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... COUNTY -FERMANAGU-ENNISKILLEN, M.Auci 2. Judge PPnRRW opened the commission here to-day at three o'clock. F. J. Graham, acting as High-Sherif, in the absence of John Madden, Esq. The Grand Jury having been re-sworn, His LORDSHIP addressed the jury. He said the numlbel of cases on the calendar were tew, nor did any of them seem to be of' a serions or aggravated character. There were only eleven ...


... BIBEIFAST POLICE COURT-Ys'rMRDAY. (B1efore W. S. TRACY, Esq., R.M., and S. G. GErTY, Esq., J.P.) AN UNSOUND HlARE-CIARGE OF ASSAULT. Mlr. 5rEDS applied to the Bench fir a summons against Aie. John Gaflikin, Corn llarket, for having essailted a boy named James Boyle; and also for an order from the Bench to destroy an unsound hare, sold to Boyle by Mr. Caffikin. The boy, Boylh, was sent to Mr-. ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTmeDAY. [13eforo I.V. MOCANCW, Esq., J.P., Dr. MIGiIE, J.P., and JonN CLArscE, Esq., ?? DRUNKENNESS AND ASSAULTING CONSTABL.RS. Jihd Thotrlpson was chargetl with havi eg been driluk anid disorderly in the po blic streets, and also %uith. having assaulteui Constables Dul' aird Ecott when arrested. The evidence 'went to show that the prisoner had been brandishing a knifei ...


... DEATH FROM FIRE.-INQUEST. YESTrERDA-Y, an inquest was held at Mrs. Duncan's public-house, Falls Road and Norfolk Stroet, by. J. K. JACKsoN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of a young min named Henry Heffernon, of Norfolk Street, who died the previous evening at the residence of his father, from injuries sustained by the: breast of his shirt having taken fire in his father's house at a late hour ...


... TOWN COUNCIL.- CASE AND OPINION EXTRAORDINARY. Four or five columns of yesterdav's Norlthcrn ?? are devoted to au elaborate Case on behalf of cer- Lain ratepayers of Belfast, in reference to the finan- cial affairs of the Town Council, aks submitted to Alfred M'Farland, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, through Mr. Win. Girdwood, solicitor of the querists, and to the equally elaborate replies of ...


... AN0THER GLARING CASi OF hNJUSTIZOU L RrilcK, IoNlD.^,y EvFantae,.-Siloitlv after the busine1ss of the citv Police, court, hadl been gone throitlh this day, a mosrt heart-reilin' crast' was biou rit be- rfite twe -thalt Worshipful Henry Watson, mayor, at lthe Towsxn-liall. ConIstabile Z Coil city police, a most ?? oficer. whose duty it is to keep a reft u-i itf' the de partrre and arrival of' ...


... WJ IDN [50.) i, Sculr. ii. CONVICTION UNDIERI TIII: ASSIZI: I.iAW-IMPiORTANT TO L.ANDLORD)ilS. Dr 13 istoad, in IhIs eounty, was find £5. for siajog, as aenit. the diitrosss of' a teinit, bev oil io, himilt'f. It Ivs conteoolel lbv Mr. .1 tifv.l 1,. Coonol, on blilt' of, toii 1Eist, tlat wliroe tihe distre-s aimiuiiiti tt4e ' £20. a licensed aunetion~er ?? sell, andl iii thki case it ixeoled ...


... Lain. COURT OF CIIANCERY-DcBLIN, Tonasusy.e Ma14re /onfCss ?? v. Rai2 Vazne andr othcrs. IN, this case, %which occupied the court during thle gteatct'.patt of Last wveek-, 'The LORD CuiAuecsr.oin gave judgment at the sitting of thle crurt. this morning. The question arose upon the construction of two deeds of the 28th March. 1818, and, 27th March, 1810, the former heinz a deed of trust ...


... L A W. MASTER MU RPHJY'BOFFICE.-DUBLIN, Nov. 19. TAI 10raF~saYV~l IiiN M1IS10ONARY TRUST FUND. The Attorney. General v. Hurtechinson. Tns this case, which wasargpued for' Several days in thle last. term, tire Master gave judgment to-day, with reference to the schemes for' the management of thim fund put forward on the part of the Crown, thle General Assembly, arid tire Presbyteries ?? and ...


... ANTRIM PETTY SESSIONS.-YESTERDAY. ([agistrates presiding, lessrs. Clarke, Mont-omery nod Brook.] IaiPORTAYT TO RtAILTWVAT TRaAVELrLE'S. Upon the nnagistrates takin- theirseats, Mr. AL.vX O' Itorlni, on behalf of the Belfast and Ballymena. Railway Company, made an application that the case at ?? suit ?? C. Hazieton, of Belfast, should he proceeded with, ?? beiti granted, Mr. O'Roinas stated the ...


... I VALLYMENA QUARTER SESSIONS. Thursday, Oct. 16. THE CRAIGBILLY RIOT CASE. Ox Wednesday afternoon, it may be remembered, the charges of riot, malicious assault, and common assault, alleged to have been committed on the 21st August, at Craigbilly, by a number of persons was understood to come on for trial on the following (yesterday) morning. Subsequent, however, to that arrangement, Ar. RVA, ...