... regretted, Joseph Forster, 1sq., of Harewood Hill and Darlington. At BRUGES, on the 26th inst., Charles Tayleur, Esq., son of the late Charles Tayleur, Esq., of Parkfield, Liverpool. Drowned at Sea, during the late gales in the Bos- phorns, by the wreck ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at his seat, Stuart Hall, county Tyrene, Ireland, Robert, Earl of Castle Stuart. Jane 14, at Qaklands, 'Torquay, Charles Tayleur, Esq., late of Liverpool, in his 80th year. June-IS, at Mark-Lane, in his 83rd year, Jamies Kendle Bromvne, Esq., the father ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... scarlet fever, Eliza- beth, aged 6 years, only daughter of Mir Alexander Wylie, acceeounlant. 1- Drowined, ol board the ship Tayleur, off Lambay Island, on :0 the 21st instant, ?? Lyons (wife of Air John Harper) and rg children, viz. :-Euphemia, infatit ; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Melbourne, Australia, Barry, eldest son of John Martin, Esq, of Air-hill, Rathgar, county Dublin. January 21, lost, on board the Tayleur, off Lambay, Arthur St, George, fourth son of the late Lieutenant-colonel LEstrange, of Moystown, in the King'S County. A ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of Beverley. March 22, at Beverley, aged 62, Mr. Henry Johnson, wine ; and spirit merchant.-22, aged 84, Grace, widow of-Tayleure, drawing master.-24, aged 5 years and 6 months, Mary Eliza. beth, the eldest daug-hter of P. B. Allen, ironmonger. ?? 22 ...