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Selected Poetry

... `cltctrfrb 19actfp. OLD FrRIENDS 'MET TOGETHER. OiT, time is sweet, when roses iseet, With Spring's sweet breath around them, And sweet the cost, when hearts are lost, If those we love have found then I And sweet the mind that still can find A star in darkvest weather, But nought can be, so sweet to see, As old fiiends met together. 'Tlhose ?? of old, when yonth was bold, Aind tiiue stole ...


... - I Voctro. I; THE VOICE OF .W-GONE YEtRS. TiE voice of years gone'by! It steals acerss-mybrain, Low, softand'swveet as evening breze; ' Wfiich riinxdithe whispering aspen trecs Floatsdin-a dying strain. ~At that still voice; as at a spell, Come recollections dear; ' And visions of the long ago, In blent succession floating slow Before the ideal clear. Scenes of the past!-so lost, so loved- ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jaz1jion alb Farietic5. THE COURT. Her Majesty and Prince Albert, with the Princess Alice, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of Saxe Coburg Gotha and Duke Ernest of Wurtemberg, con- tinnedtheir inspection of the Works of Industry of all Nations on Thursday morning, arriving at the Exhibi- tion at half-past nine o'clock. The illustrious circle remained till near eleven o'clock, and then ...


... portru. A PROTESTANT PROLOGUE, OR EPILOGUE. Ring William the Third, the greatest sovereign this country has to boast of.-.Prince Albert's Speech. On bless thee, Albert, for the wvord, Pure joy so fitted to afford; A word in season, oh, how dear And precious to the loyal car; How sweet upon the stricken heart It falls, a balm for many a smart- And never was an hour more meet For word of ...

Selected Poetry

... $else C'b 106etrg. THE VOICE OF NATURE. 'TWAS in a lone sequestered dell, And on a summer!s eve;. The sun's last glances-ling'ring fell, As loath the spot to leave: For never sun more, blithely rose To light a scene more'fair. Day never had so sweet a close,. Or night a charmn so rare. Andi I have climbed the rocky steep That cuts the vale in twain, And gaze adown the lonely sweep That seeks ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ifagbion aub lJarietiet+ THE COURT. OSBOUNE, MONDA,_-The Queen, the Prince, and the younger branches of the Royal Family, took their usual early walks. Divine service was performed by the Rev. Lord Wriothesley Russell, yesterday morning,, at Osborne, before her Majesty, his Royal Highness Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, and the Princess Royal. The ladies anti gentlemen of tile Royal suite ...


... FASHIONABL:'. .NTELLIGENCE. I R|MOVAL OIP THE COURT FROMS OSBORCE TO BALMoRAVoaTsHOnRTHOU ?? Maejety and. tbe court ?? this afterroa' ?? and the north. About a quartepst two 'olock th. I ueen; Prine Albert, the whole of the roya f-lnij;t I , embarked on board the Fairy, Caiptale the jion. 'leldh'Denman, under the usual salutes, and Steamed up for this port and Goasllort, where a special royal ...


... - ANTIsET CONCERT RoOMs-TiEl MElROANTILE CHORAL Ueezon.-Labt evening this society gave its second concert for the season, In the large:lEaU of this Institutiou belore a highly r~epecteble audience. On a former occa'ion when speaking ot this society, we stated that it was calculated to do much good, and would bc the meausofactively promulgating reflnedtate and combating with thit great and ...


... I - --FASHIONABLR NTRELLIGENCE. 1 WINDSOR, MAIRCH 6.-The Queen and Prince, attended by Lady Churchill and the Hon. EleanOr Stanley, drove out in an open corriage yesterday afternoon, The Equerries in Waiting were also in attendan e. Their Serene HighnesOSs the PrIncess Feodore ?? Langeniburgir, and Princess Amele of Hohenliohe Schllingfuret, dined with the Queen in the evening. The Dean of ...


... PASHJONABLE INTELLIGENCE. - ?? sI I - r- TnB ROYAL VISIT TO SCOTLAND -It has DOW been decided, we understand, that on her journey northtvard her Ma esty will not travel by the Seottish North.Eastbrn 'and liseesde RsIivwayf-theroutefollowed for several seasons ?? will proceed by the Spittel of Glenshee and Bracmar to Balsooal. The reason avigned for thisi change of route Is the unsatisfactory ...


... THEATRE OYAL- lTALIAN OPERA. I I . - .- A .. . .- - - ?? -. . _- I The eni O Inoement of the intended presentation early next month of a seriea of Italh in operae in Dublin by a moat dletin, guiched comnpany of artits b as no small Interest and gratifloa. tion amongst musical circles. Por this promise of pleasure to come-orowded ?? ard high temptrature included-the many enthudlaniastle ...


... I IFASHIONABLE IELLI-GENCE W Y ,e a-e much gratified to learn that our ex- cellent Lord Maiyor has determined to entertain Mr. Bright I and the principal ofiolilas connected with tile Atlar tio Tale- graph Company at dinner, at the Manslon liouse. Eis FN- celiency the Lord Lleutenatnt has grecioualy accepted an in. vitation to be present on the occasion1, end hes~fixed the 1st September for ...