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Lothian, Scotland

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Spirit of the Press

... plzpirit of 'Qt vrn5- MISS SMIIIH'S TRIAL. ('ROM THE TINItt.) Sco;land has been for nearly four months occupied Wipe bliss Madelire Smith and her lover; and though there is still sufficient distinction between the two couo tries to give a Scotch case some difficulty in achlieviug an English reputation, yet, since the corn mencement of the actual trial, the interest of he- Sbutih.has not been ...

Law Intelligence

... i . - a . I-- z, - :1 Ate'lliplite. COURT _OF YSE SI0N-JuLtyO. PET'ITION-JOHN, GORDON CUMING SKEqE. This was an application for authority to charge ceftatin improvmeient debts on (1) a sum of money consigned as:compensation for the passage of a rail- way through the: entailed estate on which the im- provements had been wade; and (2) on the fee of the estate.itself. In regard to the charging of ...


... HIGH COURT OF J9USTICIARY. TRIAL OF MISS SMITH. FIFTH DAY. The Cortn resumed at ten o'clock this morning. Dr Christison was re-examined by the LORD AD- VOCATE. In regard to the use of arsenic as a Cos- metic, do yea think it would be possible to use it by putting an ounce of arsenic into a basin of water, and washing the face? I think it would be very unsafe indeed. What effects would you ...


... POLICE COURT-FIuDAY. (Before Sheriff Lorimer.) ANOTHER STUDENT CASE. Two medical students appeared to-day, mutually charging each other with assault. After the case had been gone into at considerable length, the Sheriff remanded it till to-morrow-remarking that the quarrel appeared to him to be so paltry and con- temptible that it was unnecessary to proceed with it. The most sensible and ...


... POLIQE COURT-lYTEjDrNXSDAT. (Before Daille Grieve.) lis] tro A F ORMIlDABLE CT'IAGE. Ed Eacttn, a sailor of tall, broad, and muscular ses ens, was charged with behaving in a riotous mn ?? .'.'-oaitlav manner in George Square, and with evil eefy icior~slbreaking 15 panes of glass in a house Pa GC :h-xe, by throwing stones. The complainant's coun-inc e aquc.tsed permission to makte a rermark ...


... POLICE COURT-WEDNESDAY. (Before Sheriff Lorimer.). THEFT OF FISH. John Young, a decidedly inferior specimen of the gerns hoino, was charged with stealing two hundred- weight of salted fish, from a loft in Rachel Place Lane, on the 21st of November. He denied the charge, and evidence was led, in the course of which the following circumstances transpired :-The prisoner, whose age was 20, was ...


... IIIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. This Couit sat yesterday-the Lord Justice-Clerk, Lord Cowan, and Lord Deas on the bench. , ~ CASE OF PERJUIRr. Peter Reilly was charged with having given' false evidence when adduced as a witness for the defence in the trial of Thomas Reilly, on 18th January last, for rape or assault with intent to ravish. He pled guilty, and was sentenced to eighteen months' im- ...


... (Before Sheriff Arkley.) Mr Michael Wilshere, floor cloth manufacturer, violesale paper-hanging and gutta-percha warehouse- man 'South Sr, David Street, Edinburgh, was exa- mined yesterday. The sederunt included Mr Ralph Erskine Scott, -accountant, trustee, Mr William White Millar, S S.C., agent in the seenestration, Mr Edmund Baxter, ?? agent for Messrs Rolls & Sons, and several other cre- ...


... FOLICE COURT-YRBIDAY. (Before Batlie Russek.3 CA'-aOF ASA5ULT. Nary Conroy or O'Donnell, reskdin- in South u:4hblis C'lcS, was cheeged with assar. ting a little bov named James Turabrhll, ol the Sth inst, bv striking Ihim on the face with a pitcher, to the effusior, of blo.od- It appeared.:hat the boy h2d been arutsing himself by beating wvth two sticks on an old pitcher, when the panel, ...


... THE POLMONT- TRAGEDY. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. The Court resumed yesterday at ten o'clock-the Lord Justice-Clerk, Lord Cowan, and Lord Ard- milian on the bench. T'lEs PROVOST OF STIRLING. The sentence of outlawry was pronounced against Provost Sawers, of Stirling, for non-appearance. THE POLIMONT TR.AGEDY. William Reid was placed at the bar on a charge of l murdering Margaret Taylor, a ...

Law Intelligence

... 7gaiv 311tcHiplitt. COURT OF SESSION-THuRsDA-y. ~ he FIRST I)IVISION., Xt .- MISS ELEANOR KELSO, OF DALKEITH, V. -W. R MARTIN AND OTHERS. P The debate in this case was concluded to-day. eon We shall report the circumstances when judgment is dil pronounced, an, Counsel for the Reclaimer-~Solicitor-General and ag, Mr Gifford. Hunter, Blair, and Cowan, W.S., Br Agents. Counsel for the Pursuer ...

Law Intelligence

... yaby 'Wiliffliffoirt. COURT OF SESSION-TUESDAY. FIRST DIVISION. BRlOWN AND MILES V. THE MIAGISTRkLTES OF ABERDEEN. This was an action of declarator at the instance ot Brown and Milne, millers in the neighbourhood of Aberdeen, against the Magistrates of that burgh, to have it found that the Magistrates have no right or title, by themseli es or by their collectors or tacksmen, to demand and levy ...