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Advertisements & Notices

... T ETN DERBYNWYR.P Pv~ap PWURwed a tamP gya , VW 4c. wrus amv FAIBB, . 4eci eampio ar UN*, Ss. So.; ond aC e t)dir oasd breidda. 18e. 0. tel* ymen lam, y t am ekwastr edi ei satampo Jdd 4.; am hamzr ' blvcddyr. 8&.; am.ff,9widdYS, 168 Lk tiad elij r ci had drwV Dotatt, sCeaa .'a pedwar chteeeh, ame Uerhvw gyAife (equal number) 0 blcpaeu i'm dff4-, ac afnfon y tatiadau yn -IAen Uaw ?n oF 3c. Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *AT E7N DERBYNWVYR. Pot PYTANI, OJ esa cY ' c P. amua: dnfoner pobarte', 4e. 40bim, aer bat 88. 8yC.; ow, o.- Pta Myieltr b ob biwndd.vt, IRS. rhai naa 11aw. ?/ pris am ehwaLrfer Witd ei Stanlt fcc 4s.; am hanew blyn eutn. noam ffwvURvt, 16s. LCyei ,e dir es chabi deth DIo., arthwr, 0s OyftaMA dfe pedwar, chwoecht, me unrhyWn gz'fiifer (equal umber) yerocan ivT deAr I, avnfonp taliadau pa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF THE CHRONICLE. Stosaped, per annum, on credit .1 I 0 iarnsped per annum, in advance . 0 .9 0^ 8tamped. engle copy . . . . . . 0 0 4 Unstasnped. single copy (to be had only at Bangor) 0 0 Sj Unstamped, per annum, on credit, ditto . 0 16 O Unstamped, per annum, in advance, ditto . 0 15 0 Five Postage Stamps t-, be inclosed with orders for sisigle copies. or they cannot be sent by post. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANGOR AND HOLYHEAD. TWO CRANDB CONBCEMT s. B`ATHS ASSEMBLY ROOM, BANGOR, on D5THURSDAY, February 7, 1856. Morning Concerts to commence at 3, and Evening Concerts at 8 ?? Seats, 2a.; Second ditto, Is. For particulars see Programmes. VOCALIST: MISS SHARP, of the Liverpool Concerts. SOLO-PIANOFORITn: MISS A. J. SWAINSON. soLO-vIoW.fN: Mr. IH. ilULSE. SOLO-HIARP: MR. T. D. MORRIS. THE above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Balisior at 10. 40 awm, aild the one leaving Carnarvon at 5 St van. Bly authorisy. TEETI1. TE ETIg. Attendance at the} TjXBRIDouo ALARtS HlOTEL, Carnarvin, Private RtoomS, oil IN'WDNESDAY, December 31st, .8MG, fron Tcn to Pour. TEETII ! IMPORTANT NOT'CE! M ESSRS. GAL'lIEL, the old cetiblished Surgeon Dentists I Liave tbe honour to inform theit patients ?? the public, that they irosy be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Magistrates and other Freeholders of the C6unty of Merioneth. LORDS AND GENTLEMEN,-The Office of Coroner W U your County having become vacant by the death of mry lamented Brother-in-law, I beg to olfer myself for the Appoiat- iment. After twenty-two years residenlie iii the practice of illy profession, and having held Inquests tipin several occasion13 for' the late Coroner, my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANGOR DIOCESAN CHURCH BUILDINGI SOCIETY. j A QUARTERLY MEETING of the Committee A of the Society will be held in the Chapter Room, on TUESDAY, 6th January, at 12 o'clock. H. OWEN, Hon. Sec. Llangefni, Jan. Ist, 1857. FIintshire D~ispensary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING Iof the Trustees, Benefactors, and Subscribers to the above Charity will take place at the BOARD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1L:L-A. IT.JD XOSTYN ARMS, FAMILY AND COM[ERCIAL HOTEL, LYDIA M'LELLAN, PROPRIETRESS. A M ILI ES and Gentlenueivisiting thisfashionalle Bathingrlace, vill find every comfort at the above Hotel. The Apartnt..ts i2 tre opell, airy, aild comtfoitable ttle Beds vvell aired, Ithe attendance superior, anid the-Provisiono, WinesaAIes, Porter, e,, oF tl ebest uaility, ;Whiltt tie charges are ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAIRS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. As wc intend shortl) to prepare our Almanac for the year 1S58, we shill feel obliged if our friends wyill for. ward to us, at their earliest convenience, a notice ol any alterations that may have taken place in the ar- c rangetnents for holding the F.airs in their reapvctie t localities, or of any corrections Which our last lists m ay require. v , ?? TO CORRESPON] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Advertisers will plense taike notice that all advertisements or. dered for insertion in 'NPI\>T ?? are invariably continued till countermatided. Piteties ivno *ish for o0e insertion should write for NE5S PYAPrEI- OLY . The NonBr NVALOS CCHRONIOLE is duly registered for trans- miseidn to the British Molonies, and Foreign Countries. Parties requiring extra papera ehould, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. we wish come of our eorre3pondent, would he more considerate and send their communitatiouls earlier. With tile mjass of ad: vertieemetlte. nseize, amd other intelligence this %e-Ael, it Is iL- posaible aey call insert half the letters received on the Friday. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURACY WANTED. W ANTED, isinmediatrly, by a Graduiate of Cambridge, iij Priest's Orders, and thoroughly conversant with bath the Welsh and English languages, a CURtACY. Diocese of Bangor a: prefarred. Testimonials unecceptionable. Address- Cantab, North Wales Chronicle Office, Bangor. _ WA N TED, N a Gentlemaii's family, a good plain COOK. Apply at the '2 I Office of the 'North WNales ...