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... TALHAIARN-CAMBRIA'S FAVOURITE -BARD. ly Id What's a' your jargon o' your schools, Your Latin names for horns nd stools, If honest Nature made you fools, ii ZWhat sairs your grammars ? d Ye'd better ta'en up -spades and shols, S., Or-knapping hammers. Ig s A set o' dull conceited hashes A Confuse their brains in college classes; I- They gang-it, struts and comne out asses, Plain truth to speak ...


... OUR LIBIRARY TABLE. Co-o old fricend, DLaAC0Y~Ot), ill his iuteber fo r Sep- teul'er, gives us two papels on CiterhDani- -cule Cons)iderin g ?? display aG the beginll: 0 of last, mut lth cs a spectacle, -the otber HaeatrtiTg the partijilel PS of the sonitovial trip in tihc Pera. The ia ter is, We C i- not say howt truly, attribute~l to Mr. \\Watort.o, thcue IlCil- ber' for Midhtirst, and ...


... affl., ? a T A i 0 ,a, i a t t .4. CARTREkF. Buddugol yn Porthmradog, BbrilL 10ed, 18S7. Cartref, cartref, 0 ! air swynol- Cartref, gair o fel yn Ilawn; Cartref, unig le dymunol. Beunydd mae yn hyfryd jawn: Er fod Rlawer ar y ddaiar O drigfanau prydferth, drud; Gartref ydyw'r mwyaf hawddgar, A'r prydferthaf yn y byd. Nid adeilad fawrwych, gostus Llawn o ddodrefn gwychion, drud; Nid bardd wisg ...


... Z!, Illu. ~Xil,,i LI IIL i.- (o~'odEdit iol) -It is ol 171211' (101 lli1i1W. s~itico Nv.' 1(21 oce,,lol 1o liotice the flrst. editioti ?? i:.t'v.Jl'CLIL N1o1`(2 ; al111 (112 fuet ('Otplea- 11(2 ill re1ttlrnLII1- to .'~Cond edition iniwovcd end Cot'- o0 A'erne(t.-''volo11 tILL wo1''7L '11 (1 Ihorn thiat '9 a ye- e aerobic YiI Ii I' I hai aide~l thle rantiol' inl thle be ?? X >i 'p1'l)el I'I'n ...


... OUR LIBRiARlY I'ABLE. A pleasant book to loo10 at and a pleasanter lo n r'ead, is l'ir.-rLuiu;SQUE Sit Sl-cii Es Oj LONDON, PASr v AXD PlESENT, by Thioias Miller, ' the Basket v Maker, as lie nsed to be called, from his following s that occupation in llis youtlger tdays, -tfliough ihe b has now won for himself a n nalie il thlc literatiire y of his couontry. These Sketches originally ap ...

Litarary Varieties

... 'iterhary Miet es. oN THE DEATH OF GENERAL SIR C. NAPIER. (ri om the Dablin 7Unive7,sity Mfagazine. '1ould War were dead! . . Yet when a Warrior dies Likc this one, to his knell a pulse rebounds _ Our world is poorer by a noble man. Ss-'ERt is ?? conqueror of Scinme And righteouS ruler. Through a sickly frame, ?? with war, thle spiritual fire Biaeed tcrblike on the battle's vanward surge; And ...


... TIHE MUSIC OF THE FESTIVAL. - , . L - -. - I I I., .1 . . . Nothing in the ?? aIInIl]S ot' the Priucipelity lies ever occurred if such vest ini]orlance, ::s the present arrangements. A most larinig innovation has been madle-an innovation, on the success or failiure of which, will materially dlepend the cause of art in in wales. Thc question ill fact to be decided is, whe- ther we are to ...


... FEiMINEINE ARITHMETIC. (Laura.) On me he shall uie'cr put a ring, So mamma, 'tis in vain to take trouble For I -was but eighteen ill Spring, WVhile his age, exactly is double. (MasIisssII.) He's but in bis tbirty-sixtb year, Tall, handsone, goodnatured, riAch, witty And if you refuse hinl, my deal, .May you die aln old maid -without pity ! (Laura.) His figure I grant von will pass, Anid at ...

Original Poetry

... 49righlill poettv. THE WAY TO WEALTH. List to a friend, he bids you list, 'While he unfolds a mystery; He'll tell you how to drive the mist, Which often tends to dim your e'e; To you, ye tradesmen all, the bard In measur'd verse thus loudly cries! Do not your interests disregard, But straight resolve to advertise! No matter what the goods you sell, No matter what the shape or size, It must ...


... High Living amongst the Monkeys.-A writer in India expresses, from experimental knowledge, his incredulity nas to the strength of the maternal instinct in the lower animals. This instinct, he says, is no doubt a very amiable and charming thing; very self-sacrificing, de- e lightful to contemplate. But we confess we have never seen it proof against a shot in the hinder parts, nor in- - ...


... T[-IE FASHIONS FOR JUNE. (From the Ladies' Treasury.) Among the most remarkable novelties in the fashions of the present season, we must notice the adoption of birds as trimmings for hats and bonnets. On a recent occasion the Empress of the Fren2h wore a bonnet of white crape, with a humming bird placed on a spray of lilac. And on riding-hats birds of considerable size are placed as ornaments, ...


... 'IIIC GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION I' FOR IRELAND. l Wle gave in onr last, an account of the authorized ceremonial at the opening of this Exhibition in Dublin on Thursday, hut our report of the pro- ceedings could not ihe forwarded in time. Availing ourselves of the invitation which we hadn received, we visited Dublin by the special ex- press, which ?? have already noticed, and imnine- diately ...