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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TAILORS AND OTHERS. ER EXHIIBIT1ON, 1851. By Approbationu ojf Iel Mlajesty Queen Victoria, and H.R II. prin ic Alberf. THE LONDON and PARIS SPRING 1 aid SUMhMER FASIIONS for 1851, by Messrs. BENJAMIN READ & CO., 12, 1lart-street. Blosmebury square, Lonoon n nd by GEORGE BERGER, Holywell. street. strand , will be ready early in March. The V View of the Grand Building in Hyde-park for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iUNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE., , PEB/ TkR ?? COUGHS irn Yen . ; . ., -j~i5U45 cttsaer Use., . Instant Reief ancid ka;cd Care ofj AsthmnsS, Consisuop- . tion, Coughe, cldi, and all Dieorders of the Breath as un Lungs, are izsssred by ,flR. -LOpO O3;K? S PULMONIC WAERS. D R The extraordinary powers of this invaluable Medicine are now proved by a mass of evidence andrtestimonials, pi which must ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURES FOR THE IUNOURED! TT OL'L OWA Y'S O INTMENT.. J Ar. ¢£traordislal7 Cure of Scrofcdce; or tiing'e Extract of a Letter from Mr. J. 11. Alliday, 20;, HIg-stref Cheltenuam, dated January 22nd; 1850. Siu,-My eldest son, when about three years of age, was afflicted with a glandular swelling in the neck, which after a short.dme broke out into an ulcer. As eminent medical man pronounced it as a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ir MAceenee are liable to one disease more than another, or if there are anny particularaffections of the humanl body we require to havo a knowledge of over the rest, It is cer. tainly that class of disorders treated of in the new and im. proved edition of the Silent Friend. The authore, in thus sending forth to the world another edition of thebr nmedicsl work, cannot refrain from expressing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A friend in need, is a friend indeed I ! THE COMIPOUND INDIAN EXTRACT . Lis a safe and epeedy remedy for malignant Gonor- rhoaa, glcet, syphilis or venereal disease, whites, irritation of the bladder-seeondary symptoms, nodes on shin bones, swelled testicle, 4c6., and for the renovation and strength- ening of theqsystem from the unhappy effects of solitary and sedentary habits,. indiscriminate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N I TiD. - PATRIOTS AND PATRIARCBS' BENEFIT SOCIETY. Enrolled pur` isat to- lGeo.T'l 0. v e S Will. IV., c 6, 1ititted, e,4 rrons.-.. S. DUNoUsoiS, Est., M1.P.. T. W~rmite EsQ~i P.. Oaaa4 Esq', ?? F. O'CoNNOBSq., M.P. LiAa I f H ' ?? The Society is divided into siX sections, to meet the necessittes and requirements of all classes fme Anicsd has a labourers, from fifteen years ofacie to forty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U N IT E D PATRIOTS'I AND PATRIARCHS' BENEFIT SOCIETY. Enrolledpusat to 10 Geo. IV, 0. se. a ,b 5 Will. IV. 0. 46, & 9 & 10 Vic. C. 27.-l1eteinted, Ith Feb., 1845. .Partrona.-T. S. DUNtWOMBS EsQ., M.P. T. WAIxrYx, ESo., M.P. B. CASSELL, Rag., ?? TheSocetyis ivied nto F. O'CONNiOR, aES., M.P. -LmEa JAmES IANSAIM, ESQ. ,BA.!~.,,et~yI.divde ino ixsections, to meet the necessities and requirements ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Anmazinxg Success of the New Mode of 7reatmnctt. i 1R. BAlhKER'S Compound Indiau Ex- t J tract, for Secret Debility, And Imxpedimenxts to Mar- F riage, is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous and bi e sexual debility, irregularity, weakness, co1nsulmptive habits, I e uil debilities arisig from mental irritiibility, local or A constitutional Weahtievs generative diseases, .c, It is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Owi of ' Dr-f ;he~ to'H kel .a/ L' , THE Q. YRTONL.MD ePA RR' S L IFE P.I1L L S it' The Advantages clerived'frora ?? P~trws Lirz Patca arc: be l~t.Loig Life and )Iayppneos.. e,2nd- S-ouWd aned Befrething Sleep,. on earnee, of Perceptlon. In. 1A -General Good Bealth and Comfort. &h: ls.The p are found, acfser giv'ing them a fair trial ad for afew weeks, to powo~s the most Astontishing and il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE TO THREE POUNDS PER WEEK WITH CERTAINTY REALISED. R. ALLEN WOOD, who for Tnty. r .1. three Years superintended an establishmnent em laoying upwards of J200 persons of bo h sexes in %ar ,us 1ranches, will forward, by return of post, Six valuable methods of earning, by ordinary indastry, one to three pounds per week, without the outlay of a sovereign or a st.lling risk. Address, Mr. A. WOOD. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITrHOUT A TRUSS. DEAD THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS, -Latlsoicted. from many hundreds in the possession Of DR. ?? 'I am happy to inform you that my rupture is quite cured.'-ReV. H.Berbica, May 17th, 182-1. Myptr has never appeared since. I consider it is mira- 1l t b1 cre afesflg twenty yeare,'-J. Ede, Eeq., Jun -nd 'I have much pleasure in adding my testimony to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O P 'S J OURNAL. G 0The ?? of this Journal are respectfoil in- formed, dlat with No. D (the firlt veek in Miarob) Wil be GIVE J AllATrt NO. I. OF CAPTAIN COBILER; oR, THaE, LINCOLNSHIRE INSURRECTION : DA the Al mistorical Romance of the Reign of Heury Vil, sul By TasoXAS COOPEse, an, A athor of The Puergatory of Suicides. ai Thuo remainiting numbers of the Romance will be issuesl at One ...