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Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... amount prior thsereto. 1R.B. Sums Advanced, from .fl0 and upwards, Upon all tangible Deposits, from Eleven to 'Three, DEADING, SPEAKING, 8& STAMIIERIhG.] JltClergymen sufferie6 fromn Pulmouary Exhaustion and Clerical Sore Throat, or desirous of acquiring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... behind; also a Lawn in front. Hard and Soft Water. Gas through the Honse.-Apply to Mr, D. H. W.ALSH, Quay-street. R EADING, SPEAKING, & STAMMERING. X Clergymen suffering from Pulmonary Exhaustion and 'Clerical Sore Throat, or desirous of acquiring the Art ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ttttt Outfitter, Bristol-bridgc, giristol. W~rANTEliDs a TRAVELLER for the Tea, WV Coffee, tnd GeC.eral Grocery Trade. He muat speak welsh, be vell act eainteud witt tCie btlstltess, altIt fltd security for 1. A persot wl tbits beeti acttetnsttal to trtavel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... There is some probability that Alexander IL could not have dared to hold other language to his subjects; but if he could not speak contrariwise, neither, it may be con- cluded, can he act in contravention of his language. Policy a century and a half old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... was not happy ac en issterpreter. of tle truly clnassic musse of tlccs magisfiscent Oratorio. WhVe re- gret being obliged to speak ticus disparagingly of thle perform- ri auce, for we wisic success to every musical Society, and more es- I pecially to tisose ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Address C S, Westbury, Ts GRn c nRSt TEA-DEALERS, &e. SBt WL anted. by a otnimpetent Young 'Jan. a situntion as above. Sal Can speak tIle Engliosi rind Welsh laniguages; u'ould have no Prl objection to travel iftrequired. Unexeeltiontibte reference can Iri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... were opened in the borough of Southwuart and in Oxford-street, of the proSpeots of which your Directors have every reaeso to speak conditently. The Directors retiring by rotation are John Hseairy Lance, EsqR James Rhodes, Esq., aud Robert Keating. Esq., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d passage to Melbourne at seven o'clock on 0 Saturday morning. Letters received back by the pilot from l parties on board speak of her having gone off 'in the most comfortable manner. The style in which she has been des- patched reflects the greatest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHOOLMASTER (THIE) AT HOME.; S Errors in Speaking and writing corrected, a few words on letters H and R, vithl familiar synonymes and words of similar soun~ad distiflguiell('d. Price Sixpence-(p~ost free for six stami's). To be had wholesale and retail ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Agency Offices, 2, Alfred-place, Kingedown, and 2, NiehoiaF-street, opposite Messrs. Stuokey's Bank, Bristol. D EADING, 'SPEAKING, SINGING, I~t AND STAMMERING. Mr. AlTIoS (of London), Profes;or of Elocution. may be Consulted as usual by clergymen, Public ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by Mr. J. 13. HATTON and Mr. SALMON. ny s'sTo be followed on MONDAY & TUESDAY EVENINGS by he The Laughable Farce of IS, WHO SPEAKS FIRST. ith Captain Charles .r. C. VINCENT. Mrs. Ernest Militant . iss CLEVELAND. ey To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... worth possessing by every Schoolboy and Adult. James Cornih, 2D7, Holborn, London. THE SCHOOLMASTER AT HOME: T Errors In Speaking and Writing Corrected, with Familiar Synonymes and Words of similar sound distinguished, Sixipeolce. James Cornish, 297, ...