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Advertisements & Notices

... permanent damnage done to said Entailed LaDds, all in terms- of an Act of Parliament passed in the first year of her Majesty Queen Victoria, which received the Royal assent on 15th July, 1837, entituled An Act for making and maintaining a Rail- way from Glasgow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... danicage donle to said Entailed Lanils, all in terms of a:n Act of Parliament passed iln the tirst year of herA Majesty Queen Victoria, wwhich received thel Royal asseut Oin 15th1 July, 1837, ecntiteled ' An Act for mailing and mnainitaiiicig a lclcil- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ee done to said Entailed l-ands, all iii ternis of an Act of' Parliamiient passe-d ii tie first yeari of hem' Majesty Queen Victoria, wvhiel received the Royal asscent onl 15th J uly, 1837, entittiledl An Act Imr malking land maiintaining a Rail- Way ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAVINGS:-Exhibition of the Designs for the New Go- vernment Offices, Weastminister Hall. Marble Statue of her .Majesty, Queen Victoria, Peel Park, Salfurd. The War in China: The Eaglet and the Auckland's Boats destroy- ing Mandarin Junks at Toon-chung ...

Advertisements & Notices

... permanent damage done to said Entailed Lands, all in terms of an Act of Parliament passed in the first year of her Majesty Queen Victoria, which received the Royal assent on 15th Jul7, 1837, entituled An Act for making and maintaining a Rall- way from Glasgow ...

Foreign Intelligence

... following address :— “ Chiefs, amapakati, and people who dwell! between the rivers Kei and Keiskamma— “Our great and good Queen Victoria has sent me, George Catheart, to be your great Chief and Governor. “Tam come among you to do good to all those whe are ...

Foreign Intelligence

... almost an unlimited one, so far th there is a freedom to print at I saw printed advertise- ments spread at ev stating that Queen Victoria is no lawful ery corner, and signed b oe ought to be sent to the Tower, and all those who rule hanged Men laughéd, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... beg to caol special attention to their CGelerated Biiscits, o/hlicit thqe fortcard wee/hy to HER MOST GRACIOUS MIAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA. 1IANNOFORTES FOR SALE.-New Grand, Cottage, and i >1i 1 Square, by the First London IMakers. e PFR1a & Tromtso-e. 7 and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by virtue of the Powers and Provisions of the Statute of the 17th and 18th years of the Reign of her present Majesty Queen Victoria, cap. 80, Sections 10 and 11, hereby ANNEX the LANDWARD PORTION of the PARISH of DUMBARTON to the adjoining PARISH of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... despatched:- Tus. Tns Ships. Reg Bur: Captains. Destinations. General deStti 750 1150 F.Fokkens Sydney. (new) .. . Queen Victoria,. 322 5001J. May. Launceston. Zwaluw 352 550 1H. Uiternark..| GeelongWblarf Lying in the London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... virtue of the Powers and Provisions la of the Statute of. the 17th and 18th years of the Reign of her _ ill present Majesty Queen Victoria, cap. 80, Sections 10 and 11,i - hereby: ANNEX the LANDWARD PORTION of the y, PARISH of DUMBARTON to the adjoining PARISH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the Powers and Provisions En n of the Statute of the 17th and 18th years of the Reign of her Ba' ,n present Majesty Queen Victoria, cap. 80, Sections 10 and 11, mna hereby AN NEX the LANDWARD PORTION of the to, PARISH of DUMBARTON to the adjoining PARISH ...