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Glasgow Herald




Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... 1-TOSEPIINE.-I beg of 1ou to write me. I Ieave Q for P- in ton das, and ask you again to go with me. 14,rlember your promise. MAN AMIS;ING. f FFT his Home, on Thursday MIornicg last, a U MAN forty y ers ofege; hoight abcet 5 ft. M in., hair anti wbhlkers red. As he was ndtlreessed at the time he left his house., anI labouring under temporary insanity, his friends are afraid te miay have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6 NOTICE. O NTMIIAT'ION IS 1i.1;RL3Y GIVEN, that THOMAS I MONTGOMERY ?? NEILT, HAMILTON, Esquire i of Raploch, Heir of Entail in possession of the Entailed Estate 6 of' Raploeh, in the Parish of Dalserf, and Shire of Lanark, has o presented a PETITION to thle Court of Session, (Mr. Lindsay, 0 clerk,) in tcrms of tie Act lit], and 1H2t Victoria, cap. 3G, en- tituled ?? Ani Act for the Aiendient ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT IREDUCTION IN PIANOLFORTES. rpHE Ailvertiser respectfully intimates that, ss he procedis 1 to London ialtnediatoly to make Purchtases chr the -Win- ter Season, thle whol ol of his ?? STOCK of PIANO- FOICTE'S3 is to b c Dkipestcd of' ait even lower than a his usual ] Greatly RUcati l l'ri ccS. A f evw COT IAGES ?? SQUA SAES ieturuetd fromi hre wil beho foinlb very decided Bargains. , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW TRANSLATION OF TIlIE LONDON PIIAIlMACO1'GJIA. I Just Published, in OnC thick V.olumeo, post syo, with numcrous atth Woodcuts illt Diagrams, price 18s. cloth, rio ANSLATION or ile NEW LONDON PI ?- tilba Ajj. IA(!i(!EjIA, iuc~eiti~i also the NEW DUBLIN and EDJINBIURGH I1IARl.MACO1'EI&lS, with a full Account Is, uffthe ClitiniicI IdMedicinal Properties of their Contents: to formiliga ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUTCH FLOWER ROOTS. C We wvill Sell, by Public Auction, within our Sale Rooms, No. 14 _ Buchannn Street, on Tuesday the 28th October curt., T WO CASES DUTCH PLO\WER ROOTS, consisting of C,nam med HYACINTHS, Earlyand Late TULIPS, NAR- M' na c s8US, JONQITILLES, ANEMONES, RANUNCULUS,. TAI CROCUS, AMARYLLISSE, &c. &c. BEI These are from Messrs. 1I. de Lange & Sons, l-laarlem, Matt Whose ROOTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INTIMATION IS HEREBY GIVEN, that WILLIAM CRAWFURD, Esquire of CartSburn, Heir of Entail in possession of the Entailed Estate of CARTSBURN, in the CountV of Renfrew, has presented a Petition to the First Divi- ?? of the Court of Session (Mr. Lindsay, Clerk), in terms of the Act 11 and 12 Victoria, Cap. 36, entituled An Act for the Amendment of the Law of Entail ill Scotland, praying that the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... requiring, to inceat near the CR1OSS on tue fli iiiLPT DA2YS fori transacting Ilutiesii' m e - *ic(co I, tic, so under tlitt PlAZZA'lat the TrONTINE, %tiil cciia kept cleatr for thirch Accmoain -FIVE POUNDS REWARD. F (ST a Moda Neh lata OL PATENT LYE R l I WA'ICII. o. 3,itdtgolddia, gldone-', ccnittrO acottis, ~ii 0 OLD 6 U A 111) CII A IN a itaclteticable Ptattern. 'fTI I dcc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tlss DAY, AT NEIV CITY ROAD. B U I I. D I N G M A T E R I A L S, BY AUCTION. HIUTCIIISON & DIXON will Sell, at 174 New City Road, T his I)a,, at Trvelve o'clock Noon, the Whole MA- '1'ERIALS of '1E N. EMl ENT, conprising ]3ricks, Slates, Load, Iron Pipes, Sarking, Flooring, Joisting, Doors, Windows, *Shutters, &c. SALE 1o-MORROW. TEN LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES AND TENDERS, BY AUCTION, ATTIIE GOODS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t .- ?? I TIIE POrl0 TyINYG ALDVERTlS'EMEN'IW LElACIOIlE _ . UlS T00 LA 7E FOB N1VSEIRTI70N IN i'0UI 1I' c EDITON:- . WTANTED, for n Spirit Ccllar, an Active BOY,. from 14L ' to 1t year.i of ?? at 193 Buochanan Street. ANTEl), a Middle-Aged WOMAN, Rs SERVANT in a T r Tradesnuttils Famtiily. AW'ashing anti Dressing ijidispens- ablec qttlifitatl C. 5, Heral ad Ofalcc. d .1 l2TFOR SALE, BY l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW FINE ART SALOON AND GENERAL AUCTION MART, A No. I19 ST. VINCLNT ST]REET. o 1 fR. MACINDOE respectfilly announces titat, at Whit- Ilt summdmmy, he will Itemmmove to the above Extensive and Fle- _ gant l'remises, expressly arriraiged and aditsted for every Department of the Business. 'I'hr Newv SALOON has been Erected from the Designs of r an cnminent Arebitect, whose attention wvas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS IN LANARKSHIRE FOR SALE. ThevC will be Sold, by Public Roup, ?? the Sun Inn, StrathaVeri, on Thursday the 27th day of July, 1854, at Five o'clock r;.l. (if Wtseviously privately djipo0sed of), TRATkl of M SS and WHITE GROUND, in the A parishes of ?? anid Avondale, consisting of about 07 Acrcs Scts, cused ns Pasture foi;;hecp and Cattle, a great portion of whlich may easily be rendched ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1011ACCONIST STOCI aned FITTINGS, with SET'of SIHOP and 'lRtlM ISES, of that old-ostablished Businiess, littel carried il by the duceased Johin W ii lliamson, No. 43 Georgc Square, fth iSALE, by Private BIargain. Apply to Walter Murriay, Grocer, 47 George Square, Glasgow. 26;th MaIy, 1854. TO AVWORKIN( JEWELLERS. A WELL-ESTABLISIIHED BUSINESS is at present for A SALE, in one of the best ...