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Newcastle Courant


... board. You may judge what a happy state we are ia -expecting the bailiffs every hour-t-no one we dare trust with anything or speak to;-all we say is carried of. It is a regular spy job. l'o pay rent is iopossiblo. so what is to be done, or what the end of ...


... troops. Tight tape-laced coatees (scar et in leprosy) were cast aside, and shell-jackets, well patched with leather, generally speaking, had become the order of the day. Blue dungaree trousers were substituted for white prolongations. The heavy knapsack had ...


... which has just appeared snd which is entitled Joseph Guy's 4oyal Victoris Speling Book. It is seldon that we aresnabled to speak of an? work intended for the instrn ion of childrenin of unqualified praise, but ii the present instance, C0 much ingenuity ...


... and amusement, and an objection to rostriill which are implied in the desire for a ?? which tho class themselves sO often speak) Vlii, stlitte the mai cbaracteristics of vagraits tni b a sters; and similar tastes and proponsitiO5 *r r the most notable ...


... farmers and others. The Marquis of Dawacsuseto said: 1I did not come here thise dey to do things by halves; no, I came here to speak out, and to call things by their proper names. And I now declare that I wish this agitation to be con- sidered as a war a ...


... beat these bhown at tle Glasgow Agricultural Show. In Class Ill, Hores, there Was a goodly number of animals, and, generally speaking, they were pretty good in their var~ous departmentso especially those of tie draught kinijwhich will boar inspedtitill W ...


... part of the dinner. Coffee was handed round, and each guest mnutely sipped his cup, regarding her M ijesty, if one might so speak, from a htstance. White Ai-was wondering when tile signal to depart would bc given, the Grand Chamberlain advanced, and in ...


... to till the laud so that it would produce the utmost pos- sible amount of corn; but after attempting to do so-and he could speak for himself-he would like to bear from these self- constituted patties how they could make it produce more than they could ...


... there is an uncertiraety or chance of ?? to provide against. 110 may lose his money hbut if he does, again I say, h1umanly speak, ing, it will be his own ?? ...


... sort ot cheetful quiet humour, especially while lie wees speaking; but to us it seemed certaiely to exhibit a feeble intellect shown chiefly by a ailiet flickering smile, even when he was speaking on the gravest zub- jects. %iheii asked what had bronh l ...


... & Co., London).-The opening piece this month is a lengthy notice of the writings and genius of Alison, of which the writer speaks with much admiration; while he denounces the political measures against which the subject of his panegyric has frequently ...


... in an advanced state of decay, such as it must have taken cea- j turies to ?? Independent. EcorNOMY OF COAL Dusr AT LIEGE.-Speaking | of the manufactures in this town, which is described as the Birmingham of Belgium, the editor of the ' Art ] Journal, ...