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Glasgow Herald




Lanarkshire, Scotland


Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TIlE ELECTORS (IF TIIH l F ,AIRD IE, HAMILTON, LANARK, AND LI NLrITHGOW. (WcsTLiEAT N, C- IXEN L dcsxii having* lebeien eNxresemI that Mr. Baird A . xnd Mr. Loch Should pr1joceedtl to the 'oll, on their rc- xipective inerits, vithout a tid Canididate interposinhg, anid cinm- ing, xis I did, last into tile field, I axe naulced, il consequence, to withdraw as a Candidate for the honollr of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST, Yesterday afternoon, between the City of Glasgow Bank, Virginia Street (by way of Argyll and Glassford Streets), and Garthland Street, 'J'HREE ONE-POUND NOTES. Whoever may have found )f tthe same will, on returning them to the Herald Office, be rewarded. e Glasgow, 22d Nov., 1850. S1 Frm STRAYED, From a Park at Deanside, near Renfrew, N INE SHEEP and 3 LAMBS. Any person giving such in- e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLASGOW ANNUITY SOCIETY. INSTITUTED 1808. lE[3 AN-NUA VL GENERAL MtEETING of the GLASGOW j AN Ci;TY SOCIETY wll take place on Monday, 6th? *IanalY next, at Three o'eloek r}.au w-ithin the R}eligious Institution oms. Na. 12 Soutvh Hlanover Street, Glasgom. Office Bearers fe the- enlsuing year will be elected, Periodical Contributions re- wcived, and NewV ?? entered., SPECIMIEN OF RATES FOR £10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'NTOT CE-OJI W LLAM LENNOX'S 1 NOVEL, P1E1PICY 1AMILTON on, TUE ADYEN- TU1IES OF A W1VSTMI.AINSTER Boy, 3 vols., l IS NOW READY AT ALL TMll LilitiAnES.I ~ I fcl not a little pleasure in laying beofrc the public the :esults of my friend's and my own exporilence, doubting not C that the fidelity of the sketches introduced of life at the far- G famed school in Dean's Yard will hoe recognized by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t. h REWARD OF ONE POUND. e T OST, on Wednesday last, at One o'clock, on the Steamboat L Wharf, a PURSE, containing Six £I Notes with some Sil- r ver and Copper. The Finder will receive the above RewardI by n returning it to 128 Buchanan Street. e F SQUND, e A MILITARY SILVER MEDAL, with a number of Clasps Lt A UponI it. The Owner may lave it on proving his property a end paying expenses. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIRL MISSING r-1NC W V OM ANof ratcerweakintellcct, lefttthebhole l , it rltijons in Clyde Place,oTiadestou, Gorbals, about jr 'eeI, ago aldlias not sice been heard of. She is f8 to tll \e s;, t-et ,A ineles h-. IHeight, Fair Complexion, l, 'Wmen Tartail Dross, Black Polka, Grey - slle .1 Mith Blue Border, Straw Bonnet, with Pcach- jltelt1 h-itbiis . Dark Grey TVorsted Stockings, amd Stout ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S3COTTISHt U~NION INSURANCE COMPANY. NOTICB. HEDIRECTORS~ Of thle SCOTTISHI UNION IN- T lIE11IANCL U (10I'1ANY,] have to intiniate that thl ft RECEII PTS tir palymenit Of FI'1 RE lOLICIE8 duo( ait the I Teril oft jV Il 'S NANti rc nowv ready for deli very at th ?? 11IA ?? Vpice and NVa ious A Oci: NC1:, atnd lihoud be tialken op S onl or before thle 31101 CIFI curt. me/i/i o/ice 0/i/era, Call ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'JleS DAY, AT 34 Co(JiliANE SREI'E. IIOLE STOCK 01F 13;l1T11 SI1 WINES, BRAINDY, LARGE i' LOT U IN ITS' IN CAI(CS', W\ESTP[A LIA II AN , 'lEA,PII' ,CAIS IM, .ARRO~W ROOT1, 1] N01E1i, ItED) IIERRIINUtS, PICKLIES, E1MI'TY IttITT I.ES IN MA'TS, COUNTING lHOUSE FUIRNITU'l'lIE, &(x Bleoflginlyl to the .S'exeuesitrxlxe' 1'xstale of le. Alesxaner, f.ontmsr-1s sion 11Merr/he. Widgei xxi, Rlobrt's Bri' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lji'6ET PuRIE Riouct2:1-is. TOc IlE~ sOLE, BY PUB71LIC ROUP, likini ti' Ii POatl ExelIaige,1 Sale IiOHInS, U las~gow, upon th .ll'ii' 2 1th2 iii day ot' December, I SSI, at Two o'clock Afe ilti )ifot prieeiutskl dispose'd o/by Privat'e Boi'cjai, p il NI AN8ION ]lIiJSE of II A UT 01111 Al1), j itmlted oil thle south side of' the road to 6 oVan, a niL t ti wvest if Plantation, w'ith the GEI ND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [l 11 Is iun Oil] --A ' I' oil II gilq irto F~i tite- ?? 'il, Iit 'Ii Nillil' ICalie~ Royt l'e -I'l 11 ?? -till': ?? ItA r ltit' Fily.I c~lie 'll] hil ii TId ieticd -lithio litiI uimd I' city IVlIK TO SELL Olt Ii:T'. IC ' t I N 1 UN It EC 1) SQUARE, YARDS of 1 lit S i Milton treet, wvith ?? thiereoll. , . i-on, 10 Cionimerev Street. ?? TO~1, liw som1] , ?? LiCI,Trs 1-1ii i SLF.( i PAIN CDLO T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORSAL, B PRVAT BARGAIN, r l i~~LF.CONTAINlN ) ?? No. 25 Blythswood Jf square, it' fidll described inl formiier Advertisemen~ts. AlpP1y to Aldoitgitncrrte & Fleming, Mille11r Street. - iousE rnPROPETY FOR SALE. Cl 1EVltAI 'I'ENE,1MENTIS susbtantiallY built itod occupied S,/r ?? anid 'lradlsinei's lheel ing Houses. TIhe prices ,,illt afford a returnl of from 15 to It.) icr Geitl. oin the outlay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANN, SIMPSON & BYARS, as requested, have to acknowledge receipt of 21s., as conscience money, from a party unkoown. L0ST, on Sabbath Morning, 26th March, between Spring- field Ferry and West Bath Street, a GOLD RING, with TWO GOLD SEALS and a GOLD KEY attached. Whoever returns the amine to Mr. Robert ChIystal, Grocer, 1 Charing Cross, will be Rewarded. STOLEN, from 94 Montrose Street, a few ...