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... sprinkling, something like a shower; but Oh, ye gods.,bappy and gleesome, witty and wicked, they were as plentiful as blackberries, and packed as closely as Egyptian mummies; so much so that we wonder how they expanded their lungs. The playing of the ...


... pathetic ballad over which we then wept as we thought of the children in the wood. Their little bands and pretty lips With blackberries were dyed, And when they saw the darksome night They sate them down and cried. And, as if to remind us the more forcibly ...


... grossest articles —even on iron. In NewYoik the number of men who acorn to labour in Pennsylvania make stores as plentiful as blackberries. Almost the only coal company of hundreds in the district, which pays their men in cash, is in Car- bondale; they have ...

TUB CARDIFF & MERTHYR GUARDIAN --.....-......,.'-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''-/...,.....,..,,,...,.../'OV'V'

... them, whether as town councillors, aldermen, magistrates, or mayors. The can- didates certainly are not like Shakspeare's blackberries; the annual or biennial iippcal for some, the constant badgering for others, render the task disagreeable, and so we get ...

[No title]

... about two o'clock in the afternoon of the above-named day, and took his way, it is supposed, towards the river In search of blackberries. His parents, missing his presence at tea, went round the village in search of him, but failed to see or to hear any account ...