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Advertisements & Notices

... president of the United States arc thus given by the New York Herald: Genwral Pierce, democrat; Generat Scott, whig; Daniet Webster, uenion whig; J. P. Hale, freesoiter W~illiam Goodell. liberty sano; Governor Trroupe, secessionist. Wmo. Downs, off Ho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... icstending to h conteet the eard, he7ies ervitten to the party 'named request. o ing him to weithdrawu his nanes Tories and whigs are l alike united in their determnination to re-slect the retiring member. ROBBERY AT TME POSTOFFICE.-A friend at Bath, desirous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... were to the hereditary service of the state, al it is difficult to ascertain at what period or under what circumstances the Whig party have ever possessed or could obtain a more efficient leader. This is well and beautifully said, and is the more remarkable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the necessity of combining for the purpose of resisting insults similar to those which had been heaped upon them by the late whig ministry.-Mr. Lomax read a istatement of the building committee, from which it ap- I peared that the land cost £625; the building ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ture: Reraose. C V. Industrial Investm-ont. l VI. John Knox's Litnrgy. VIl. Mallet Dn.Pan. Vill. Roebuck's History of the Whigs. IX. Squier's Nicaragua. X. Lord Derby's Ministry and Protection. London: Longman and Co. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black. Now ready ...

Advertisements & Notices

... not have Iceen ciarried by obediently suppartiug itable ichig ministers end whig leadeis ; retrgoohclment, and ieform will racter never he accomplished by merely supporticig a whig mnicistry, is the hoivever libet-al thai, ministry may be. Its action Must ...


... quick and bandy, The French nay yet land on our shores To drink our ale and brandy, Let sects and parties all unite; Liberal, Whig, and Tory, Your colours blend, blue, red, and white, For England's stay and glory. Let no false pride your ranks divide To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... immediately missed, and information was li given to P.S. Holden, who traced the feathers up several w streets. In Fish-lane the whigs of the turkeys were found- in a cart. The thieves have succeeded in moaking- their D, escape. W PRESENTATION TO A CLrRGY.1AN( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wee ties a ?? time fixed byp Mr. Rumeell for his next distribution of ticetse~ 8, for a free passage, to Auestreelia. E1 - A Whig of 1688.--At the close of time investigations we a d a shall endeavour to comp~ly witis your request; but tee can. t ~'not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Death, by a Gunshot, at Betboal Green-Newnoarket Houghton The Iifseting-Editorial Articles: The French EmpireoinPeace; Whig paid and 'iory Gold, the People's Silver; Senjeant, Adams on the Press; A Houae for our Pictures. Sc.-Duel and Murder near ...

Advertisements & Notices

... account of an anniversary is omitted from its being unauthenticated. G. H.-Tho Earl of Derby has not been a member of a Whig or Liberal administration since July, 1834. He was then the Right Honourable E. G. Stanley. A SOLICITOR'S CLERK.-Lord Lyndhurst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... caps, &,c. wvill find this a desirable appar- tablliy, This very easly system t~eram dv geolais ('or mids or young parsons whig MP me nftigu- qi to n out t inmig, &c. Referenesgte f ci juis~ay to 16 of Whonm are note in business on their oten account ...