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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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... in political ulagonisg l I : B Be it remembered, the *Whigs tookl office under Sir It. Peel's followers in 1853, not Sir R.. Peel's fol- lowers uinder them. And this coalition was made by the Whigs, because, on the confession of their own leander in the ...


... anger, And talks tumid ?? Bright, John Bright. His size is gigantic, his gestures are frantic, HIe rails at both Tories and Whigs in his might: The reporters rush forth when he talks in the North, For funny to read is John Bright, John Bright. He won't ...


... charge brought by Mr. R. Lindsay against the Whig, nor did we pronounce a verdict of condemnation against the defendants. We think we know our public duty in this respect somewhat better than either Whig or Ulsterinan does, and we challenge them both ...

Selected Poetry

... Coaselvatives Armagh is stirring froin bordeL to border ! Mareh, march ! the cause you're allied'for Is not the poor ?? oL Wh\ig or of Tory l1nt that Which ?? nlleoits .struggled and tied for, The ?? and thc I Fithl i which P'rotestants glory. Sar. ?? ...


... Council the epithets a hich should have fallen to the share of Mr. Real, and vice vee}sa. We may say we expected this from the Whig; but to find the ?? harping to the same tune was indeed a surprise. That journal, in its pub- lication of yesterday, devotes ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Ass;zes, but was ton late to be srornil on the Grand Jiirv. The wrirtivy haronet haod paired off fur the occcsioo with his Whig col- lea-sruc, Coliel Cnu1 firild. DI\AoRIAcRS IN' ?? LtIR.-Oii Thurs(ay se'riight, fit St. Peter's Churrch, Eaten-square, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... the county. and cftv of Dublin, and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Wi;klow. In politics, his Lordship was one of the old Whigs, the active and in- timate friend and associate of Burke, Fox, Ponsonby, Grattan, Grey, &c., and, at the time of the passing ...


... to go to the Crown W'iths ilis grog atitd his politics, iitigtity tandL alg, llo maews li!;e a Toim;, cr siweacs like a1 Whig. II, dkcl oses thie Cihiuc, Conslstitiiioll, anid State, 'liII his creditors :II e get til) a debate; Aid a lzhulo if rich ...

Fashion and Varieties

... hear it con- fidently affirmed that Mr. Macaulay has abandoned his hatention to take his seat for Edinburgh, and that the Whigs have resolved to start TMr. iforsman in his room, as soon as a vacancy is ?? Post. E.LOPEArENNT iS lrion LiFE._Lady Elizabeth ...

Fashion and Varieties

... dimocratic ticket; this 'are is the Whig. But if you strive to vote twice, I shall have you arrested. on vill, will you? shouted the son of tile sovereiggn people; then I says if I'mll denied the right of %votin- for ?? Whigs, after ggoim' the whole ticket ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ? Mltl of Seaurday. . The display of jewels at tine last Drawin6-Room reminded the courtier of the old rivalry'between the Whig and Tory Mlistresies of the Robes _ the Duehess of Sutherland and her Grace of Buecleuch. -On the present occasion ithe Duchess ...


... contains-now; we believe, for the firsttime collected- the best writings of the late witty canon of St. Paul's. Sydney Smith was a Whig in politics, and a very free- and-easy going religionist. He exercised his pen in advocating the claims of the Roman Catholics ...