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Freeman's Journal




Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... HE LORD LIEUTENANT will Receive Persons who have beenl Presented at his Levees and Drawving-rooms, end Officers of tbe.G. rrisonl who were not in Dablin w hen they were held, at theVICEBEGAL LODGE, upon the Four .Sntrday, cmmeni~gwith the 18th of June, from3 Four to 9sv'en o'Vlodk~.-- RCEIVL91), A CASE OF kXOLD AND SILVE2 GENEVA WATCHES. And as a Manufacturer of Watches, both Home and Foreign, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WRISHI 'TENANT LEAG;I'i -A GE'NERAL MEET- .1 ING of thf C uncil of tbn I 'rzant Loagui will be held on THIS DAY (Tuesday). 28th instant at the Council- Al roOtln, 2, lIlRESFOPD-PLACE. The Chair to bo taken Ai at One o'Clock, p.m. Coulncil-rI'VOs, 2, Broaeford-place. LUKE PLUNKETT, Secretary. A proporatf rY mreeting of the C-omncil will be hold at their N Ro(nrm- rt. F,,£Pn ?? Thh. 11,lrl;llC. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MEDICAL REVOLUTION!-THE WVORLD UNA. NIMOUIS. t TYOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.-TIIE GREAT COUX. J TEB IRRITANT.-Tle virtue of disease ofien makes its way to the internal organs through the pores of the skin. - This penetrating Ointment, melting under the baud as it Is rubbed In, is absorbed through the san e channels, and reaching the seat of inflammation, promptly at d iavariably subdues it, 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,BEAD TE1E NEW EDITION I1 ON NERVOUS AD A GENETI Dilsn0s. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price l8., or in a sealed envelope, ifree by pest, for 18 Postage Stamps. IIE<TR] AND HAPPINESS, the means by which LL they may be- obtained, a medical work on the Ifilrmitles of youth and maturity, and diseases of the gene- rstive sysem, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R-EAD THE 'REWEDITIO U. ON NZIIVOUS AND GENSEATV DIsSEs. Just Published; SMtu Thousand. Illustrated with Colosued . EDn vIn,' PNce 1S4- or inA esaled eavelopefree by Peet, for t8 to'cease Stamsl * - -JEALTW AXA. HAPPINESS, the means by wbicb Df -bthey , be obtaned, a medical work OD t0e8 Inflrmtties of youth and maturity, and diseases of the gene. rative system. with obevatione on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEA-T RE ROYAL, DTJBLI: .LUsdr thw> Patronaega of thelr.Exe616ee llence tIOB W LIEUT8X4NT and the COUNTESS OF ST. GEbM 3- ' ' ' ' ITALIASb OPERAS!' Mr. MtAWRIS has tilesiofour to' manquico a e.0reri Of ITALAWA OPERAS, to commence.'.- 'On MXONDAY, SEPTEMBER lltb, 1854,;. * i7 v the followlieg eminent Artistes,:. Fkersiathe7 Ioyal 'lalisn Opera,: Covent-garden ?? .A 0O, SOP[liA CRUVELLI,1; * ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAR~DS. 11 b ICHARD ALLEWS H AL AND GALbLERIESs 2, Lse fi Sdwgt~d. continue to he supplied with a large assort- |eut o>f Ready-oads Clothing. Firet etyle, ?? materials. OOM ?PAPEfi.-Putchasers may select ftom thelarigest1 stock of Room Papers, at MAUBIOR BnooxS' Wholesale and PRetel Warehouse, 90, Middle ebbepdW ~Du UNCTUALI -LONDON PATENT LEVER AND P GENEVA WATCHES. Nothing requires greater ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. went Of Ready-made Clothing. ljirs style. Best materls. i booM EAPER..-P purellama y select from the largest X stock of Room papers, at MAUR= BnooX' WholeCa1le fnd Retail Warehouse, go, fdi ddk E5J4h* DuNft IEDUCAT -N. CS T.iCLUBRE O'TOOLE'S SEMINARY. o 7inego was resumed TUESDAY, 2d Jan., 1855. O L L E G I =TE S 1EM I I N A B Y, 67, BOLTON-STREET. o As Business was resumed, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REA THE NEW EDITION£1 ON NERVOUS AND GENELTiVi DISEASES. Jast Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price Is., orin a sealed envelope, free by pest for 18 Postage Stamps. TIFEALTH AND HAPPINESS, the means by which JLL they may be obtained, a medical work on the Indrmities of youth and maturity, end diseases of the gene. rative system, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. I' 4)0)1 PAPE91t.-Parchllsers may Select from the largest It stock of Room Papers, at MAusIOE Bnools' Wholesale and Retail Warehouse. 9o, Mjiddlbeg4sj'ftwef Dublin. T-g ICIA RD ALLEN'S HALL NDGeazx,2,Loe .I')jSac4kvie-street, continue to be suppliedwtalreaso- ment of' Itoadys.-nue Clothing. First tc:'et'ztela. *RISH MANUFACTURE -SAMUEL DAVIS is con- etantly-supplied *ith - - -- Roman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ~.A D TaE NEW EDITIOI 0 VoUs ANm OpNE5ATWE :Dt5NA51:. JuoS 115000,'wso5- 'X0 -. fksnetradte with Engsratlngs, l'rice le., or in a sealed enycoloe ~free by poet for 18 Postage Stamps. - - 13IE A .LTI AND HAPPINESS, the means by. which s they may be obtained, a medical work-on tbe lufirmities of youth and maturity, and diseases of the gene. ratihe system, with observations on the ...