lettcrs 011 LA BOURV AND THE POOlR in the 2Mwrleo OI.T.A N, A RICUL- TURAL, and M A4NFACIV.LING D aisTltrs, have iuduced the eOiL ductors of that Journal to direct the lltJ'C LICATION of tiosc Let- ters il SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twenty-four ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,jmto INDIA and CHINA vik EGYPT.- ~i~~ilar 1IONTO1ILY MAIL, STEAM CONVEFYANCE for c- ~osaild light goods to CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTTA &~% 1NG , _PORE, and HONG HtNG. -'mhc Pemeta;ua I'0,'oknfi Senim NaVigaltion Company book passengers and re- 5nd d~acd paclsfo the Above ports lop their steainers, start- O~~S~l~h~~i~~iaOflIls 20th of every moa1th, and from Suez ~fro~~ti010thoflte month. so o s~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. NI E N E W N 0 V E L S Ts PUBLISHED THIS DAY BY MR. BENTLEY, NOW HEADY AT ALL THlE LitnARnils. 1. KING'S COPE. By the author of Mr. Warrenne, Margaret Capol, &c. 3 vols. SILWOOD. 2 vols. 111. The MARRIAGE CONTRACT. By Harriet Raikes. 2 vols. HANDS NOT HEARTS. By ByMis Wilkinson. 5 vols. REDBURNT his First Voyage. By Hermnll Melville, author of Typee, ?? Omoo, &c. 2 vols. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITI'dI 'u d NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL p E SHIP~, apointed bye tire Adrniraltyx to sail Lh,, RPO0 ntd B~'ON, aud betwe-en LIVERPIOOL '41g NW YORK, callintg at Halifax to land and I:cilvty passengers nodI her ?? ititlilS. .Ire followijllO or other vessels are appointed to ii~l fromt Liver. evry, alteiillatCSaturday, namely y;, A rARA, for BOSTON, Saturday, January- 12. EUR~OPA, for NEW YORK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m HE MORNING CHRONICLE! LA BOUR AND T THE POOR. The demands constantly made to obtain the early Numbers of T IE MORNING CHRONICLE containing the Letters 0 ALABO5URt AND THE POOR, in the bTEoT'oLITAiS. AuisiCUL TUBAAL, and MANUF~CTU555NG DISTRICiTS, have inductd the ton ductors of that Journal to direct the RErtULICATION of those Let- tersin SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twe cnty-four Columns each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. THE3 EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. CLXXXIII., TH wvill be Published on Saturday, January 12. CONUINTS: 1. Colonisation. 2. BrItish 5incs: Mining Records. 3. Oraige Processions. 4. Grote's History of Greece. 5. Currer Bell's S hirley : a Tale. 6, Turkey and Christendom. ; 7. Sanitary Reform. 8. Lamartiic's History of the Revolution of 1848. London: Longman and Co. Edinburgh: A. and C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'EIIE MORNIN G CHRONICLE' s ?? LABOUR AN!) THE POOR. Thlo tie'n.dis cuitstaitly inido to obtain the eary Numiters or TilE .:I;1NING CHfRONICLE ?? teil Lettors oh LAiBOUit AND ' Til-i POOR, iii the MuE1TgOl'OLiTAN, AGRiCtL- TUIAL, aot l .,i ratio tiso DiS'Icites, have ilnlced tthe Coul- ductocs of ?? ?? 0ilet to tirec' dlc ]IcrittlO.ATlON of lh=c- L -o- I tcn.inl ?? P I E hl E N 'Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i.tIqALIAN LINE OF PACKET SHIP, A *tlillcluafly thle 20th Janluary.-For SYDNEY direct, * wsah ?? stilling first-class ?? barque RI FLE- .,.cr402 tollS, Jolts J08o~el II~MCConutnairder; ?? Docks. T1hk~ ship has great height betweent if, t acccllnlitnchtioni for Puseltngers.-h'or terims of' ad :i-icZ~ oplyto Ilcitry and Calvert Touliin, ill, Great n ~ Devist and Moote, 0, lBilliter-street.' ~%R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? London-bridge-wharf.-Tbe (F S(,mi N'aviUit~'f Com1panly's first-class and favourite * i s'ev ?? j&idiubhidgO whltaf for-. 4F-PiiF ?? said Tteilday ; Janl. 6, at 7 ; 8, at 9 C IsTivihav' iind Sunday Jan. 0, at 0 ; 10, at 11. pia. , ~~ 7: ?? j..cla and Friday, at S morning. ii1ltrljj_1 lcda adSatuxrdayv, at 4 afternoon. i 0. I7 L~,ilbird-5troee, and 87, Regexit-circus. al EAST INDIA HOUSE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE MORNING CHRONICLE LA~BOIJR AND TltE POORt The demlands constantly made to obtn te earl5 Numbrs of THE MORNING CHRONICLE cortitsiD the Let e ' LABOUR AND THE POOR, in the METRorrAN, AoSIc 'Tvi41,, and MAiviFACTCRINiO DIwrSTtirs, have ~i ductors of that Jourual to direct the ?? ot tels ill S U PPL EM EN'lE (contaitning Twenty-four Columns each), to be given twice a-week, the first of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ai for so for PUBLICATIONS. Eag liiidaely will be publisbed, in small five., price Is. 6d., HEi EARTH AND MAN: T ~ ectureson Comparative Physical Geography, Inl its relation to the History of Mankind. By ARNOLD OUYOT, New Professor of Physical Geography and History at Neuchatel, e, Sa- Swsitzerland. froil Translated by C. C. FELTON, Lady Professor iii Harvard Unliversity. frons 1Our earth is ...