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Advertisements & Notices

... tBATED X ^ AA ?? \ S-1O A P S, TAR ?? '?Ss'r ?? o Rlngworme, &C' TURPENTINE SOAP. . forgSwellings- IODINE SOAP ?? for Sdrofola'. SULPHUR SOAP. fO4lmpurit'ie3 In the.Blopd1 , COD LIVER OIL SOAP ?? . . for General weakness: IRION SOAP ?? ,for Strengthening after Exhaustion.1 CAMPHOR SOAP ?? for Ulcers- Cramps, &e. ROSEMARY SOAP GALL SOAP (with Ox bile) ?? f or the Head. BENZOE SOAP HforToilet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INVALIDS USE PORTABLE EL-ECTRICITY, r AS EVOLVED FROM FEINIG'S GALVANIC ELECTRO- XE7YER A TOR FOR PERSONAL USE. L ITS efficacy in NERVOU#, RHEUMATIC, AND; si FUNCTIONAL Disease- is traly rmarvellous ! ! C Thef irst year's Report (gratis, or 4d jy Post) oritains 42 PrAGES Oe LUTTERS FROM MORE THAN 600 PER a, WITH PULL NAMES AND. P ADDREsSSES, eured SOely by this little Portabldo Apparatiti, 'T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORAIISBY AND HAMBURG LINE OF STEAM-SHIPS. FOF HAMBURG, the Powerful and I Swift Sorew-Steamer IMPERIAL, Captain GIBSWO, is intended to be dispatched to the above port from ,rinsby on FRIDAY, th e 5ith instant; and will be succeeded regularly by other first-class Steamers. Fo reight or Passage apply to Forz. C. PEARSON, COLEMAN, & CO., Hull, Grimeby, and London. ELBEHUMBER STEAM NAVIGATION CO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? S AXON - I~IRE AND GENERAL ASSURANCE - F SOCIETY, 25, Old Jewry, London. £Pptl 125,000, in 500,000 shaores of 55, each, fully Caia, paid up on allotment. The business of this Society embraces irilre assurance in all its branches. Assurances against accidental death and personal in ury. l'axne and railway assurances. Assurances against accidental death or personal injury Aq to travellers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a *\ EAST OF ENGLAND SCREW. GSS P) U COASTIN G COMPANY (Limited). ?? ' ULJ-HULL ANI) LONDON STEAMERS, . 9tZsAto and from Custom-House Quay, Lon- don, at REI)UCIbD FARES. City DepV t and Recciving-house-61, King William- 3treet, at which boxes, parcels, &c., are received. The VELOCITY and VIGILANT will ply as under From HULL, As ecoon after Ten ?? as the tide permits, EVERY WVEDNESDAY AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 41ticilaneous. R I N T I N G of all kinds, executed as PCHEAPLY, NEATLY, & EXPEDITIOUSLY, at the Hull Packet Ofice, as at any Office in the Town UREEN-GINGER WINE. rlIVEN6' Original Green-Ginger Wine S has now obtained for itself a character for genuineness, superior to all other British Wines what- soever, and is in daily increasing demand. Observe the name, John Stivens & Co. over the neck ...

Advertisements & Notices

... granted. 7 ONEY TO LEND.-1R1,000 is ready M to be Advanced on approved Mortgage Security, at a reduced rate of Interest.-Apply to Messrs. COLBECK & THOMPSON, 12, Parliament-Street, Hull. August 5th, 1852. V PIPES, CHEMTIST & DRUGGIST, North E a Bar-street, Beverley, is in immediateWANT of a well-educated Youth as an APPRENTICE. Beverley, July 28th, 1852. W ANTED, for a Family residing in a 51\ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ORft BREMEN, the fine fast- F sailing Schooner E M M A FRIEDERMICE, Captain LOISLEIN. To :Sla at the end of this MIonth. For Freight and Particulars, apply to W. II. BREMER *& CO., 6, Wellington street, 12ROI 1lU1L for NEW YORK, w ir ith GOODS and PASSENGERS, the well-known and favourite Brig ¢lARLCQUIN, 450 'Tons burthen, MATrIEw BROe,0 Coumnllnder, will be despatched the lattereud of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G O L D! G O L Di! G O L Di!! THE great object in life appears to be the acquisition and retention of property ! Hence T the great joy manifested at the discovery of Gold Fields in Australia, Our object in addressing you, is to inform you that by the exercise of prudence and caution in the spending of your money, you can obtain all the benefits of a Gold Mine much nearer home. IT IS S'ITUATED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jfltflcllaneou0. CHEAP PAPER HANGING SHOW-ROOMS, No. 17j, WHITEFRIARGATE,. HULL.' H A G E N & L I N F O R T H }J AVE received an immense STOCK OF LONDON PAPER HANGINGS, com,,prising alltbe New Patternsfor DINING, DR&WING, BREAKFAST anid LODGINoI-ROOMS, which for Cheepneoa, Pleunrev, and Quality, far aurpass any one stock ever Peen ins the Country. SIENNA MARBLES, GRANITES, &c., suitable for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iFINE STOIIACHIC PILL. ISHERWOOD'S. ?? Mrs. Noble, Market-place;.Mrs. ,,il~jClrlilestee; Mr. Hunt, District Post-office, Iarl,,,tr0tt and obtainuable by order of all Medicine' Wiit i'rs or01 of Chas. H. Sherwood, General Grocer asid oli~e t Propriretor, 30, Chiarles-street, Hull. For the it inl 1ostage stamups they are sent free to all parts. ~ ~ete, g.lAI pr box, 3 boxes for 3s. ~ ms1 ?? for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Xitcellancouo. F U R S. fE STOCK OF FURS of the late JOSEPH ZONES & Co. B HAYD-PWCAH B VY .E D W, I N 1) A V I (orery kind) WILL BE SOLD AT S & a o., ON MONDAY, OEPTEMBER 18 47 & 4'8, MARKET-PLA.CE, HULL. MA R T I N A N D SO N, N again offering to their Friendn a large collection of HYACINTHS and other Datch BULBOUS FLOWER A. ROOTS, which t~hey have junt reoeived from Ilaarlem, return their ...