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... MARKET INTELLIGENCE. CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE.- MONDAY.—Oct. 29. The arrivals of grain last week were moderate, but country and American flour was plentiful. The home supply of wheat was 7,109 quarters the only foreign arrivals were two cargoes-viz., 5.191 quarters from New York, and 653 from Bilboa. The exports were 1.905 quarters. The samples from Essex and Kent this morning were by no means ...

[No title]

... WEDN ESDA-Y.- (Before J. C. Fowler, and Evans, Esqs. SHEEP SiEAHNG.—Benjamin Jones and Wm. John were charged, on the evidence of John Wilkins, (an accomplice), with being concerned m stealing the ram sheep alluded to in our Aber- pa^e police-report, and after several additional witnesses, had been examihe,d, they were commit- ted for trial at the ensuing Quarter Cessions. JUVENILE OFFENDERS ...


... Traffic for Week ending Dec. 18,1859 £4f¡71 1 7 Corresponding Week last Year fil89 6 8 RHYMNEY RAILWAY. Traffic for week ending Dec. 17, 1859. £ 670 5 8 ...


... STATIONS OF THE WESLEYAN MINISTERS. ENGLISH PREACHING. SWANSEA.—W. Liadley, W. P. Slater (Neath). BRIDGEND.—Thomas Osborne, who shall change on one Suuday in every six weeks with the ministers of the Cardiff circuit. CARDIFF.—Everard Vigis, Ed ward Jennings (Ponty- pridd), .John Holmes; Robert Bees, supernumerary. MERTHYR-TYDVIL.—Edward Russell, George Cart- wright. Barber, Thompson Hesk. ...


... Train Time Tables for October. NEWPORT, ABERGAVENNY & HEREFORD AND TAFF VALE EXTENSION RAILWAY. UP TRAINS. WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS. UP TRAIN. 1,2,3, 1, 2P Exp 1 & 2 1,2,3,1 Starting from morn morn 1 & 2 after after j morn after Newport 7 20 10 30 2 0 4 30 7 45 8 30 4 30 Pontnewydd 7 32 10 42 — jt 42 7 57 8 40 4 40 +5 l>^ Ebbw Y. — 9 0 — 2 15 7 0 — 11 15 Sa Blaina.. — 9 5 — 2 20 7 5 — 11 20 Crumlin — ...

APRIL 1858. /ð2/

... APRIL 1858. V** THE CARDIFF STEAM 1 NAVIGATION COM- PANY'S Fast-Bailing Steamers JENNY JONES, AND are intended to ply between CARDIFF and BRISTOL, with Passengers and Merchandise, during the Month of APRIL, as follows :—arriving at and starting from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling at the Hotwells, where Passengers will be Landed and Embarked at the Rown- ham Ferry Slip, tree of expense. ...


... BOWK TRAINS-MORNING. J Mail, list sjut.sdiut ..wmmwim & t, 2nd 3rd 2|ld >Ut &(-, & 2>,& 3ld>l&2 ;Class.SClass.^lass. Class.;2d CI.'Class.-Class.; Paddington j 7 5 7.50 9.50;10.15' 8. Õr Swindon. ;12. 2jl0.32Ul.25; 1.15' 1. Bath > ..I 9.15> 2.32511.20 12. 5; 2.10= 2.58^ T> I (arrival I ...


... To-day's market was seasonably well supplied with most kinds of foreign stock but the receipts of beasts, fresh up from our grazing districts, were on the decrease, though of fair average quality, at an advance in the prices of Monday last of 9d per 8lbs. With sheep we were very moderately supplied, and the cur- rencies had an upward tendency. The veal trade ruled dull. There was rather more ...


... WESTERN VALLEYS. I UP TRAINS. Week Days. Sttday^. From a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. P-UV Newport 7 0 12 0 5 30 9 0 5 Rhymney Junction 7 12,12 13 5 43 9 15 5 Tydee 7 17 12 18 5 48 9 20 5 Risca 7 26 12 27 5 57 9 30 5 » Cross Keys 7 32 12 34 6 4 9 39 5 i9 Chapel Bridge 12 39 6 9 9 44 •••. 1239 6 9 944 Aberearn 7 42 12 45 6 15 9 50 5 0' Newbridge 7 48| 2 52 6 22 9 57 6 Crumlin 7 53' 12 57 6 27 10 2 6 V ...


... THE IRON TRADE. The satisfaction with which the late advance of 20s. per ton upon manufactured iron has been received, and the absence of any consequent re-action in the demand, has led to speculation whether the prices declared at this time last year might not again be more successfully attempted. That they were then only prematurely determined upon, and that the successive reductions of the ...

[No title]

... BANKRUPTS. (From the London Gazette of Fridav.) Andrew Wigdahl, Lower Thames-street, ship broker. Eugene Duval, New Bond-street, milliner. Thomas Pratt, Dean-street, Solio, some time passing under the name of Thomas Mowbray, Gloucester-mews East, Portman-square, farrier William Henry Elliott, Cheapside, clothier. James Louson Anderson, Cannon-street West, linen factor. William Holmes Wakelin, ...


... What is hair? Long, thin skins, growing from the body in place of on it, and filled with colouring matter, just as the skin is coloured. The hair is made up of three sections: the tubular depression into the skin into which the hair is inserted; the root of the hair; and the stalk filled with the colouring matter. A hair might be compared to a hyacinth, in its glass, remembering that all the ...