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... EXTRAORDINARY CARBER AND CAPTURE OF .:s :;:AlN ALLEFGD. SWINDLER..!- YA 'On Stztrday'aftelrn'On last these waslodged in the Prestorn ?? Young~truanl, named' Frederick - William Wright, agarinsti whdin there asle prefe'rred several char'ges of exten- 'li'eswisdls~. istrnsctions in thiis line-in' Preston have been very extensive, but hie is well known 6in Lancaster, Wigai; Liverpool, eand other ...


... BULLINGDON DIVISION-CountyIHall,O.fot-d,Selpt. 12. Present, the Right Hon. J. W. Henley, M. P., the Hlon. and w Rev. F. BertieGuyThomson, Esq.,& G. Gammie, Esq. al Sarah Frnin, of Little Milton, was convicted in the penalty 3' of 2s. and 8s. costs, tor stealing apples from the orchard of Ir. Edward John Gale, at Little Milton, on the 28th of h August last. St J cob Sadler, of Radley, labouret, ...


... PORTSMOJUTH POLICE. MNkBefore 3:.TraversG .Sae n I . F. Pratt, Esqrs.G .Sae n f skcal Wyatt, charg-dd with -an assault on SarahlU, LW tt, i- and ort,'a fined 5s. with 9s. costs. Minr Jon~oirionjapprentice t o Mr. Johnson, cona Prteo as caredwihneglecting his ?? the harg Proisig tobehae baterfor the future, , Bron ?? habeswere charged by 61 L ..Ayad ih teigbs on They woer ro- S f Moses Stagg ...


... PORTSMOUTH POLICE, . SATURtDAY'.-Before the Mlayer and J. 0. Tracers, Esq.- A BliSRascroaa Psua'na.-Janeos Subls, a pauper in tlhe Unfion-house, was charged by the governor wills being guilty of nriobehaviosria the wvorkhouse, on the 30th instant, by dieohey- inglhis lawful orders, and assaulting him. Mer. Turd attended for the doenzd~ant, who, by his advice, arkoewledged his ton- trition. Mr. ...


... i HANTS CUNTY-SESSIONS. . e I . 1 L i A A - - -~ - a!9. -:e i . use .The'endral :Qobrtir 8s'eaiiins fok' thi Countylcorn- ind menrced on ,Mofddii7 ilit'tleGr'aid' Jury ChariAber of thno ani- County.H1,Wnlese,'eo' the( Right Honf. the ive Speitkaer of the Heouseo 2,f 061mtn6its; Claliirn~ts the na ?? of Wiunchb'st~F(tlord uie~rmiest'bf'the'Couiity), do- and the follbwiicgmagist'icges :-H. C. ...


... Agents—Mr. W. H. Mason, Mr. W. Smither, and Mr. K. Knigut. The rectory of Petwortli, Sussex, has become vacant by the death of the Rev. Thomas Sockett, m.a. The benefice, which is worth nearly 1,000/. a-year, is in the gift of Col. Wyndhara, m.p. (hi Sunday last the Mayor (C. T. Halsted, Esq.), with the Members of the Town Council, Mace-bearer, and other officials, attended Divine Service at ...


... From Japan there is some important intelligence. On the 25th August Russian officer the name of Maufet, and one of his sailors, were barbarously murdered in the streets Yokiama, a village close to Kanagawo. This is said to have been done by some Japanese officials who had been degraded at the instance of one or other of the foreign representatives. General Mouravieff was fortunately at Yeddo ...


... )WnlnSg. PO aTSM1OUTH POLOIC. I SATURDAY-Before 0. 0. Stigant (M-ayor), and d J O. Travers, Beers. t. Catherine Fogden, aged 15 years, was charged under d the Juvenile Ullendera Act with stealing three frocks n and two robes, the property of Ms. Robert Henry d Jackson, of Stanloy-tcrraco, SIuotsta, in March last. 0 The prisoner was employed occasionally at the prosecu- -a tor's house to wrver, ...


... ; LAW AND POLICE, is On Sbaturday, another charge was preferred against I Le Mi Bright, the chairman of the Hull Flax'Company. d JIt was decided hot to proceed with any further cases. e, The .Hull Nieis says- In addition to the three cases . already gone into, we uiderstand that the prosecution was prepared to bring nine other charges of a'simnilar nature against the prisoner, namely, five ...


... LAW AIfD POLICE. A RIOTOUS GOVERNMMENT CLERtK.-Charles Preston, a clerk in the Whar-office, residing at No. 12, Here- ford-road, layswrater, Kensington Charles Lang. ha3111, 10, Pembrok~e-squa~lre, Kensighton ; ?? I Brigge, a gong woman, were charged before Mr. I Biugham with being drunkf andriotou1s at Saville- i houlse, L~eieester-aqnlare, andassaullting Mir. Thoormas I William 0' Keefe, ...


... Syi The Queen, accompanied by the Duchess of Kent, f Princess Alice, Princess Helena, Princess Louisa, f Prince Arthur, and Prince Victor of' Hohenlobe, em- f barked on-board the Fairy onl Monday evening and bo cruised round the efarlboronght, 131, at Spithead, o which ship saluted the royal standard on her te Majesty's passing. The Faiy returned to Osborne e about a quarter past seven. Rear ...


... Newport, Saturday—Average price of wheat, 21. it. 7'd. • oats 11. 35.; beans, 21. S«.; peas, 21. ' ' ' Arcndet, Cor* Market, Monday.—White wheat, 10s to 11/.55.; mixed ditto, 102.05. to 1K.05.; redditto, 10/.Os. 01 • per load. Barley, 30s. to 405.; oats, 20s. to 285.; beans, 42s' to Ms.; peas, 40s. per qr. Arundel Cattlr Market, Monday.—Oi beef, 4s. lod. to • cows and heifers, 4«. 4d. to 4s. ...