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... EFFECTS OF TIHE EMl-IIBITION rn le [IC Li, us Ii et 0- ~d r5 (Fromt thlic erpool ZIIOil)0 As regards the interest of trade it the metropoli, the Great Exhihition has proved a failure. CertainIl we were not prepared for this. That tradesnaca in all other towns, and in the country generally, would sufkr from the money spent in Lotudori, we anticipatedj and such is the case ; but lye calculated ...


... ar The building, destined for the proposed Exhibition of th Art Treasures at M~fanchester which opens on the 5th of al May next, is now completed, the decorations having been PC commenced on Wednesday. th The building itself, with the offices, covers' about three pr acres of land. The South Junction and Altringham Rail. way runs close by the south side of, and communicates, by o0 covered ...


... From le Follect. 'Ne have scen at one of our principril artistes some very elegant ball-dresses for young ladies, which wete, composed of white tarlatan. Somse bad five or seven flounces, upon wbieh were placed a very open blonde, through the holes of which were threaded very narrow cerise velvet. Others had threo skirts, trimmed in a similar manner above the heme, the cerise velvet being ...


... (From -T3e ReFlcf.) FaI - The fashions for the summer seasoa may Daw'bb seen Doi in all their novelty anl freshness. Steel Czlour and bra white and black cheochze of all dimensious, are Vler!'much ligi worn for negligee dresses; which are made with high it 'bodies, either with or without basques. In Ihe formar 2a case the basques are made very long, half ccveriogs the bci r skirt. The lanciere ...


... voctip. LET US SHEW WE'RE GRATEFUL EVER, List, olh list ! the breeze is blowing, Gently sighing, lo I come ! Wafting b:,im, and healtth bestowving, On each isainate of each home. EIvery little cloud is teeming, Dropping nectar here and there While the Sun's bright eye is beaming Throughl the rain-wvells cv'rywleere. List, oh list ! God's voice is callisng, Lo! I senud ~ou gifts divinee; Sec! ...


... | PENRHYN AGRICUIATURAL SHOW. I The animnal exhibition of horses, cattle, sheep, pigsq F agricultural implcements and pioductions% of cottiage Igardens, for premiums given by tire Hon. Colonrel IDonglas-Penuant, and which, very liberally on hs . to Ipart, is not Confined to his own teniantry, bitt is open to all competitbrs, took place yesterdaty in the Park, P near Tyrnew)-dd. Tire) weather, ...


... Ivoettv. PLAYINfi SOLDIEItS, Playing soldiers bad enougig is WRheU one boy another calls; But we know, it fisr more rolils is Wihen the redl-coats play with bal1 Oft do we civilians listen Whlen the fife and urlrnm draw near; But When pikecs and h:lbercls izlisito r1he each cowvardl quakes for fear. Old Johl Bull, xvith peace grown bulky, Fain Ihis fat wvoul'I lonl- leep- Tho' tiejo's 11500 co ...


... - CHRIST-MAS CATTLE SHOW. THE GREAT DAY. The show of fat cattle at marliet on AMonday was, %without fo exception, the finest that has yet been witnessed ; a striking m ?? was observable throughout. The quality tc displayed was of a very superior order. There was a general et absence of preposterously fat meat all on offer was fit for p: the table, and general excellence pervaded throughout. It ...


... MTEICAL, ARTISTIC, AND DRAMATIC: : ?? *GOSSIP. i' .-The~wext oratorio given by the Sacred Harmonic So; the P ciety is to be Handel's Solomon. .amon In addition to the new serial tale upon which Mr Tli Charles Dickens is at work, it is. said that a short was t ~story, also from his pen, will soon appear in doule1wld to de Words. in thi -Mr and Mii Barney Williams hlave entered into Imm, an ...


... affl., ? a T A i 0 ,a, i a t t .4. CARTREkF. Buddugol yn Porthmradog, BbrilL 10ed, 18S7. Cartref, cartref, 0 ! air swynol- Cartref, gair o fel yn Ilawn; Cartref, unig le dymunol. Beunydd mae yn hyfryd jawn: Er fod Rlawer ar y ddaiar O drigfanau prydferth, drud; Gartref ydyw'r mwyaf hawddgar, A'r prydferthaf yn y byd. Nid adeilad fawrwych, gostus Llawn o ddodrefn gwychion, drud; Nid bardd wisg ...


... a _E GONDOLINE. h (AlliEn o wait H. K. White). a An dawel nob, pan d1wynai Boer a Yn hynaws sr y llif, a A thonau mAn wrth droed y graig, e Ymjurentyn ddirif. Fe rodiai Gon doline y traeth, n Yn opeth brydferth lawn; h Ond2io4rod serch dau roa ei grodd, a ; %gof oe d yn liawn. n A meddwl prodd, a llygaid Ilaith, Y bylhi 'r eneth wiw, Pan dybiai glywed oeaindwy Ei Bertrand dan ei friw. y .i ...


... SALISBURY AGRICULTURAL SOQIETy. The nineteenth sshow of the Royal Agricultural Society closed on Friday, with a degree of brilli- ant success that has never been exceeded; and, we firmly believe, never equalled in those elements that make a substantial success-that is to say, pleasant at the time, and profitable, in an intellectual sense, hereafter. The district wvas one which has effected ...