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Advertisements & Notices

... W. McLEOD, Watchmaker, BEGS most respectfully to intimrate to Otis Friends and the B Public, that he has REMOVED from No. 9, SCHOOLHILL, wo No. 12, Opposite. / Aberdeen, January 1, 1850. Lloyd's Register of Dritish andr Foreign Shipping. ESTAIBLISIIED 1S34. LIVERPOOL APPENDIX. N pwursuance of Resolutions mutually agrecd upon by the Conllluitteo for Lloyd's a-utl the Cosnmuittoe for the Livcr- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * T TROUSERS. A good O in q PD this o Garment can be E-4 seldom obtained. BY Emnploying Cutters, of first-rate abilities, M. A. LEVY c~ ean safely guarantee a persvfect Fit in this particular part gf Dress.* The cbaraeterietio of his Fitting is a gentlemanly style, with porfeot ease for stooping, sitting, walking, or riding. A vvell assorted Stock, of the newest Designs, to select from. READY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRESS COATS. 9 DRESS VESTS. Z DRESS TROUSERS. : DRESS SHIRTS. DRESS STOCKS. DRESS SCARFS. Z DRESS NECKERCHIEFS. DRESS TIES. DRESS GLOVES. JOHN BROWN DRESS GLOVES. JOHN BROWN 1/ 039, Union street, (Urder the Royal Hotel). Sheriff Watson's Female Industrial school. Sheriff Watson's Female Industrial school. the Committee of Management, sometime since publicly an- nounced, to require the Annual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MlA DAME SONTA S. F A R E W _3 ELL CONCERT, MUSIC HALL, THIS MORNING, THURSDAY, the 3d January. XTUMEROLUS reqnests having been made for a MOTrninl I Concer. MIr nooD has the plessure to announcethat. through thle kindness of MADAMIE SONTAG con seting to deliv herdeparture, he has been enabled to rwake thle neces- sary ?? -with all the Artistes to give A FAIRIEWELL 3fORNINQ- CONCERT, Is MITE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iti Ye 01 Un th lid ir th ll or cin 'li ?? 01 I), at in' iC. In Y. ci in in to at ll- ir is 1- F. .e d 0 e ?? e t a a- BOY AMISSING. L EFT his Home about three weeks ago, aged ten years, thin L sharp-faced, and about three feet high, dressed in DARK MOLESKIN CLOTHES; had a mark of a late fall above one of his eyes, and had a Brown Checked Napkin tied about his head;, was last seemn about the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tFEIC US CUrE volt CORns, BUNIONS, CCLLSIICALLOSITSES, &o., WITHOUT C-rvTIG, OR CAUSING T1TE SLIGHTEST hix, ] BY MR. EI ENBE RCT, AUTHOR OF PRACTICAL ExpOSiTION ON THE HUMAN FOOT, ANT A D DssnSxES OF THE FEET. _ rwNisUNBIIG of 14 Coc OsXrU STREET, NO , in )icoer lilia ce with the request of several Families of the A i 8es respctailitY, lhas been induced to revisit Glasgow pro- n nly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVIDENT INSTITUTION S . SIIFOR LIFE ASSURANCE. 1yflN 11UGH4IS'T. ANDREW SQUARE. T tlLAktTO0W--6 ST. VINCENT STREET. tlsCOitoiPBA¶TED tty ACT OF'PARLiMAMNT.) 1 ~SGOW BOARD.. joh N A(U Al tV ILBERT. Esq. oft'York11i11. at p CR\IKMituter Mot- Ge2,orges. ~ V XIV] P vx'IDSN. Esq.,Merchanit. L ItEMA~x. ?? M.D. so 'Pt tit- vn Ix tT1I110 TUE IXEN1tFIT OF MUTUAL Assur.ANCs are. ait earl ati middle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAN AMISSING. fi T EFT his Homne last week, an INSANE MAN, named THomas P WAT~SON, belonging to the Parish of Campsie. He is sup- posed to be about Glasgow. His clothing is marked with his name. Looks about 55 years of age, fair ruddy complexion, and brown hair and eyes; hair below chin. whiskers turned back below, does not answer correctly, and speaks in a lew tone of voice; he smiles in a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NMUSIC HALL. maz1 GlIENT'CONUNDRUMN CONTEST T{YNIGRTI! T. - AND TIME G1R~AND BIALTSMORAL ENTERTAINMIENT. 'Tick~et' for all parts of tlihe oulo to be had at the Offce, Waot'rloo Rrooms,. and ait the Mu1tsic Hall1. Co. No ).Iony etak-e ut i/ia Doors. e~ Trhe 660 CONUNDRUMS -and ANSWVERS will he rub- 3lbe~d bicire ti e Perferrnaii~ee. and tnay be'had at the, Hall Doors. neatly coveredtan sti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFrICACIOUS CURE FOR CORNS, BUNIONS, CALLOSITIES, &c., 'WTHOuT CUTTINx(, OR CAUSING THE SLIGUTEST PFAIN r BY MR. EISENBERG, AUTHOR OF I; ?? LTC.AL EXSPOiTIOX XN EESA 0TSX ; DISEASE;S OF TEIE FEET. of 14 CoORsURt STREET, LONDON, in IC 'jro npl~iancC writh the request of several Families of the C ie respectabilitys has been induced to reefeft Glasgow ro- E hithe't : ' lad. in returning thanks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CII AP BAnm. A WHITE & HUTCHEON, SILIC MnoCsRs, anriozs to have, their IFinter Stock renuccd, announce 8 fuly that they have commenced a CHEAP S A LE, to - tfce during January and February, idhen the oehole of their Rle Stock ui1S be offared, at a CONSIDERABLE BEDUC- ?? and, to tsaure this their per-pose being efoected, 'EDUC- S IN PRICE HAVE BEEN MADE that will render this nsorthiy of being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This daci i8 published, pp, 51., Price Is., Free by Post, Is. 4d., H AS MARISCHAL COLLEGE, IN NEW ABERDEEN, H THE POWER OF CONFERRING DEGREES IN DI- VINITY, LAWS, and MEDICINE? Aberdeen: D. WYLLIE mud SON, Booksollers to the Queen tdd Prince Albert. US1030 LAZD DESTITUTION. This day is Puzblished, price 6d., TL RD REPORT for 1849 of the EDINBURGH SECTION of itho CENTRAL BOARD for the RELIEF of ...