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Advertisements & Notices

... I Datch flle), Price, Silllil Set, 5s. Cd.; Iid lIe. So. Gd.; Large, 108.ld. r 1 Apply to IIENRY LEOMAil), IRONhtON GlERY STORIES, S 1, 22 IGII-SlTlE'T, BRISfOL. ,AMILY MOURNING.-F. CORDEUX's FAMILY MOURNING ESTABLISHMENT. We earnestly invita thle attention ...


... DEomsiBEt last past, all that very desirable and improvable ESTATE, called CHUDLEIGH WOODS, situate in the parish, and within a short distance of the towvn of Chudleigh; consisting of a cottage, barn, stable, sheds, 13 closes of productive meadow and pasture ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOts, as Isony lie anrraigold tit tboo elle of Sale. They ore held sisider Loese I for tlOU Years, gralitetl hty A. It. It. Story Moskelie, Esq., aubjct I to an olsltlil (lrotiult-rcnt of £4, whilli, if the Prerasns arc divided into Lots, iul be alporltionedli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ind sleols In ar eminent degree, hard even In tin ort cases re- store to perfect realtio arnd itreritr tn bu in uneeivabtly short pti e ago lew Frviom arnot g mary kiyrr tJstinorlibsa comumanolSoated to the Prilrrictor tile foirosring i9 s eletod:- thatOuIi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dividled Into five Lots, ill ins be arranged at thle tune of Sale. They are held under Lease fo ll YOars, granted by AL. Mt. R, Story Maskeotlyno, Esq., subject to an annuoal Oreund-reirt of £'l, which if the Promises are dividad Into Lois, will be apportioned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... minds, we confess, To hear of good luck and triumphant success; So,by way of allusion, likewise explanation, Wc'll tell von A StORY ABOUT SPECULATION! A gentleuaon once, (but no matter the date,) Was struck with the word Speculatel Speculate! It entered his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... minds, we confess, To bear of good luck and triumphant success; So,byway of allusion, likewise explanation, We'll tel you A STORY ABOUT SPECULATION! A gentlemar once, (but no matter the date,) Was struck with the word Speculate! Speculate) It entered his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... seed Fivel frocs Ccardiif Oh twvo '-real sleippics; Porte of Irocecccsetlishicre essd Glaicssorgaoieire-acla withise a very Short dietacece of lice Sossli Waioe ftoilevoy.o R.GC. EVANS htels beean favotlredl with l ntrcions to SELL by AUCTION, at the WEST- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... water. closets, and nume- rous secondary bed-rooms, approached either by the principal or separate stairs. On the basement story are bousekeeper', butler's-pantry, 2 excellentlkitchens, large and lofty scullery, servants-hal, dairy, capacious wine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... water closets, and nume- rous secondary bed-rooms, approached either by the principal or separate stairs. On the basement story are housekeeper's-roOm, butler's-pantry, 2 excellent kitchens, large and lofty scullery, servants'-hall, dairy, capacious wine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hippisley, Esq. Col. Freestun, xcr., R.w.y.c. George S. Curtis, Esq. Col. Markham, n.v.y.c. Isambert IC. Brunel, Esq. Capt. Story, aN.' EDWARD VIVIAN, Esq., Trcosu , e? .-W C. P FmSacrelary. IRMST PRIZE: A PURSE OF FIFTY SOVEREIGNS. Time Race, for Yachts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tltg- fittit lee Leatdtng Gboils, atiti aL Flrowage to ttte readtilOt tite Cuti of li11 feet. 'guy I'rernises tire willtiit it short disittite itf tihe Great WIesteln, etiti Birmoitnghamtt, tiile Ex;eter Ilalttc'tys. A irinlo'Iirltry tiete with Ilte blOUSES ...