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Advertisements & Notices

... REWARD-TEN SHILLINGS. T OST, Last Night, in CATHEDRAL. STREET (between L North Hanover and Buchanan Streets), a GOLD RING, with 2 SEALS and a WATCH KEY. Whoever has found the same, will, on returning them to Mr. W. C. Shaw, 64 Argyll Street, be Rewarded as above. 31st January, 1850. FOUND, A LARGE NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. The Owner mnay S A have him by proving the same and paving expenses. If not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY IALL. THIS AND EVERY LA&WFUL EVENINXG PROFESSOR ANDERSON'S NEW ROYAL BALMORAL ENTERTAINMENT . ~ Glasgow with the greatest admiration. H s been received n dcdd The thunders of applause Netcverwas successi Wor n der testified the delight of the that f enllezbiv beyond any parallel. AU parties arelpleased &'ojesheiluderal uwithl di , VTI QUEEN, AT BALMIORAL Mgl Tesd he asoash- ltaddeih;and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NtLISH AND, SCOTTISH I L I FE AS S UR ANCE LA A N D~j LOAN ASSOCIATION. ar Soon (RmqW gow, £!P111Al. 12 WATERLOOi PL. 44 4 EO9 SQ.T p ielt ' ST. o E~1Nto W1ILLIAM ST. 2-0 BUCRANAN ST ?? ~CA-FTTAT, ONE MILLION. Theleaitr fetu~s f te bsinsscarried onl 1)y the tAssocia- Ii11r ON OF lJsK CONTIN.EN'T ioON LiFE. a a,. i IIL, NAIVAL, Olt 31ILITARiA OI a ~f ,,tIrEI~NSVESYSTEM OF LOA'N, IN CONETONWTH 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and DOG LOST. the A LARGE NEWFOUNDLAND DOG Lost, wholly coloured A black-answers to the name of 1 Venture. By returning ot the same to John M'Coneell, Kirklee, by Partick, a Reward will be obtained.V at FOUND, m AT the Royal Exchange, on the 24th ultimo, a SILK Ira- A UBIIi I Apply by letter, addressed 84, Herald Office. on at MONEY TO LEND, lal- On Heritable Security. mTHREE THOUSAND FIVE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s . A 'E COMPANY OF SCOTLAND, 9, GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH, ' UNITEiD WITH TIIE ALLI ANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. (CAeTALTF1VE MILLIONS STma.5EN. C The Renawal Receipts for Candlenmas are now in the hands of u telt fromn whomn Proposal Sheets, with full inforination as S titS, i. ay be obtained. to By Order of the Directors, 0 DAVID MACLAGAN, Manager. V A C-G NTS: AGENTS: rewk-- A 01:0m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... il T EED TH1OUSASD It T N D eerieS of PoPttla Guide Boos, r*DLI-SUED BY . R. M ' P H U N S Ao'EYLL STREET, Pe kt,&rtt ?? of itse7f of thien Csperl ibent to all odter it' -iend cad C01c ?? the'f can he recosumensedto 1sjr Ide IC rbes interested may for a time successfully , ?? adsp6t1iO rdtinbthe universal approving m',j¶rfe h c ebi rr head btoteelare the *great sat, Of E +-t 4 (7t;6l' °- n> by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITESOGrAPuY.-We have had sent 10 I's a specimen of lithography by Mr Peck of this city, which affords an excellent illustration of the state of perfection to which this important art has been brought. It isa sheet of sixteen co0lumins, con- sisting of articles copied from the Edinburgh papers of Satur- dav, and a copy of the principal woodcut in the last number of Punch. These are most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSE'MBLY ROO'MS, GEORGE STREET. The right Fon. the COUNTESS of MORTON. imr BOYLE of Shewaltnn. Mrs, BALER PT CRAIGIE I-NGLIS of Cramond. Director. ARCHIBALD HOPE, Esq. of Pinkie. T EE DIRECTORS belgto announce, that the QUEEN'S AS EML'- being the FrESTr for the Season. weill take plots, on TLURSI)AY the 7th Feaosy Iiserctdthat the Officers of the Array and.Nav, h LietlacQueen's Body Guard, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9SE R e. O r G. IIIHE Rev. R11 blITAGGART of Greyfriars Parish, wiill Preach ii ill JoHix KNOX'S CHunRCI, oil SABBATH FIRST, it Six o'clock, r.M., the first of it Course of Leceturcs that are to be do- livered in that Church, by the City Clergy a1ndL Others, WI Oil Collections will be made for the benofit of the Funds of tile Church. The Maingers confidently look to tile friends of the Chnrch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *t;italteurls dec/are that the 'oniiia is gratefal and iacvitorating, and the ?? Of the etcf(cetoY nicree gquitc Cl/tCakat- lnwetenltes are devouring it in ?? iWarder. IT O N D E R 1-1 E Y D E S A~o N ~ E CELEBRATED LONDON D7ROWN EAPPEr., ' vhlich G3iDlGE MILLAR, ToBlAcCONISr, No. GO, Union Street, Aberdeen, is Agent. When the abwve uicqualled RaeR'nu: vas introduced into tbiS City, it was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V A ~ l'A~O~illXL -Alil) of ATIl RLaU have seoverajl Fatuolus T PaotPers w-bo are hlot wi11y Safely ait large, but quiet and harinless, toid of consdiderable itidustria~l Sel-vice, where they arc ,now resilient. Thlose dispoio~l~ to keep lull lllinient 0110 or norel of theftl for Twelve lmoltils, maly apply, staltilq terms, oti or- be- fore thle li~ti February, to Mr WILLIAM Riltilie, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T)LCKVANIH.ON SALE, PthOL LAICK VARNISH; Boiled TAR; Coal PITCHI, Pitch OIL SULPHATE of AMlIONIA; Gas LIME; SUPFRPMOS- NM= of LIME; English GLUE; Vaggon and Machinery ORRASE; ROMAN CEM[ENT, in whole, half, and quarter Ravels; Glazed and Vitrified STONEWARE PIPES, for water amd Solverege purposes; Fire Clay CHIMNEY CANS and ININGS; Fire BRICKS and Flue COVERS, &c. &c. w ?? MILLER &: CO. ...