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... DOLTON ROGERSON. In a valley fair I wander'd, O'er Its meadow pathways green, Where a singing brook 'was flowing, Like the spirit of the scene; And I saw a lovely maiden, With a basket brimming o'er With sweet buds, and so I ask'd her For a ...


... each morning the asn doth unbar The orient gates, And nightly he waits iD lingering chat with tbe evening star, That by some bright chance His eye, In Its glance, May got a glad glimpse of thy form afar ' And we, too, the children of buman clay, Are weary ...


... There our chosen songster sat, 'Mid firm old friends in lively chat; Who shone in dance, or song, or wit, For any jovi i company fit. A damsel's ,ne-a brother too, And many :zhers, not a few, Whom Fa cy fond can brightly see, With us c mmingling merrily; ...


... e. one lop is a series of six circles, formed by a double black scroll eel to outline, sod the centres filled up by smaller circles, and diamond cli hd, end triangular pieces of blue, green, and gold. Another is a R in fins design for a chess table. The ...


... the boding portents loom, Foretetiiig Chat tile prile mid pos er ml i st quickly meot their b For En Suslj'. brave o*h admiral again is on the seas. [doom, b A cheer, thene. fur o:r ti'llant tars, a bleesing, and a prayer, n For those who q(it etirei' ...


... woul pat. a w , if And sgh4, with a word, whe ntheo e 4 Her Io A he would pu torth hermettle, odd gallop Awy. so As na to the gates of a city he ode,o WhIle the glorious sun all belllauly gtlowd. of The good ma discorerd, with yes of desire, w ...

Literary Extracts

... influence of a pce?a so bitterly hoottle to ?? the papauv. And who woald have a right to complain if it should? A power titat has existed for more iliati a thousand ycera, and which yet cannot muintain itself egainot the Y ictineks of ...


... to our readers. We give a. few extracts.' Count Pr Tristan inquires,- Il: 5- ?? tlsey niot told thaee, then, oi C, That objects, Clirimgs, eats to dietiisgnisltsd, though ir 'rt Placed at a distance, witi the aid of sight? r a- I0IAN~~rm,ssm. N) At distasiise ...

Pickings from Punch

... -It is the drone and the busy bee. A TEETOTALLETRs DEFrNITIoN.- Language is most I decidedly only given to a drunken man to disguise his I thoughts. e A LETTER TO MANY.-Count Roguet has been sent by Louis Napoleon on a mission to King Bombalino. Con- sidering ...

Borrowed Cristes

... if the loadstone on the table could attract a piece of iron for a foot or two, there was a young woman, who, when be was a young man used to attract him thirteen miles every Sunday to have a chat with her I ...