Advertisements & Notices

... in C Atilliteni- Great 6i0 ot all. '(Beetboven.) Jne 27 M. Adiuishion of Fellows &. Scholars at St. Jobhi's. 2S ?? Queen 'Victoria cr owned (18138). - 29 IV. St. Peter the Apostle. -- 30 Ti. ?? ?? Moon 2.41 p.m. My 1 1. IaY lecrii-ed4 ni. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A;BJRUARY. hro d 50a.Morning Lessonas: Gen. ix; A u sohl~ o g Les i~ nsa en .xii ; 2C o r. vi a- Sun rises 3% VOs 3. p.21 Queen Victoria mar., 1640. ~5r X,7bIses,2M.P-die 1763. jI,. P- '1.Shen ?? New Moon, 29m. past 6h., g ?? oAda, ShrnveiTee di New Maot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Twiligfht ends 6.53.-Sun rises at 7.32. 8 Tu. half Quarter. -Sun sets at 4.59. 9 W. Day hircased I hour 49 minutes. 10 Tsi. Queen Victoria maruried (1840). -Moon, 1st qr. -11 F. Sun rises 71.25; sets 5.5-Day 9 h. 40 m. long. Alotices to Advscrtiscrs, Agents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *haughai, haviug been completely successful as to the object of their mission. ViSIT OF QUEEN VICTORIA TO BEIBLIN.-It is still reported confidently that Queen Victoria will visit Ber- lin in the course of next September. It is stated in the Times and Daily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Singers have been honoured by the Patronage of their Majesties- Queen Victoria IKing of Hanover King of Holland Louis Philippe ling of Denmark King of Belgiumr EmperorofAustria IKing of Bavaria Queen of Spain King of Prussia King of Saxony And highly complimented ...

Advertisements & Notices

... comparison instituted in our article to which you allude referred to the respective stations held by President Pieree and Queen Victoria: the former is one of real dignity and vast res, onsi bility,-thle latter a mere centre for AlR that is foolish, frivolous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H JouN AsnorT, General Secretary. it TO TAiLORS AIND OTIEtS. Pl( EXHIIITION, 1851. ye :Sy Approbatione of Hir Afajesty Queen Victoria, and thi ILB.R.. Trince Albert. cv HE LONDON and PARIS SPRING W T and SUMMER FASHIONS for 1851, by Messrs. BENJAMIN READ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -118 2|Gocthe born, 1749. J m, Wednesday, .20 0 41 0 28119 2 St. John Baptist beheaded. C( Thuraday. .10 049 1 9119 0 Queen Victoria, in Dublin M1 Friday. . 31 1 30 1 18 4 [Exhibition, 1853. A le, 0i :ss Full Moon, 27th; lh. 2lm. afternoon. E PO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Camalogue of). may he bad, Gratis and Postage Free.-Address to RoBEar Cocxe and Co. (Stusic Plsb lishers to their Majesties Queen Victoria and the Emperor Napoleon III.), New Burlington-street, London. rlEE ROAD TO FOR'TUNE'S ONWARD, .. BOYS I the new popular ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for the pur of carryins into effect the Provisions of the Act pass in el~th and I6th Years of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen victoria, capl. 50, intituled An Act to consolidate fnd amend the Laws relating to the Militia in England, and other Acts now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Robert Barker, Ollerensbaw Hall, Chapel-en- le-Frith, Derbysbire, late of Manchester (chemist to Her Most Gracioas Majesty Queen Victoria), in bottles at Is. lid., 2s. 3d., 4S. 6d, and its. eaeh. The 4s. 6d. coatalls Seven times, and the Ns. id, three-and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, from the [onourable Sir JAMES SHAW WILLES, Knight, one of the Justices of our Lady the Queen, of her Court of Com- mon Pleas, and one of the Justices of our said Lady t the Queen assigned to deliver her Gaol ...