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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... -VIAST PARADE CHAPEL.-To-mnor--nt Evell- U2. my,. Joanoegy 28th, the Rev. H. R. REYNOLDS will PREACH J. the ?? ofa briet mairse of SERMONS Subject:-`Parental Influence and Resyonsibility. as t Service to commence at half-past six O'clock. C Ltllectonso will be mnade, maorning and evening, towards defraying Wi] lthe cost of warmuing thle chapel, laying- sanitary tubes, and other need- vb i flul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F'rfE IMSSES FLINT beg respectfuilly to VL acquaint their friends that thciy 110h100 wsill t-e Roe-openeil ?? ?? Imi-da it, A initia .settu. 5 park-plaec, Jtine 2'-o 1, IE05. ItBU(3tzLN'TOFT9 HALL, lmEifUS-6. THME MISSES CROFT and SMITH beg respect- T futlly to inform their Thipils IAti Il'vewds 'hat theiir School will Le Re-_ ned rot We, icorlit, Ito Twenoty-4th finst. ISS WLBE T N- l e-open ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISSES PLINT'S SCROOL, which isno 7 closed fir the Mirleurinmr recess, will be lie-openzed. on Tres - day, Augusut Pir11t, 18513. ISU KQ J HIAEtTS School will be Re-onened.- M onis Anat ir' thre, T-eir,6 Ith instant.-Teeds,V Wfrre-hiruse. T MHE Chities of the MISSES RIiNDEWS A 's~onoL01 wil ic Reumied. on 2Thursday, the 77irly-first of i Juty.-GietislOw Grirve, July Ith, 1856. f EIS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C-IHOLERA T A}ER.-omiteform U, 'si'rdinig ?? Sufesfo-Cloler at $adeie. ThRIgit lion. theiortMy: W Ciseotti-EN 'Ie1e . ED f' te. Charles phlAphibaiWbEsqM. ofth d'laltteeomlte ar' 11yprmil1 foor~EtotisadinHhtjHctereoo- dicinlO tt ce' accounots recie;teeteywhsilprun blb the C' 'tes tho comulil sfe h ret eest fedn osl fnesr SitnothOCt aSI ;tey ,litnti. ?? be received byMss. rect&Co62, Thyead-'- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4public .~ tcs 5IHE Friends of the late THOX'eAS BAPT~ are - T1.reSPectfuillY informed that hie ISEMA INS will he INTERRED ait Arvaley church on ?? i.qlers eon, and that the funeralwillI It.,h fn, m 15, Call-Jane. at half-past two o'clock. REEDS EARLY CLOSING ASSOOIATION.- EA A PUBLIC MEETING will be he~ld in the Stekl Escharrge t( I~lauTO-MORRO IlV ( Weduresday), Selpeitaber Nflh jg57 to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FEEDS A-ND YORKSHIRE FIRE AND LIFE L ~~ASSURANCE COMPANY~. ar Establise1824.-apita One Million. Insurers ar epeffyifre tha the Renewal Ileccipte for policiles failing due at Midsummer, or June 2lth, aea now ready for delivery. FIRE INSURANCE. The three ordinary classes of insurance are charged. after the re- spective rates of is. led., 2s. 061., or 4s. Sid.. Premiun percrent. annuafly; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notices of APpl ti~ to ?? DUIRHAM and CLEVELAND UNIONi! w~~rflloin MIK~nY fr m~kig a Railway from tim West 1. I ad Hllay, at, or near Port Clarerice. Co the river Tees, in tht county of fluahm olwwte ar n railway fom low wter mark onthe solathor Opposite Aide of tr rane a !Eees to. or near to, likinn~ngrove and Staitbes. in the Worth R idingrf the county of York. with railways and works ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tf0 the LADIES of Leeds and Neighbourhood. The ~Fhalblonabe~ptfrNwLC OD.3ISU EM1BROIDERIECLAS SLE CES GOOADS. FLOWERs, DILESiS HANDZCLESGOES HOIRY r. cisa --t4 TIRST BROTHERS, 97, Briggate, Leeds,- solicit an inspection of their extensive stock of GOLD alrd SILVER WATCHES, which for price and quality cannot besvirpassed, Ladies Gold Levers, Gold Dials, Engraved Cases ?? 10s. P- (i;sntlemoen's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L .EEDS BOROUGH bE2SSIONS.-NOTICE is ~ JU hereby givee, that the NEXT GENEIRAL QUA1(II~lt .L SESI-IlONSF 01 1IIE I'LOACK FOR T1,lEilt~iROUill OIF LEIORIIs, t1101 in tie county of York, will be holden boefro raJ,1AS FI11W,41R ELLIS, Esquire, lioerdtiC of thle sold llorotull, at tlbs Court floulSU. inI Leads(1 lfoiesaid, oil Wednesday111 i/lle iTwIely141 ev1441 dalS or ocoberl11 1411, twum VII ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o BE SOL, a goo ' ond-hand 16-Horyae ~0 ?? eetand Williams. Alsotobe LT t( ~~w~tt with thout a full set Of Worysteds cbnry. ,rd F0 r.'i siAS BIIAND, Bets Mitll, Keighley. II tARTlLEPOOL.-TO BE SOLD BY: Pf RIVATIt CONTrRACT, SEVERAL ACRES of van.t W ,,II~NG GROUND.In lots to stilt purchasers. The jkblt dtil jndla'ely cantiguions to the docks, and adjoin Ii Vond 11 ?? Wtlt the streets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... War il Auctioll FASHIONABLE PAPER HANGINGS. Mlessrs. lIliI and BARKE'R beg to announce that they M mill SELL by AI!C lON, at their Commercial Salo Rifoms,, sterno's BlijlditigO, Leedst, on Tueesdgy, the &eCsinidlly s/iMarch, 1852, ?? ASuperior STOCK. of PAPER HANGINGS, - A hi, lock and Gold, Sattin, and Plain Grounds, gompris, tcl Ing the newest designs lin which will be round Patterns I? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UVSEWA .TJFD TO LT or PURCHASE, last fve orsix rooms, only a few minuttes' walk daee~d. AddreSs. statingunatureof tenure,r kt Dr .WILZiNSeor. 3, Park-square. Leeds.- d ,irle houes i onetitle may be taen BET,_in one of the best business situa- -O Itbotot Leedos, apital BEER-HOUSE witht tinH S attaehed now doing an excellent business.I ,T.IN. .itSonnea For fbrtber particulars apply to Mr Sisa ...