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Grampian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... * T TROUSERS. A good O in q PD this o Garment can be E-4 seldom obtained. BY Emnploying Cutters, of first-rate abilities, M. A. LEVY c~ ean safely guarantee a persvfect Fit in this particular part gf Dress.* The cbaraeterietio of his Fitting is a gentlemanly style, with porfeot ease for stooping, sitting, walking, or riding. A vvell assorted Stock, of the newest Designs, to select from. READY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRESS COATS. 9 DRESS VESTS. Z DRESS TROUSERS. : DRESS SHIRTS. DRESS STOCKS. DRESS SCARFS. Z DRESS NECKERCHIEFS. DRESS TIES. DRESS GLOVES. JOHN BROWN DRESS GLOVES. JOHN BROWN 1/ 039, Union street, (Urder the Royal Hotel). Sheriff Watson's Female Industrial school. Sheriff Watson's Female Industrial school. the Committee of Management, sometime since publicly an- nounced, to require the Annual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W. McLEOD, Watchmaker, BEGS most respectfully to intimrate to Otis Friends and the B Public, that he has REMOVED from No. 9, SCHOOLHILL, wo No. 12, Opposite. / Aberdeen, January 1, 1850. Lloyd's Register of Dritish andr Foreign Shipping. ESTAIBLISIIED 1S34. LIVERPOOL APPENDIX. N pwursuance of Resolutions mutually agrecd upon by the Conllluitteo for Lloyd's a-utl the Cosnmuittoe for the Livcr- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This daci i8 published, pp, 51., Price Is., Free by Post, Is. 4d., H AS MARISCHAL COLLEGE, IN NEW ABERDEEN, H THE POWER OF CONFERRING DEGREES IN DI- VINITY, LAWS, and MEDICINE? Aberdeen: D. WYLLIE mud SON, Booksollers to the Queen tdd Prince Albert. US1030 LAZD DESTITUTION. This day is Puzblished, price 6d., TL RD REPORT for 1849 of the EDINBURGH SECTION of itho CENTRAL BOARD for the RELIEF of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HoaeO in EXig street, FOR SALE. br w l be exposed to sale, by public roup, it' virtue of powers contained irn a Bondanrd Disposition in Security, On FRIDAY e fii~t day of . rch next, withinthe LEION TREE TAVERN, at tWrO O'clOck, afternoon, BE ?? HOUSE, No. 36, K{IING STREET, as prsently oceupied by Mr Alex. Smith, Commission Agent, and Mrs Wilteybuilt of thebest matcrial; and isin excellent on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN Ir14n & znmW ASSURATamf combant. XSTABLI1ttED 1825.-OAPITAL, £l.ee0,e0o. XLfe Department. YrHE Non-participation Branch embraces overy description of I.L transaction to which Life Assurance is applicable. Terms strictly moderate. The Participation Scheme, begin in 1840, has been eminently, ftaCCessful. The first Bonus, declared in 1847, will be found to bear a most favourable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CII AP BAnm. A WHITE & HUTCHEON, SILIC MnoCsRs, anriozs to have, their IFinter Stock renuccd, announce 8 fuly that they have commenced a CHEAP S A LE, to - tfce during January and February, idhen the oehole of their Rle Stock ui1S be offared, at a CONSIDERABLE BEDUC- ?? and, to tsaure this their per-pose being efoected, 'EDUC- S IN PRICE HAVE BEEN MADE that will render this nsorthiy of being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OP WXNTER GOODS. 37 UNION STREET. 37 pATRICK COLLIE ?? scow Reduced the whole of his valu- nbls Stocek of WINTER GOODS, consisting of TARTANS, TARTAN SHAWLS, FURS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, zc. ke.; and would remiind Parttecs J.CFrnislhta or about to pur- chase, to snake an inspection of his Stock, which contains Goods only of the most unexceptionecble kind-having all been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENT'S IMPROvED WATCHES and CLOCXS.-E. J) t DENT, Watch and Clock Maker by distinct appointments to tho Queen, H.R H. Prince Albert, and H.I.M. the Emperor of Rrssia, most respectfufly solicits from the public an inspection of his extensive STOCK of WATCHES and CLOCKS, embracing all the late modern, improvements, at thle most economical charges. Ladies, iold Watchcs, with Gold Dials, jewelled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen Assemiblies. E First ASSEMBLY for the Season will be held, in the As- S mEIBL.Y ROOMS, on MONDAY tho 21st January. Gentlemen Strangers introduced by Subscribers, to pay I os. 6d. ?? and refreshments as usual. The suscRBERs' List vill be found with Mr CHIISHOLM, at tile Rooms, or with Mr WYLLIE, Ullioln Street; and the Sub- t scribers are requested to meet in the Rooms, on the above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I REDUCTION IN THE VIRICE Or WINTER GOODS. 327 UNION STREET. 37 -PATRICK COLLIE has now Reduced the whole of his valu- able Stock of WINTER GOODS, consisting of TARTANS, TARTAN SHAWLS, FURS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &e. &c.; and would romind Parties Furnishing or about to pur- chase, to make all inspection of his Stoek, which contains Goods only of the most unexceptionable kind-having ill been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLINT GLASS, CIZNA, STONW, & EAnTIHE17WALM~ ESTABLISHMENT, 136, UNION STREErT, ABERDEEN, (NEXT TIHE AIERDEI.:I 1OTELL) OHN FORD, FLINT GLASS MAINUI'ACTURER to the QulInN, JHollyrood Glass Worlks, E(liiblurgli, respectfully takes this opportulitl of aclkllledlgillg thle luony fi mours conferred by tile loj ?? the 'Den-Acco' City uidsnrrouidingeouti'y, VIfo their lilberallitY hi pulre~siugt the ...