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... FAIUS F?,M, Tlfl`, ?? II !-nt:vr . , FLolti-.tAt ?? 'ir- cn ?? m-d,.1 thero'wo ,Iolow of joot t.'c3iol '1'rv litl ?? *au., Nl n ?? 1'O! ' .0 ?? 's 0n' a I10 1 11 fa i r II iot b 1 1, ( :e11 e t I% 0 II I I il lboult .10v' nI~olk, Ol]d it -ir~s l ec l sa ilje andk (110- purhee oir, ho oncfle 1In o- Il;e ib at 1111tonn .5d~i to '.d. 1of 1 r oo C, In ?? I I 1 ~ antIIds1 ?? r 1 hu I I Io ...


... rrs YSBRnD0oN ANUNa' gan Iorie,'tlb Glan AIed. I It There are four or five points which should never be l slost sight of in estimating the merits of any poetical a scompo ition. As poetry is a very powerful moral 1. agent, exercising great influence for good or for evil, t h and forming, as it generally does, an index to the , n moral condition of society, it is of the first importance tnto ...

Original Poetry

... (OWi lal voclttp CA KS B R I A. Vltat I le' ile ash, wouldl this world be, ItI'mtinus hills aid ftritfol vales'! It then wvoldi tveatr to cioaria for mc, Siece Vales 'could be no longer Wales. Vho would admire this land of ours, If wteads atid shady groves we'ld none I 3f once bereft of fruits and flow'rs, 'Iweold soon be a deserted one. TWho would esteem this little nlook,- This Eden, enes ...

Our Library Table

... ®u- ALillranr iL hbkc. Sorte days hlave e-lapsed Siince wre received our niagayiino parcel ;but. we lx ave hat], sim iii tan a onsly, such at ?? of reading- connected with the war, that we really have licen unable to give thle alwiays-wel- coine periodicals th'at attention thee so well descrVe. But batter late than never.'' We' proceed to say a few words abtoint those we always read with the ...


... n The Javkdaw sto hecardinal's chair !he hai e Bisahop, and abbat, and prior were there; esu Mt anw a monk, and many a friar, asu AHany a knight, and Many a squire, is. an with a good many more of tesser degree, In soothea goodly company; Anld they served the lord primate on bended knee Befloi e Never, I ween, Wee a prooder ?? Read of is books, er dreamt of in dreams,.h Al Than the Cardinal ...


... OUR LIBIRARY TABLE. Co-o old fricend, DLaAC0Y~Ot), ill his iuteber fo r Sep- teul'er, gives us two papels on CiterhDani- -cule Cons)iderin g ?? display aG the beginll: 0 of last, mut lth cs a spectacle, -the otber HaeatrtiTg the partijilel PS of the sonitovial trip in tihc Pera. The ia ter is, We C i- not say howt truly, attribute~l to Mr. \\Watort.o, thcue IlCil- ber' for Midhtirst, and ...


... The Ifiisttry of Englland during the TliirtyYears' Peace, Uy Jlarriet fAlar.enu. Vol. II. Knight. The scenes on the meminorable 22ud of April 18SI, whilen King William the Fourtlh prorogued Pliflilamclit with a vies. to ite imniediate dissolorioti, are described with'so muleh aninmationi arnd fidelity, that we will pre- sent thle envire passage to our readers. They will re. collert ?? of the ...


... ADDOLIANT Y BEIRDD AR HU CHWYL ADFY- FYRIAWNL YN NHENKL NATUIL. IORWE rRTUT.; O frorau nefolaidd! mor glir yw yr awyr, I wenau yr haul ci ghyys ddorau a egyrr; Y mor sydd yn ll yfnd g, a'r bryniau draw'n scrohawg i A daenaut cu larlun ar ei fronau ardderchawg ! Y gwlanog gyniluylan lowyrchant gysgodion Eu porphor ar flodau y dolydd hyfrydion; A'r haul fel rhyw olvyil o aurr yn pclydru, A'i ...


... AT .Y WLADWItIAETTI. ?? IPwy o'nm cym'dogion ffyddlou i -A dleunynat or on hynt ?? Nod *vyf am dal( , mcdid ea rt ?? Ond sjith-swyllt yn y bunt. , )ajied I; and Sisialyint hwy a'u brad yn fawr, d ecek - Nad ydwyfi fol gynt, C lus cl f - Ond fel rhysv adyn gwael or lawr, a f tho Am dalu n1io na phitat. a me of mostt Cyhoeddvwyf lier i inrrhyw ddyn, x I broti hya or hynit; I tbat . rTulais, Ualf ...


... REIlIBV. IvW Addlys9 Chanmbers i'r Bobl.-( Cjtamjjbers's Snforniation for Hi the People.) Parts IX and X.-E dwards, Pa'Ilheli. On We have always looked upon the undertaking of tio translating and publishing Chambers's Information in de Welsh, without the auxiliary aid of a munificent patron, Pr a bold step. Chambers, with the wide field of the United an Kingdom, the British Colonies all over ...


... Io fler It rt- OClUR 1,11iBRARtV 'T'ABLE. ' 'I.ire alt tii\- ' is the n aturatl retleat of tii E ditor, when Worri ed witli the cl ainis of conltenii ding initerests, aii d weavied wit tllhe attentlns to inpllirt ?? likic forni and consiitenycy to the hiicongruo us niatsS of materials with whiich fie is surroulilded, an l ftromii the clhiatof which he Ii as to ?? the t'ew g rI i Is of I ?? ...


... Ii- THE OPENING CEREMONY. ut_ _ ia. The Queen hlaving, as we previously intimated, 6igniked lu her Royal pleasure that arrangements should be made to to enable her nlajesty to gratify a wish very generally ex- re pressed on the part of the public to be present at the id interesting ceremony by which the Exhibition will be thopened on Thursday next, the Ist of May, the Royal Ig Commissioners, ...