... FRANCE. M. M OXTALEMBERT OX THE WAR IX ITALY. TO FREXCH JOURXALS. The of yesterday contained the following warning to the Cwrt'expomlaiit for an article the Count de Montalembert, entitled, The Pope Pius IX. and France in 1849 and 1853. Tlie Minister ...


... however, was evidently bent on war, and France was only too ready to grant her assistance. A telegram t'rom Paris on Wednesday states that, at the request of the Spanish Ambassador, the Minister of War had placed material of war at the disposal the Spanish ...

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... WHICH LED TO THE TERMINATION OF THE KAFFIR WAR; And on the Measures for the future maintenance of Peace on the Frontier of the Cape Colonly, and for the Protection and Welfare of the People of South Africa. By the late Lieut.-General the Hon. Sir GEORGE ...

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... Portraits of Kossutla and General Ilapka. and a Map of the Austrioan Empire. MEMOIRS OF THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE IN HUNGARY By General lKLArxA, late Secretary-nt-War to tlre Hungarian Cmmrrnwearttl, and Comrndandaut of the Fortress ofilsostrno 'This is onea ...

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... be- allowed, to the coaset of Africa opposite- Gibraltar:. There 'is fib doubt but that Bpain has 'declared war against' Xorocco, and will, w in alU probability, follow out her- declaratiori bjy } g active measures. The war is said to be extremely ev popular- ...

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... British ports in India, to a neighbouring island in the Indian Ocean, and an emigration from Africa founded on purchase, encouraging and provoking inte- rior wars and forays for its supply, disturbing and endangering a valuable and increasing lawful commerce ...

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... ounde-noted or othor Vessels aro appointed to Sail FROM LIVERtPOOL: 18.51. EUROPA . Fo F'r BOSTesNo ?? Satuirday, the 1th Sept. AFRICA . ?? New 5YOsl5 atiuday, tl e i8th Sept. e~ CANADA For BesToN ?? Saturday, the 20th.Sept. . ASIA ?? For NESW YOE ?? Saturday ...

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... in Ordinary to her Majesty. THE WAR FROM THE LANDING OF THE GUARDS IN THE CRIlEA TO THE CAPTURE OF SEBAS- TOPOL. Now ready, in 8vo, with Portrait of the Duke of Cambridge, 145. ThR ROBINSON'S DIARY of the D11CRIMEAN WAR, from ?? of ths Guards to the Capture ...

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... late Secretary of the U.S. for Utah. Post Sve, cloth, 00. WESTERN AFRICA: ITS IIISTORY, CONDITION, AND PltOSPECTS. By Rev. J. LEIGHTON WILSON, M.A. Eighteen Years a Missionary in Africa. Numerous Illustrations. Post Svo, cloth, 0,. Cd. THE RURAL POETRY ...

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... NAIEro, I.C.B. Portraits. - svol. Post Svo, tSso. MISSIONARY JOURNALS and RESEARCHES in SOUTH AFRICA, during Sixteen Years' Residence in the heart of Africa. By ReY. Dr LevysasTasun, I.D. Matps and Woodcuts, Svo. (In Aunust.) S. LIVES of Lord KENYON, ...