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Advertisements & Notices

... BILLIARD. NEWS mARTIN'S -Stationery Establishment, Caxtoln Stlouse. ~~FREEMASONRY. h ST. JOHN'S DAY. St. latvdl's rodQire, Hangor5, No. S4:.b. TrEE W.M. and Brethren of the St. DAVID'S LODGE, No. 540, of Ancient, Free, and Ac. cepted Masons, have arranged to hold the FESTIVAL of ST. JOHN, at BANGOR, on THURSDAY, De- cember 27. The W.M. earnestly hopes for the presence of as many Brethren, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M1R. ELLIS ROBERTS, jfawpist, by appointinsst, to 1His Royal Highness the Prince of Fales, W 1LL give his popular MUSICAL ENTER- IV TAINMENTI and Harp Recitals, at the fol- wwinlg Towns _ Ll.ANGOLLEN, NEXT TUESDAY. .UABON, August 2. I R[I EIL, Auzust 7. ST. ASAPH, August 8. DENBIGH, August 9. .tABERGELE, August 13. CONWAY, (Morning Performance,) August 14. Llanrwst, Bangor, Beaumaris, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. TUDNO'S CHURCH, LLANDUDNO, GREAT 0RNI E'S HEAlD. H PIE RESlORATION of the aboveancient Edi- T 6cc hein r now completed, it is purposed RE- OPENING the s n-e for Divine Service, on THuns- DAY, the 18th inst. . Morninz Servbie, in English, at half-past Ten Afternoon Servien, in \V1lsh, :t. half-past Two. JANES WILL IAIS 3' Churchwardens. Llandudno, 1st Otober, 1855. N.B.-There will be Welsh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE THIOUSAND COPIES POSTED NVEEKLYW! Severity-t'ourlit Thmittsid-Libravy E'dilio i. I0 01). Sent free on. rr'ce~pt of t; s/aj ps, to pie-pall Postagqe, addressed lo Mr. LANVHS, AMedjrIIa P1idaisher-, 2, Charles Street, l1intton Garden, London,1t EVERY MAN HI1S OWN DOCI'O; ii- COM INON SIENSE ON COMMENON SUiij ECTS: APovuilar' Gutide to 1-leathil, ad dro' 'ed to the A ynunL th-e, Old, thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )i \TIARIS GRA1'MMPIART SCIHOOL rc-opens oni August 8th. nlead Master, the Rev. libcirktai) ,, [..l . Terms for ?? will he frwairded, with fl cthe' particularis, on application to the Il-ead Master. eaulli lris, June -24. C URAMMAII SCIIoUL, ST. ASAPII. I-i 1E MASTER. J. .1. Tl. INitrsus, 1.C1'. and of Sit .John's Coil. Canmbridge, A uthor of the School- T'he Duties of this School will re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In post Smo., price7s. 6M., Nineteen'th Th6usand, C11RIST ON THE CROSS: an -Exposition of J Psalm xxii. By the Rev. JOHN STEVENSON, Vicar of Patrixbourne, Canterbury. London: J. H. JACKSEON, Islington-green and Pateinoster-row; SEELEys, Fleet-street; and all other Booksellers. in post 8vo., price Ss., Nineteenth 7housan d,, T HE. LORD OUR SHEPHERD: an Excosi. I tion of Psalm xxiii. By the Rev- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AVERY GOOD COW, five ypars old, a ce'oss TI A between a thornugh bred Guernsey and a tho- Prough bred Ayrshire, to calve this mointh, is now on SALE. -Apply to R. E. L., North Wales Chronijcle office, Bangor. ?? BENJAMIN WILLIAMS H-as REM~OVED1 fiom the WATERLOO INN to the VICTORIA HOTEL, BETHESDAi. AC MMODATION ample, end charges mode- ra .toe. Well-aired Beds-Good Coach Houses- First-rate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALESSANDRO CAVAZZI ¶ILL deliver ORATIONS in B3ANeoR and i4V BEAvMAItIC, in the course of tile ensuing week, on POPERYZ IN' ENGLAND. Notice of tine and place evill be given by placards. BANGOR LADIES CFIURCI-I MISSIONARY t ASSOCIATION. I HIlE ANNUAL MEETEING of the Bangor La- 2 T (lies Church Missionary Association will be held in tile NATlONAL SCHOOL RooM, Dean-street, Bangor, on TUESDAY, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROYAL-EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPMOtATION. For FiiUr, LIPE, and MARINE ASSURANCES, and for ANNU fTirS. Establisbe'l A.D. 1720, by ChArter of King George the First, and confirmed b) Special Acts of Parliament. Chief Office in the Royal Exchange, London ; Branch, 29, Pall Mall. pERSONS assured with this Co oeration incur no c liabilities of Partnership. ?? nient of their claims is secured by a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wHE!N YOU ASK FOR GLENIFPIELD PATENT STARCHR9 EE THAJT YOU GEtT-IT. Ag inferior kinds are often substitated. WVHA'T 1S lE TIME? WATCHES ! WATCHES ! ! From £C Mra each. Sent per post on receipt of Post OMce Order. THE OLDEST WATOR MANUFACTOIRV IN LIVERPOOL, 61, South Caestle-streto IF yott are in want of a good WATCtI (vrarranted to keep cor- ect time)!, senda Post-office Order to JOSEPN SEWILL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREBORTH HAIL ACADEMY, NEAR 13ANGOR. MRN I. G. L. P A Rr0.Y. . JN returning thanks for the kind support receivedi sieve lie Sitie- ?? cueded his late Fath er, begs to announce to h is frivnds an S~t ilt, __ public that lis, School re-openo onl Morciray NEXT, Jam. 25 l18sS, CURACY WVANTED, aitir B 'Y ?? P1ricot's Orders. Vieoivii eucnforinity wvith ileter teacihing of the I'raver-Book. and 0: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMING OF AGE OF GEORGE SHOLTO DOUGLAS-PENNANT, Esq. TO TIlE CHURCHWARDoENs OF THE PAR I-Ia O1 T BANGOR. E, the undersigned, Inhatbitants of Rangor, ie' to request W that you will CONVENE AN EARLY MIEETING of the Il rarishioners and other residents, to consider and determine as to thle best means of celebrating the Coming of Age of GEORGE O S.sIIOLIO DOULAS-PENNAT, Esq. I J. H. COTTON. I 0. 0 ...