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Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

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... 6rithrt. BiaM1NgrAGx1 V. TRENTHAM.-Theseo clubs met at Trent- ham on Tuesday and Wednesday last to play their return match. Determined to give Birmingham a small licking. Trenstham had surnmoned for the occasion a very powerrul team, including the Mesers. Aresiistead, of Oxford fame. Birtningisam scored eighty- three but most unfortunately for them Wigzell, who batted well, sprained his knee ...

Sporting Intelligence

... ,$Prtigg ?ntdliqmce. MANCH-IESTER-YESTERDAY. We had a very good meeting of subscribers to-day, but business was very dull; all that took place you have in the quotationi below:- THrE Two THOURAND GUINEAS. 0 to 2 aget ProraisedLand-taken. 7- 1 - Ralpho-offered. 100 - 7 - Phantoin-takeri and offered, 100 - 0 - Nminrod-taken. TuE DERBY. 11 to 1 on The Field-offered. 1,000 - S0 agst Viking-taken. ...

Sporting Notes

... 5patiq LROW. LONDON, Thursday. The present week has afforded breathing time for turfites between the First Spring events, on the Cambridgeshire and Suffolk expansive heath, and the revelries on the Cestrean oedee. The meeting at Chester, we have every reason to believe, will be a monstre one; and we perceive that the Great Western and the London and NorthWestern lines of railway will afford ...

Sporting Intelligence

... -$Aafto ??ttlligmcf. NEWMARKET SECOND OCTOBER MEETING. YESTERDAY. SWEEPSTXAES of 5 sOVS. each, for two-year-olds 6st. lOib., three Sst. Sib., four and upwards Oat. The winner to be sold for 70 SoVs, if demanded, &c. Rutland Stakes Course. 11 subs. Mr. Boyc'e' Creeping Kate, 2yrs. y ?? (Custance) 1 Mr. Barnard's Natfield, 3yrs . ?? (Covey) 2 Mr. Brown's Nereus, 6 yrs ?? (Aldoroft) S Nine ran. ...

Sporting Intelligence

... 5pdinq ntelli~ue. WALSALL RACE.S. YESTERDAY. P, 5-ST :! The weather, which for nearly forty hours had been exceedingly. fine, turned suddenly to rain at one lo'clovk yesterday, and from that time throughout the afiernoon it continued to fall so faet that enjoyment out of doors was Quito out of the question. Several thousand persons, however, assembled on the course to witness tho races, and ...


... HURYTNG APPOINTAENTS. THE o POTHw.ARWXCRSHirE HOUNDS.-Quarterto Bleven. )Thitday ?? Ntv. 4 ?? Berkswell. 'ruesda.- 8 * . C1verdon. W |ednlesday ?? - 9 . ?? Village. ) Friday., -11t ?? Offohuroh. THE NOR7H STAFFORDSHIRE IIOUNDS.-At halfpa2st Tei,. This ?? Nov. 4 . Adderley. THE ALBRIGHTON HOUNDS.-At a quarter to Eleven. Saturday ?? Nov. 5 ?? Boscobel. 5 ?? ?? - 8 ?? Aqnalate. I Thursday ?? -10 ...

Sporting Notes

... gpolling Notts. LONDON, Monday. According to the running during tle past week, Wilton and the Peer have not the ghost of a chance for the Chester Cap; and the other performances on the heath do not say much for Melissa, Commotion, or Botany for it either. Lord Clifden's mare has not grown an inch, neither has she filled out, and she looked little better than she did at Hereford or Warwick last ...

Sporting Intelligence

... *Ortigg- jrMligm. . NEWCASTLE RACES. STzwAnDaD: The Mayor of Nercostile, Sir M. Ridlee, Bart., 3LP., Captain Wh te, and John COO&SOU, Esq. Mr. P. Johnsou, York, Judge and Handloapper. Mr. Elliott, Manchester, Starter.-Mr. Gray, Clerk of the Coursa YESTERDAY. The TYsR HAxDIOAP of 3 sovs. each, with 20 added, for all ages; winners extra. The second to save his stake. Three-quarteri of a mile. ...

Sporting Intelligence

... olawporliag 3*11igm-cf. TATTERSALL'S, SATURDAY. STRWARDS' CuP. 100 to 7 agst Theodora-taken. 24 ?? 1 ?? Mentmore-taken. 20 ?? 1 ?? Tiara-taken. GOODWOOD STAKES. 9 to 2 agst Lifeboat-taken. 7 .. 1 ?? Gaspard-taken. 10 . 1 ?? Blue Jacket-offers to take 11 to 1. 100 ?? 7 ?? Lord Nelson-taken. GOODWOOD CuP. 5 to 1 agst Prioress-taken. MANCEFSTER BETTING-SATURDAY. There was a strong disposition to ...

Sporting Intelligence

... ?5,vorftftq 'UtIlipma. MA!NCEIESTER BETTING-SATURDAY. After the decision that Newcastle could run in all his future engagements, he was backd very freely for the Great Northern. GREAT NORTHERN. 5 to 1 agst Harraton-offered. 6 ?? 1 ?? Newcastle-taken. S ?? 1 Gladiolus-taken. 12 ..1 ?? Precious Stone-offered. METROPOLITAN. 100 to 6 agst Orafton-taken. CITY AND SUBURBAN. 10 ?? agst Indifference ...


... glidtet. STOURERIDGE V. BRoIISGRovE GRAmMAR SCHoOL: Rg. -roau MIrcsc.-This match was played at Hagley Hall, the seat I of Lord Lyttelton, on Monday. Thrce of his Lordship's Eonsjoised the Stourbridgo team. The Hon. 0. G. Lytteltos greatly distin- guished himself with the bat, as usual, making the head score. His Lordship most sunptuously entertained the two elevens. The Bromsgrove have been ...

Sporting Notes

... IĀ§Potlbig q4; otm YonRK, TuesdayEveniug. Prior to our attending the Raweliffe stud sale, and champagne breakfast, and then to the time-honoured Knavesmire, there to assist at the opening turf anniversary, we wvill despatch a few additional comnentations on matters past, present, and to come, our next comsnmunication being devoted to a reasceoc of the York coarpetition. Few speculators ...