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Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OP WXNTER GOODS. 37 UNION STREET. 37 pATRICK COLLIE ?? scow Reduced the whole of his valu- nbls Stocek of WINTER GOODS, consisting of TARTANS, TARTAN SHAWLS, FURS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, zc. ke.; and would remiind Parttecs J.CFrnislhta or about to pur- chase, to snake an inspection of his Stock, which contains Goods only of the most unexceptionecble kind-having all been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAST WEEK BUT ONr 0OF THE pANO%'RAMTA on the MOUND; 20 Views, comprising the FALLS of NIAGARA, Irom three points*, viz.-'the Ferry, entrance to the Cavern, andl Goat Islandl; the GOLD RGOSof CAL1FORNITA. TOW.Nof` ST FRANCISCO), V7ALLEY and RIVER SACRAMIENNTO. SIERRA INE- -VA~DA. Gold Diggers at W-ork, &-c. Now Views of JERU- SALEMT, CALCUTTA, &c. Two exhibitions daily, viz.-as Twou. and again ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Md, TEN SHILLINGS REWARD. OST on Tuesday last, a BUNCH of OLD SEALS and I IVL L KEYS. .A Reward of Ten Shillings, will be given to any en :all, one who will bring them to Mr. Muirhead, Jeweller, 90 Buchanan Oi ov. Street. the Glasgow, 18th January, 1850. had DROPPED IN ST. VINCENT STREET, tnal On Wednesday morning the 16th, L A PAIR of GOLD SPECTACLES in a Morocco Case. Any o A1. Person taking ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UPSET PRICE REDUCED. . TO BE SOLD, BY S PUBLIC ROUP, ithilie Roy~al Exchianlge Sale Rooms, Glasgow, On Wei inesday the 1301 Fsbrear\% 150, at Two o'clock AfternOOn, In v irtue Of Thei the. powers conitained in a Bond and Disposition in Sectirz ty, E L taud Il AILL the GROUND STORY of Oat f :of Ai T ENEM11E NT of L AN D, ?? within the territor3 of the PO Itr~ of UlaRsgow, and on the W est ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IA~RIESTON CONGIM(JNTAL CHURCH HOME ,xNSAB~4TI the 0th urrent, Sermons will, be preached (Yin the Rev. David Russell's Chapel, Nicholson Street, by 31v EORGE S. INGRAM, Forenoon, l~e t iXANDFRFRASER, Afternoon, Sx W~ 1ILIAMtADERSON, Eveninug, at Half-past Sx On~v ?? be made in behalf of the '0i. brool is kept at which from 40 to 60 Girl r wt. rie sew c-n, the mnost of whom would be with- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TISH EQUITAABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. SC(tTTISI ?? by Act of Parliessncnt. thc ndvflntate of this Year's Entry, PROPOSALS There finestbe LOGED. t Ofthe He'adOffice, or at any of the So- TO Anbctes, onL or before 1st March. PC ciet' ROBT. CHRISTIE, Manager. A 7 AOENTS AT GLASGOWV: 2Bd J-S THOMS S08 ERVAIL, 43, West Nile Street. Iday T11 T ~~~Writers, 41 West Geo rge Street. Aun IX'. ~* 1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ n GONE AMISSING. f iotL T EFT her tHome, 137 ARGYLL STREET, on Fridav Afternoon. 1 JL[ Margaret Taylor, aged 7 years. Description :-Liglht blue eyes; long yellow hair; round face; very smart, and speaks well. *h, Iad on, when she left home, a faded DC Laic Dress; Dark Grey P ho Worsted Stockings. and Shoes; 2 Petticoats, one Blue and White t] lv Striped, the other Red ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIT HALGLASGOW, WILL BE OPTND THIS EVENIENG, MONDAY, 21s'V 'WILL BE JANUARY, 1850, ' FOR A SHORT Pl'1di By' 0~2FESS0It AND)E R~SON, GrIxAT WIZARD oyr im NORTHI,) Anld Professor of Natllal Magic to the Queen. FIIott to inform thle Nobility, Gentry, and Public of Glas- 2 ijT-_ ?? ewill have thle honour of Tgivinghs ih yI n ht he fessie l~ItiAL lBALMNORAL ENTERTAINMENT, of lti le erfoncmd by him ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THISI BYP.NLYVII G. I MIUSIC; HALL. CONTCERT ~1IIQNS2'RE, AND MOfST POSITIVELY THE LAST CONCERT, THIlS EVENING, MONDAY, 21st january. MONSIEUR JULLIEN has the honour to announce, that ,in compliance with the wish of many of his; kind pa- trots h e has postponed his Concert in Newcastle, and has succeeded in organisior a GRA ND CONET OSRE,: -which will take placc,- THIS EVENING, the --lst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I REDUCTION IN THE VIRICE Or WINTER GOODS. 327 UNION STREET. 37 -PATRICK COLLIE has now Reduced the whole of his valu- able Stock of WINTER GOODS, consisting of TARTANS, TARTAN SHAWLS, FURS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &e. &c.; and would romind Parties Furnishing or about to pur- chase, to make all inspection of his Stoek, which contains Goods only of the most unexceptionable kind-having ill been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ASBURANCE COMPAN. Life D3epartment. r INTENDING Assurers are invited to examine the advanta- ges that may be secured by connection with the Participa- ( tion Scheme of this Company. The next Investigation is to take place in 1852; and Policies, V with a right to share in Profits, that may be opened before the I Annual Balance AT 1OTH PROXlIMO, will be ranked as of One T Year's standing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLINT GLASS, CIZNA, STONW, & EAnTIHE17WALM~ ESTABLISHMENT, 136, UNION STREErT, ABERDEEN, (NEXT TIHE AIERDEI.:I 1OTELL) OHN FORD, FLINT GLASS MAINUI'ACTURER to the QulInN, JHollyrood Glass Worlks, E(liiblurgli, respectfully takes this opportulitl of aclkllledlgillg thle luony fi mours conferred by tile loj ?? the 'Den-Acco' City uidsnrrouidingeouti'y, VIfo their lilberallitY hi pulre~siugt the ...