... MORMONISM. Mr. Horace Greeley, editor of the A'eir Tori- Tribute, records the following conversation with Brighain Young. It valuable a-f the direct replies of the avowed leader 1 the Mormons to the searching questions of clever man: n 1 , to r ...

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... cyhoeddus . 242 Llofruddiaeth dychryn- Ilyd a hunanladdiad yn California .242 Attyniad Gwallt Mereb.. 242 Creulonderau Mormon- aidd . - --- 242 DYGWYDDIADAIJ YR WYTHNOS .. 243 NEWYDDION DIWEDDAW. 243 Tennessee .244 Adroddiad y Penllytbyr- wr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pen rhaff bellebrol NEWYDDION CYFFRED- odr y Wcrydd yn mnOL . 569 America . 561 LoF..o 51570 Y cytundeb V'r Mormon- MuaCHNADOEDD. &c. 571 Terfysg yn Mmlith y NlarchnadoeddTramor 571 Terfysg yn mhlith ~~~ -- Seisonig 571 Gwyddelod yn Tipper- ...

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... VOTE ON True EDUCATIoX BILL.-A letter on this subject from Mr. George Combe, of Edinburgh, will appear on Satur- day. TuE MORMON CrTY-TenRMTORT OF Ursa.-A letter from Mr. John G. Chambers, formerly of this city, will be given in our next publication. ...

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... Subscriber.-Th5 Americn out and the British bc home. A Lover of Truth.-wo cannot open our oolumns to a de- eP fence of Mormonism, SoeITY.-Tb letter entitled ev LITERARY AND puitOSOPIIIcAL 1evLl he What has become of the trioeyasenrcied Q. t -uay re~t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Mormon com- munity has appeared; the Su1preme Court of Utah hae de- cided that the organic act extends the common law over the territory, and the act being of the nature of a constitution, the common law overrides all the statutes of the Mormon lejislature ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is declined. The letter of Thomas Tipping has been received. The Old Mlan's Jonrney is passed .for insertion.s TilE MORMONs.- R. S. The Yes York, berald, of Jan. 5. e A Young Reader.`-Apply to the gorerinisesst emigration- agent, at his offlce ...

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... lTrsn1.cuJ9 M. G. V. Broo:te supported by Meesra. ~ enlle~n .Le TH RRRYA,-DRRYA ftnuatlcpi of the hightly etocepadl WEDNESDAY, MORMON PM WOMANORS. Tke, ?? ?? Drary-lan i Fantomime the best rodne for thirty yeqra .1E. SlITHImpo I~ bittmatetiha aithonc taney ...

Advertisements & Notices

... School Teochers, are respectfully invited by Dr. Brindley to assist him in his intended Lectures torthecounteraction of Mormonism,by assist- ing to distribute the small bills whiich they may obtain at Mr. RicF.'s, Broadmead. Dr. Brindley also invites ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Demonstrations- the West ludies-the Royal Hibernian Acadey's a Exhibition-Sales of Incumbered Estates-Alarming Occur- t rence-the Mormons in Wales-Dublin Police-Commercial Intelligence-Varieties-Fairs, &c. ATHOLIC DEFENCE ASSOCIATION. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The Office ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Shirley,' 'Villette,' &c. In 2 vols. 3._ AN ENGLISHMAN AMONG THE MORMONS.- Just published, in post svo, price ss. cloth, A VISIT TO SALT LAKE. Being a Journey across the Plains to the Mormon Settlements at Utah. By WmILLI.,M CHANDEESS. 4. THE MILITIAMAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on board the Steamer between Malta and Alexandria ; Drawing Lots on board the Valetta, for the Vans across the Desert. Mormons in a Kanyon of the Rocky Mountains. A Russian Marriage near Moscow. Her Majusty's steam-frigate Furious and the convoy of ...