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Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL BSCOTISHI ACADEMY I or. .FAINTING, SCULPTURE~, & ARCHITECTURE. T TI TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL EXHIBITIONx of T thle P. A D ENI Y for the. WORKS of LIVING AR.ITISTS, will Open at the Galleries. Revel Instituition, early inl Febr-tt7 nest. f he Members and other Artists are requested so take No.- tieait the Galleries will he Open fur the reception of Worka Art intended for Exltibition, an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY TALL. CL THIS AND E DVERY LAWEVL EVENING. PROFESSOR APNDERSON'S NEW ROYAL BALMORAL ENTERTAINMENT Aiben rceivd sa ~g~'ved with the hgreatest admiration. N, evenrpwssee s more deidd I 1 ahe thunders of applause b~es 'Nslewed eac Sctcess'i' Wonder tilestified the delight Of the ) flla MmIjON eascntl beond a piile ll parties are pleased N~ ;:tl the *oyal Wottdlcrs. from I TiLE Qhe % OUEEN \, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ?? . at THE Adve~rts6r,Iwho~ enclosed a testimonial in his aPPhlit5Otin'1 hof 17th September, to an advertisement in this paper of that day, for a BOOK-KEEPER, letters to be addressed 400, will feel £8 obliged by the party, who then advertised, communicating with Mc him byi letter, addressed J. C.,,Herald Office, relative to his tee- timonuil. ?? TERRIER DOG STRAYED. - Q S TRAYED, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOT ICE. NYIMA IONIS EREBMY GIV% EN, Ti'at RDEacTr IAC- WI 0rLEqie Ifer of Enltaill jtle~~'o itEtailed.~ tNI lad ES'TATES, of 111X IEED A l)N T~ 4lrter. Iviue in the Count\ Of L'eredo ?? rF l hLIONY of BROUG TNan oteslyn ~s te -~ote o Pebls,4 as Parttictlarlydsrbd pcfead I wof~iie5 2d Novnibr,178, nd n ?? Tel] I emcI uS O~stO, 7thJuy, 799; ad iltsecnddated yaml ~~~ia Ii in the Register of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p INSTITUTION FOPR LADME ' A 1 S A ' 26 BLYTHISWOOD SQUARE. JCTtFTH SESSION. 2pie &corU? idfsscs&iolel b&gi05 on thc Ist Fcbrutary. LADY S~rEEl:\EsDtsT-tSS PASsD. SEVERIAL GOVELNESSEM NMASTERS. s i fL reYCI ua , Professor 2Robertson, of the Anderson j* Laiiguange,1 Un Iiversity. , ?? ?? rtti r. Weolski of the High School. fes I. l.11CMr. i Wilyte, F.E.l. o t. raphy. 31..CosuldBn Aeady T` ;, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE. COLLECTIOs OF LAND AND ASSESSED TAXES, AND PROPERTY TAX1 FOR TElE YEAR 1849-50, I. TZE CiTY AND COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. -OTICE Ti3 hereby given, that the COLLECTION of the IN TAXES for l849-50 will commence at the Office of the CilectOr, 57, YuEaT BnlDGE, on MONDAY NEMiT, the 28th t: and it is particularly requested that all persons will, ithout delavy, make Paymaent of the Duties with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. 5C0TT~b isco22rated bl Act of Parliament. ,1ebte, asdvantage of this Year's Entry, PROPOSALS T seeLO tE D: at the Head Office, or at any of the So^ a lsttcics, On or beforo 1st March. ciet i on befoe OBT CHRISTIE, M3anager. AOENT .AT GLASGOW :- TLOIA SOER VAIL, 43, 'West Nile Street. 1 & J. I.UDSTON, Writers, 41 West George Street. i SPECIAL NOTICE. A ~ tC~' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L11- ey Ofl LOST, g AP E and SALT Aged TERRIER BITCH, white ry Aly ?? Eth~e muzzle. iA reward of half-a-guinea will be given to any person bringing it to 19 Woodside Place. he FOUND, th, NEWFOUNDLAND DOG.-Apply by letter, addressed A No. 399, Herald Office. ar, MONEY TO LEND, On Heritable Security. HREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS, T £3000, £2000, £1400, £e700, and various other Sums, Trust ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -1,Is~m declare that the arom is gratefsl and invigoratiYUg, eid the tttielation of the ?? nerves quite encltnt- tenates arc devouring it in spoonfuls.-.Norther-1 O N D E R H E Y D E'S V CELEBRATED LONBDO1X BROWM RArPEU, For wbich GEORGE MILLAR, ToBwccoNisr, No. 00, Union Street, Abordeon, is Agent. When the above unequalled RH PPEE WaS introdmnced into tais City, it w$s resolved, by way of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DONALDSON'S HMOSPXTAL. rpHE GOVERNORS of DONALDSON'S HOSPITAL having ta resolved to clectaHOUSE GOVERNOR (who is also to be Chaplain), a h MATRON, and a MASTER or PRINCIPAL TEACHER of the DEAF and DUMB CHILDREN beforc filling up the other Situations in the Hospital, hereby give notico Applicatiotns for the thrie Situationls before mentioned, together vith the necessary Testimonials, must ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'V 1 1I:ADMIRA WImm. B SUIBSCRIBER respectfully intimates to those who nre in the habit of rising Madoeila, that he bits lately added to his stock, SO1110 EAST INDIA, WEST INDIA, and DIRECT LONDON PARTICULAR, all of them first class yinles-Price, 4Ss. to 63s. per dozen. WIlLIA WALZ:SiB, WINE MERCHANT, TEA DEALER AND GENERAL IaPOR-TERL 52, Union Street, 22d January, 1850. FLINT GLASS C1ZI1!NA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B A N V A R-'S I GREAT ORIGINAL p ANOROMA OF THE. MISSISSIPPI RIVER, Under the immediate patronage of HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY. E. B. H. PRINCE ALBERT. And all the ROYAL FAMI.Y, the same as Exhibited before the COURT AT WINDSOR CASTLE, Will Oven at the W A TEr L 0 R O O M S, On MONDAY EVENING, FEE. 4, ,,d continue for a few EveningS only, and on WEDNES1DAY and SATURDAY Afternoons. iThe ample ...